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Recruitment for the post of Pharmacist, Patna

Reserve Bank of India, Patna

Recruitment of Pharmacist

Reserve Bank of India, Patna invites application for the post of Pharmacist on contract basis. Bank will engage the services of such pharmacist on daily remuneration basis on a purely temporary basis as a "stop-gap" arrangement on the following terms and conditions:

  1. Pharmacist will be paid a fixed remuneration at the rate of Rs. 100/- per hour, not exceeding maximum of Rs.500/- per day and will not be entitled to any pay, allowance or any other perks/facilities.
  1. Bank has the right to stop utilizing the services of the Pharmacist at any time without any notice or reason thereof.
  1. Pharmacist is required to comply with and obey all orders and directions, which may from time to time be issued by an employee of the Bank under whose jurisdiction, superintendence and control, he is placed.
  1. He should maintain strict secrecy regarding the Bank's affairs and serve the Bank honestly and loyally with high integrity.
  1. The services rendered by the Pharmacist will not confer any right for a temporary or permanent post in the Bank's service.
  1. He will not be a regular employee of the Bank and will not be entitled to any facilities admissible to regular employees of the Bank.
  1. Whenever necessity arises he will be required to work in any of the Bank's dispensary at Patna during the working hours of that dispensary and remuneration will be paid depending upon the number of hours, his services are utilized by the Bank.

The candidates having Diploma in Pharmacy from recognized Board or University may send their application to the The Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India, Department of Administration and Personnel Management, Recruitment Section, south Gandhi Maidan, Patna -800001 so that it may reach on or before June 10, 2010.



It has come to the notice of Reserve Bank of India that some fraudsters falsely promising to offer job for the posts in the bank are sending Appointment letters through emails by using fake domains which do not belong to the Reserve Bank of India, but these could be deceptively similar involving use of words such as RBI, RESERVEBANK, etc.

It is hereby clarified that recruitments for various posts filled by the bank are advertised on our official website. Also, all details regarding recruitment e.g. Call letters, interview schedule, final result, etc., are published only on our official website https://opportunities.rbi.org.in. In view of this, the Reserve Bank of India cautions members of public to be aware of such fake Appointment letters issued by fraudsters promising job in the Bank. Any Advertisements/ Communication from other sources should be cross verified for authenticity from the website.

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