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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

Asset Publisher


Recruitment of Assistants - 2015: Display of Roll Numbers of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Appointment in the Bank

We refer to the advertisement dated June 12, 2015 published on our website www.rbi.org.in inviting applications for the posts of Assistant.

On the basis of performance of the candidates in the online test and interview, the list of provisionally selected candidates for the above post and the Cut off in the online examination applied for calling candidates for interview in respect of each category Centre –wise is given in the link provided below.

Roll numbers of Provisionally Selected Candidates and Cut – off marks for being called for interview

This list is provisional, subject to the candidates being found medically fit and submitting acceptable documentary evidence in respect of all eligibility criteria such as Age, Educational qualification, Category, Caste Certificate as per the Government of India approved formats etc., relieving letter from the previous employer (if employed with a Government Organisation/PSU) as stipulated in our advertisement referred to above. It may please be noted that in the absence of required certificates/documents, candidates may not be appointed in the Bank.

Offers of appointment to the provisionally selected candidates are being sent to their postal addresses available with us. Decision of the Bank in all matters pertaining to selection process shall be final and binding.

Individual Mark sheet for the above result will be displayed on the website within a fortnight.

We congratulate all the candidates who have made it to the Select List.

Reserve Bank of India
Human Resource Management Department
Central Office

Disclaimer: Though utmost care has been taken while preparing the list of successful candidates, the Bank reserves the right to rectify inadvertent errors, if any.

Recruitment of Assistant
(Online Examination held on August 01, 08 & 09 2015)
Roll Numbers of Finally Selected Candidates


1580304650 1580500898 1580703463 1580707764 1660700267 1680700140
1580308922 1580500914 1580703490 1580710654 1661500072 1680701309
1580308948 1580505012 1580703874 1590700406 1670301305 1690301355
1580309192 1580509791 1580705464 1620500527 1670702120 1690501398
1580500819 1580701392 1580707372 1650400148 1680300050 1690501402
2010108281 2010503799 2010701966 2010705120 2030100781 2140100043
2010200009 2010503819 2010702092 2010709998 2040100292 2140102404
2010303634 2010503936 2010702121 2010712901 2041500448 2160700178
2010308836 2010503949 2010702132 2010713580 2110500730 2200100003
2010308980 2010511962 2010704609 2011505610 2120501009 2210500254
2010500901 2010512411 2010704652 2011510784 2130500138  
2010501397 2010512657 2010704903 2020700793 2131300666
1530500107 1540300794 2380702335 2380708504 2400705485 2410502352
1540100736 2380106806 2380708015 2400502815  
2660700406 2680103462 2680311497 2680704169 2681508364 2700700706
2660700574 2680111210 2680509268 2680708272 2700300632 2730300253
2670700240 2680303452 2680701706 2681508113 2700700320 2740500187
2680100271 2680310985  
1500102566 1501503609 1740500136 1800700641 2820101348 2870101181
1500511612 1700102089 1740700647 1800700643 2820501522 2870700506
1500705741 1700701987 1750701366 1830100316 2820502119 2870700541
1500706093 1710500371 1750701394 1850700596 2820504089 2870701971
1500708180 1730500823 1770102094 1880100111 2830100209 2910700823
1501304501 1730700134 1771300603 2810701496 2840102581  
2780500972 3050304303 3050508491 3050705953 3051317184 3130101568
2780700415 3050501402 3050511325 3050708912 3060700966 3130101649
3050100211 3050502347 3050514514 3050712186 3070500044 3180500624
3050110519 3050504581 3050515161 3050716881 3090503301 3201300656
3050110806 3050507608 3050705613 3050716914 3120500850 3210500522
1310700801 1330302941 1330703200 1350300011 1370700097 2610600126
1330301143 1330501994 1340700110 1370100011  
1130500061 1170203601 1180701772 1200703376 1280500132 3260717759
1150100032 1170500824 1190700466 1200704648 3260311015 3260722283
1150500718 1170503279 1190701933 1201503585 3260516615 3260722565
1150700810 1170504226 1190801520 1210103348 3260517313 3261508652
1150703713 1180100480 1200102910 1220501169 3260703720 3280301186
2920101474 2970316009 2970517829 2970704265 2970718113 2980700329
2920101574 2970321915 2970522250 2970708423 2970718182 2980701343
2920102075 2970503269 2970522511 2970709427 2970719218 2990302368
2970110465 2970508068 2970522775 2970709543 2970800045 3010700307
2970311547 2970517332 2970703916 2970713870 2970914576 3030702126
1920700057 1940500784 1940501600 1940701359 1940702240 1941502070
1940301241 1940501526 1940701274 1940701936  
Kanpur & Lucknow
3310100306 3420106749 3421503921 3430511271 3430716523 3560700198
3310701213 3420107316 3430501537 3430511470 3430716752 3560701107
3330504931 3420109940 3430501661 3430514777 3460100251 3560701538
3370700262 3420510737 3430504860 3430702935 3500700228 3570700329
3370701406 3420701716 3430508260 3430705834 3530700765 3570700631
3380501267 3420711183 3430508294 3430715724 3540100110  
3420104249 3420711684 3430511221 3430716221 3560101736
3580700128 3620701292 3650104774 3650312562 3650512814 3650710393
3590500890 3640100169 3650104786 3650505381 3650702234 3650714046
3600100168 3640701572 3650104934 3650505526 3650702555 3650714193
3610700328 3640701604 3650108394 3650509182 3650710179 3650714269
3620100374 3650104190 3650312544 3650509268 3650710226 3660700880
2440501547 2470500652 2470810531 2480312109 2510102130 2510701284
2440702657 2470529413 2471509403 2480509186 2510109879 2510702807
2440703862 2470701738 2471515495 2480509202 2510110511 2510705616
2440704323 2470702977 2471521555 2490100487 2510307638 2510705927
2450304041 2470704856 2471528120 2490100581 2510310919 2510706136
2470117029 2470705547 2480100120 2490701518 2510500948 2510708691
2470122341 2470715078 2480101450 2490701740 2510508006 2510709344
2470126372 2470718417 2480104939 2500302826 2510508045 2510712111
2470129299 2470719133 2480104983 2500700751 2510508074 2510713060
2470300537 2470720997 2480107486 2500703984 2510508387 2510713065
2470304700 2470725179 2480110807 2501304062 2510511487 2511513689
2470314064 2470725815 2480111285 2510100035 2510511881  
2470320189 2470730709 2480115105 2510100249 2510609623
2470329832 2470810527 2480312072 2510100417 2510701033
1510700358 2380708632 2450704709 2480706814 2480713438 2480803554
1510800466 2390700539 2471323679 2480709736 2480716766 2481503531
1530700164 2400703125 2480509319 2480712951 2480717838 2481513671
1540700416 2410701175 2480603593 2480713012 2480803552 2511313659
New Delhi
1700501579 1760500554 2650137505 2650529513 2650719194 2650739243
1710500302 2650103185 2650500169 2650534294 2650719267 2650740915
1710500317 2650111108 2650503271 2650709356 2650721564  
1730500437 2650120032 2650526458 2650710856 2650723745
1730700310 2650136842 2650528472 2650719000 2650731590
1400500168 1440701874 1450508108 1450709315 1970100948 2000102325
1400701253 1441501933 1450508521 1450712364 1990300910 2000103472
1420500770 1450110011 1450513829 1450712506 1990500311 2000304113
1440501661 1450504326 1450705417 1960700734 1990701074 2000704738
Thiruvananthapuram & Kochi
2220700233 2240703531 2271501138 2310700555 2320700639 2320802886
2240500153 2241503746 2290700324 2310700964 2320701586 2321301884
2240702249 2250700619 2300100003 2320100084 2320701622 2321503821
2240703031 2270500355 2300500103 2320102987 2320701874 2330700421
2240703154 2270701382 2301300873 2320500279 2320703690 2330700776

Cut-off marks in the online examination for calling candidates for interview- category-wise and Centre-wise is given below

Ahmedabad 158.00 ---- 118.25 147.50 89.75 118.00
Bengaluru 150.75 134.00 133.25 142.75 113.75 107.25
Bhopal 169.00 152.75 147.00 160.50 113.50 124.50
Bhubaneshwar 169.25 153.25 135.75 165.50 142.75 103.25
Chandigarh 171.50 148.50 ---- 158.50 106.50 137.25
Chennai 163.25 150.00 137.75 159.75 114.75 127.25
Guwahati 161.75 142.25 136.75 151.25 105.50 127.75
Hyderabad 169.00 156.25 139.00 163.25 158.00 87.75
Jaipur 169.00 146.75 142.00 163.50 141.75 109.25
Jammu 163.75 --- 118.50 135.25 96.75 108.25
Kanpur & Lucknow 170.25 150.25 ---- 162.00 130.00 82.25
Kolkata 169.25 150.50 137.25 157.50 84.50 131.75
Mumbai 155.50 143.75 119.75 150.75 120.50 126.00
Nagpur 154.50 ---- ---- ---- 110.00 86.50
New Delhi 170.75 146.50 ---- 158.25 121.25 116.50
Patna 170.00 146.00 135.75 163.50 125.75 136.50
Thiruvananthapuram & Kochi 165.00 147.75 ---- --- 129.25 130.75

Disclaimer: Though utmost care has been taken while preparing the result, the Bank reserves the right to rectify inadvertent errors, if any.



It has come to the notice of Reserve Bank of India that some fraudsters falsely promising to offer job for the posts in the bank are sending Appointment letters through emails by using fake domains which do not belong to the Reserve Bank of India, but these could be deceptively similar involving use of words such as RBI, RESERVEBANK, etc.

It is hereby clarified that recruitments for various posts filled by the bank are advertised on our official website. Also, all details regarding recruitment e.g. Call letters, interview schedule, final result, etc., are published only on our official website https://opportunities.rbi.org.in. In view of this, the Reserve Bank of India cautions members of public to be aware of such fake Appointment letters issued by fraudsters promising job in the Bank. Any Advertisements/ Communication from other sources should be cross verified for authenticity from the website.

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