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ସେପ୍ଟେମ୍ବର 23, 2015
Draft framework on External Commercial Borrowings (ECB)
The basic objective of the extant External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) policy is to supplement domestic capital for creation of capital assets in the country, limited by considerations for capital account management. With the above objective in view, the ECB regime has been progressively liberalised over the years, allowing different entities to raise ECB. Within the overarching stance of calibrated approach to the capital account liberalisation, an attempt has now be
The basic objective of the extant External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) policy is to supplement domestic capital for creation of capital assets in the country, limited by considerations for capital account management. With the above objective in view, the ECB regime has been progressively liberalised over the years, allowing different entities to raise ECB. Within the overarching stance of calibrated approach to the capital account liberalisation, an attempt has now be
ସେପ୍ଟେମ୍ବର 01, 2015
Draft Guidelines on Transmission of Monetary Policy Rates to Banks’ Lending Rates – Base Rate Guidelines
Background 1. Under Base Rate system which came into effect from July 1, 2010, all categories of domestic rupee loans should be priced only with reference to the Base Rate, subject to the conditions mentioned in our circulars DBOD.No.Dir.BC.88/13.03.00/2009-10 dated April 9, 2010 and DBR. Dir.BC.No.63/13.03.00/2014-15 dated January 19, 2015. For monetary transmission to occur, lending rates have to be sensitive to the policy rate. At present, banks follow different me
Background 1. Under Base Rate system which came into effect from July 1, 2010, all categories of domestic rupee loans should be priced only with reference to the Base Rate, subject to the conditions mentioned in our circulars DBOD.No.Dir.BC.88/13.03.00/2009-10 dated April 9, 2010 and DBR. Dir.BC.No.63/13.03.00/2014-15 dated January 19, 2015. For monetary transmission to occur, lending rates have to be sensitive to the policy rate. At present, banks follow different me
ଜୁନ 25, 2015
Draft Guidelines on Writing of plain vanilla European Call and Put currency options by resident exporters and importers of goods and services
Under the existing regulatory framework, persons resident in India are permitted to buy plain vanilla European call or put options to hedge foreign currency exposures in accordance with Schedule I of Notification No. FEMA/25/RB‐2000 dated May 3, 2000 as amended from time to time from any AD Category‐I bank who has been accorded onetime approval by the Reserve Bank to run a FCY-INR options book. Writing of options by the users, on a standalone basis, is not permitted.
Under the existing regulatory framework, persons resident in India are permitted to buy plain vanilla European call or put options to hedge foreign currency exposures in accordance with Schedule I of Notification No. FEMA/25/RB‐2000 dated May 3, 2000 as amended from time to time from any AD Category‐I bank who has been accorded onetime approval by the Reserve Bank to run a FCY-INR options book. Writing of options by the users, on a standalone basis, is not permitted.
ଜୁନ 09, 2015
Draft Framework on Issuance of Rupee linked Bonds Overseas
Issuance of Rupee linked bonds overseas Attention of members of public is invited to paragraph 31 of the first Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2015-16 announced by the Reserve Bank on April 07, 2015 proposing to expand the scope of issuance of Rupee linked bond overseas by the international financial institutions as also permit Indian corporates, eligible to raise external commercial borrowings (ECB), issue such bonds with an appropriate regulatory framework. 2.
Issuance of Rupee linked bonds overseas Attention of members of public is invited to paragraph 31 of the first Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2015-16 announced by the Reserve Bank on April 07, 2015 proposing to expand the scope of issuance of Rupee linked bond overseas by the international financial institutions as also permit Indian corporates, eligible to raise external commercial borrowings (ECB), issue such bonds with an appropriate regulatory framework. 2.
ମଇ 28, 2015
Basel III Framework on Liquidity Standards – Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) – Draft Guidelines
RBI/2014-15/ DBR.BP.BC.XX/21.04.098/2014-15 May 28, 2015 All Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding RRBs) Dear Sir, Basel III Framework on Liquidity Standards – Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) – Draft Guidelines Please refer to the ‘First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2015-16’ announced on April 7, 2015, wherein the following proposal was made: 19. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision issued the final rules on the Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) in Octobe
RBI/2014-15/ DBR.BP.BC.XX/21.04.098/2014-15 May 28, 2015 All Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding RRBs) Dear Sir, Basel III Framework on Liquidity Standards – Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) – Draft Guidelines Please refer to the ‘First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2015-16’ announced on April 7, 2015, wherein the following proposal was made: 19. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision issued the final rules on the Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) in Octobe
ମଇ 28, 2015
Prepaid Payment Instrument (PPI) guidelines – Introduction of New Category of PPI for Mass Transit Systems (PPI- MTS)
DPSS.CO.PD.No./02.14.003/2014-2015 May 28, 2015 All Prepaid Payment Instrument Issuers, System Providers, System Participants and all other Prospective Prepaid PaymentInstrument Issuers (DRAFT CIRCULAR FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS) Madam/Dear Sir Prepaid Payment Instrument (PPI) guidelines – Introduction of New Category of PPI for Mass Transit Systems (PPI- MTS) A reference is invited to the Master circular issued vide RBI/2014-2015/105 DPSS.CO.PD. PPI.No. 3/02.14.006/2014-15
DPSS.CO.PD.No./02.14.003/2014-2015 May 28, 2015 All Prepaid Payment Instrument Issuers, System Providers, System Participants and all other Prospective Prepaid PaymentInstrument Issuers (DRAFT CIRCULAR FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS) Madam/Dear Sir Prepaid Payment Instrument (PPI) guidelines – Introduction of New Category of PPI for Mass Transit Systems (PPI- MTS) A reference is invited to the Master circular issued vide RBI/2014-2015/105 DPSS.CO.PD. PPI.No. 3/02.14.006/2014-15
ଅପ୍ରେଲ 10, 2015
Guidelines on Managing Risks and Code of Conduct in Outsourcing of Financial Services by NBFCs
1. Introduction 1.1 NBFCs have been outsourcing various activities and are hence exposed to various risks as detailed in para 1.2. Further, the outsourcing activities are to be brought within regulatory purview to a) protect the interest of the customers of NBFCs and b) to ensure that the NBFC concerned and the Reserve Bank of India have access to all books, records and information available with service provider. Typically outsourced financial services include applic
1. Introduction 1.1 NBFCs have been outsourcing various activities and are hence exposed to various risks as detailed in para 1.2. Further, the outsourcing activities are to be brought within regulatory purview to a) protect the interest of the customers of NBFCs and b) to ensure that the NBFC concerned and the Reserve Bank of India have access to all books, records and information available with service provider. Typically outsourced financial services include applic
ମାର୍ଚ୍ଚ 30, 2015
Requirement for obtaining prior approval of RBI in cases of acquisition/ transfer of control of NBFCs

DNBR (PD) CC.No. /03.10.001/2014-15 March, 2015 All NBFCs (excluding Primary Dealers) Dear Sirs, DRAFT FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS Requirement for obtaining prior approval of RBI in cases of acquisition/ transfer of control of NBFCs Please refer to DNBS (PD) CC.No.376/03.10.001/2013-14 and Notification No. DNBS(PD) 275/ GM(AM)-2014 dated May 26, 2014 on the ‘Non-Banking Financial Companies (Approval of Acquisition or Transfer of Control) Directions, 2014’. Reserve Bank has re

DNBR (PD) CC.No. /03.10.001/2014-15 March, 2015 All NBFCs (excluding Primary Dealers) Dear Sirs, DRAFT FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS Requirement for obtaining prior approval of RBI in cases of acquisition/ transfer of control of NBFCs Please refer to DNBS (PD) CC.No.376/03.10.001/2013-14 and Notification No. DNBS(PD) 275/ GM(AM)-2014 dated May 26, 2014 on the ‘Non-Banking Financial Companies (Approval of Acquisition or Transfer of Control) Directions, 2014’. Reserve Bank has re

ମାର୍ଚ୍ଚ 30, 2015
Large Exposures Framework and Enhancing Credit Supply through Market Mechanism
March 27, 2015 Background A bank’s exposure to its counterparties may result in concentration of its assets to a single counterparty or a group of connected counterparties. Internationally, concentration risk has been addressed by prescribing regulatory and statutory limits on exposures towards counterparties and various sectors of the economy. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) too recognised the need for banks to measure and limit the size of large ex
March 27, 2015 Background A bank’s exposure to its counterparties may result in concentration of its assets to a single counterparty or a group of connected counterparties. Internationally, concentration risk has been addressed by prescribing regulatory and statutory limits on exposures towards counterparties and various sectors of the economy. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) too recognised the need for banks to measure and limit the size of large ex
ମାର୍ଚ୍ଚ 13, 2015
Card Payments - Removal of requirement of Additional Factor of Authentication for small value card present transactions

DPSS.CO.PD.No. /02.14.003/2014-2015 March 13, 2015 The Chairman and Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer All Scheduled Commercial Banks including RRBs / Urban Co-operative Banks / State Co-operative Banks / District Central Co-operative Banks/Authorised Card Payment Networks (Draft Circular for comments) Madam / Dear Sir Card Payments - Removal of requirement of Additional Factor of Authentication for small value card present transactions Reserve Bank of India

DPSS.CO.PD.No. /02.14.003/2014-2015 March 13, 2015 The Chairman and Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer All Scheduled Commercial Banks including RRBs / Urban Co-operative Banks / State Co-operative Banks / District Central Co-operative Banks/Authorised Card Payment Networks (Draft Circular for comments) Madam / Dear Sir Card Payments - Removal of requirement of Additional Factor of Authentication for small value card present transactions Reserve Bank of India


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