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SITC of 164 number of 120AH VRLA, SMF batteries with fire retardant casing for Centralized UPS (1-set of 2x120 KVA) installed at BMOP, Kolkata

Tender number RBI/Kolkata /Estate/171/22-23/ET/270
Date of publication of NIT ଅଗଷ୍ଟ 12, 2022
Nature of work SITC of 164 number of 120AH VRLA, SMF batteries with fire retardant casing for Centralized UPS (1-set of 2x120 KVA) installed at BMOP, Kolkata
Mode of tender enquiry E- tender
Type of bidding (single/two bid system) Two bid System
Last date of receipt of tender ସେପ୍ଟେମ୍ବର 09, 2022
Number of tenders received 2(Two)
Nos. and names of parties qualified after technical evaluation 2(Two)
1. M/s Raunak Enterprises
2. M/s Unitech Enterprises
Nos. and names of parties not qualified after technical evaluation Nil
Commercial Bid Ranking, if any -
Final Ranking, if any -
Whether contract awarded to lowest tenderer/evaluated L1 Yes
Contract number and date KOL.ESTT.ESTATE.No. S842/01.06.035/2022-23
ଡିସେମ୍ବର 13, 2022
Name of contractor M/s Raunak Enterprises
Value of contract Rs. 24,10,800/- (Rs. Twenty-four lakh ten thousand eight hundred only)
Scheduled date of completion of supplies ଫେବୃଆରୀ 07, 2023
Actual date of start of work -
Actual date of completion of work -
Reasons for delay, if any -


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