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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

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Engagement of the services of Bank’s Medical Consultant - on contract basis with fixed hourly remuneration at RBI Kohima

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up one (01) Unreserved (UR) post of Bank’s Medical Consultant (BMC) on contract basis, with fixed hourly remuneration for Reserve Bank of India office (hereinafter referred to as the Bank) located in Kohima. Eligible candidates may apply in the format given in Annex-III only. Applications in a sealed cover super-scribed as ‘Application for the post of Medical Consultant (MC) on contract basis with fixed hourly remuneration’ shall reach General Manager (Office-In-Charge), Reserve Bank of India, 1st floor, T. Tachu Enclave, New Secretariat-High Court Junction Road, Kohima, Nagaland – 797004 or by e-mail to hrmdkohima@rbi.org.in on or before 05:00 pm of May 10, 2024.

2. Eligibility, Terms & Conditions:

(i) Applicant should at a minimum, possess MBBS degree of any university recognized by the Medical Council of India in the allopathic system of medicine.

(ii). Applicants having post graduate degree in General Medicine can also apply for this post.

(iii) The applicant should have a minimum of two (02) years’ experience of practicing medicine in any hospital or clinic as a medical practitioner.

(iv) The applicant should have his/her dispensary or place of residence within a radius of 10-15 kms from the RBI office at the afore-mentioned location.

(v) The rate of remuneration and the duty hours (as envisaged now) is tabulated below:


Working hours @


Reserve Bank of India, 1st floor, T. Tachu Enclave, New Secretariat - High Court Junction Road, Kohima Nagaland - 797004

(Two hours on Monday, Wednesday & Friday)

Timings will be decided mutually by the Bank with the eligible candidate.

1. ₹1,000/- per hour for the entire period of contract i.e., three (03) years.

2. Out of total monthly remuneration so payable, a sum of ₹1,000/- per month may be treated as conveyance expense.

@ to be decided by the Bank.

(vi) In addition to the remuneration, reimbursement of Mobile charges at the rate of ₹1,000/- per month will be granted. No other facilities/perks will be payable to the MC engaged on contract basis.

(vii) The remuneration of the Bank’s Medical Consultant on contract basis will be fixed throughout the period of contract with reference to the actual duty hours performed and will be all inclusive.

(viii) The engagement is purely on contract basis. No superannuation benefits viz. Pension, Provident Fund or Gratuity will be payable for the engagement. No leave, perquisites/facilities would be admissible. If required to attend a dispensary on any public holiday, compensation @ ₹1,000/- per hour shall be paid.

(ix) The Contract for engagement will be for a period of three (03) years. There will not be any renewal of engagement on completion of the Contract.

(x) The Bank reserves the right to review the rate of remuneration from time to time and alter the duty hours and location at its discretion, in case it becomes expedient to suit administrative and operative requirements. Accordingly, the selected candidate may have to attend, as altered, besides those mentioned above. The total number of hours in a week may be increased (up to maximum 30 hours in a week) or decreased as per requirement of the Bank.

(xi) Please note that Corrigendum, if any, issued on this advertisement, shall be published only on the Bank's website www.rbi.org.in.

(xii). The doctors selected as BMC would be required to submit a “Self-Declaration” stating that none of her/ his current employer (s) have any objection to her/ his engagement with the Bank.

(xiii). The doctors selected as BMC would be also required to submit a “No Objection Certificate (NOC)”, in case she/ he is engaged in any hospital/ organization for more than 30 hours a week.

(xiv) Candidates belonging to Schedule Caste (SC) / Schedule Tribe (ST) /Other Backward Class (OBC) may also apply.

3. Selection Procedure:

(i) Selection will be made through interview of eligible candidates at RBI Kohima. The Bank reserves the right to raise the minimum eligibility standards etc. in order to limit the number of candidates to be called for interview. The decision of the Bank in this regard will be final. The Bank will not entertain any correspondence with the applicants who have not been called for the interview.

(ii) The shortlisted applicant/s after interview will be subjected to medical tests as per prescribed norms before engagement as Bank’s Medical Consultant (BMC).

(iii) Candidates selected for the post will be appointed subject to their being found medically fit and acceptance of Terms and Conditions as per Annex - I and Code of Conduct as per Annex - II.

(iv) The selected candidate must sign an agreement for Contract with the Bank before engagement as Bank’s Medical Consultant on contract basis with fixed hourly remuneration.

Annex - I

Engagement of the services of Bank’s Medical Consultant (on contract basis) with fixed hourly remuneration - Terms and Conditions of the Contract

A. Responsibilities/ Duties etc.

1. You shall attend to the Bank’s office located at 1st floor, T. Tachu Enclave, New Secretariat-High Court Junction Road, Kohima, Nagaland – 797004 with duty hours from as mentioned in Para 2(v) of the advertisement (or for longer/ lesser periods as decided by the Bank) excluding Bank holidays except days declared as holidays for purposes of half yearly closing and annual closing. The Bank may also use your services in any of the Bank’s location (Lease Flats/SRAs/Self lease) at Kohima during the working hours.

2. You will give advice free of charge, prescribe medicines and administer injections free of charge to the members of the staff including touring staff of the Bank, the members of their families including dependent parents and retired employee members / their spouses who are members of the Medical Assistance Fund Scheme, who present themselves during that time (the timings and / or duration may be changed as and when considered necessary by the Bank). You will be available for consultation at your private clinic in urgent cases in respect of employees of the Bank at any time with charges at the concessional rate.

3. You will provide the facilities referred to in paragraph (2) above to the relatives of the employees who have been permitted to reside with them in the Bank’s lease flats/SRA/Self Lease and facilitate recovery of charges from the employees for credit to the Bank’s account at the rates prescribed by the Bank from time to time.

4. You will be required to perform duties similar to those of a General Medical Practitioner irrespective of whatever post-graduate or other medical qualifications you may possess / acquire in future. It shall be your responsibility to ensure that the qualifications you hold or acquire in future do not restrict you in any manner from rendering the services required of a General Medical Practitioner and if as per any stipulations by the Indian Medical Association, the qualification you hold or acquire as the case may be, comes into conflict with the Bank`s requirements as indicated above, to work as a general practitioner, you will be required to ensure that no liability or responsibility on this account devolves on the Bank under any circumstance and shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Bank at all times against the same.

Bank’s Medical Consultant’s liability will be that of an independent medical service provider and not that of an agent of the Bank.

5. Your duties at the RBI dispensary will include, apart from other requirements as mentioned above:

  1. Treatment of minor and major illness for which the employees and their dependents may call upon.
  2. Treatment of emergency cases brought to the dispensary or in the departments or in the Bank’s premises or outside the Bank’s premises and reference to appropriate Hospitals whenever called upon to attend even when such necessity arises outside your normal working hours.
  3. Administration of all types of injections – The responsibility for administering all types of injections rests with you for any untoward reaction.
  4. The important dressings and minor surgeries are to be handled only by you.

6. You will be required to visit any member of the Bank’s Staff staying in the Lease Flats/SRAs/Self lease flats whenever required to do so by the Bank and submit a report on their health. For such visits, you will be paid visit fees as per the schedule of rates fixed by the Bank.

7. You will be required to issue certificate in support of leave on medical grounds wherever necessary and countersign the certificates produced by the employees from other qualified medical practitioners, if you are satisfied about the genuineness of the case.

8. You will be required to attend staff and members of their family at their residence when required by them and will be entitled to charge them a visit fee or consultation fee, as fixed by the Bank having regard to the local conditions. The visit fee / consultation fee, so fixed, will be inclusive of charges for administration of injections, etc. No other charges should be levied by you for such visits.

9. Whenever required to do so, you will certify in such form as may be prescribed by the Bank from time to time as to the state of health and / or fitness for service of any employee or any prospective employee who may be selected for appointment at any Office of the Bank.

10. You will be required to issue order forms (prescribed) on the approved chemists of the Bank for supply of special / costly drugs or injections required for curative purpose to the Bank’s staff and forward copies thereof to the Bank for payment of the relative bills.

11. You will be required to use your good offices for securing hospital facilities in case the employees of the Bank or their families (for indoor hospitalization under Direct Settlement Facility) require such facilities in the hospital.

12. You will be required to inspect the Office premises once a month and report whether they are kept in a sanitary and hygienic condition.

13. You will be required to do prophylactic inoculations for typhoid, etc. and vaccination for small – pox whenever necessary.

14. You will be required to submit an annual report as on the 31st March or/and such other date as may be advised by the Bank, in the prescribed form on the general health of the staff.

15. You will be responsible for the proper storage of medicines and their distribution and to arrange the maintenance of all necessary records for the purpose, if office decided to store medicines in Bank’s premises.

16. You will also be required to advise on drug indents, and to counter-check the drug stock- balance and consumption, as and when required by the Bank.

17. You will be required to give professional opinion including reasonableness of the cost of treatment pertaining to the various items of medical claims as and when the same are referred to you.

18. You will be required to attend to any other work assigned by the Bank from time to time relating to administration of Bank’s Medical Facilities Scheme (BMFS) and Medical Assistance Fund (MAF) Scheme including dispensary facility as are generally performed / required to be performed by a General Medical Practitioner.

19. In the event of your absenting from duty, you shall be required to make substitute arrangements acceptable to the Bank viz. in terms of qualification and experience at your own risk and cost.

20. You shall observe the Code of Conduct for Bank’s Medical Consultant of the Bank which is attached in Annex-II herewith.

B. Remuneration

For the services rendered by you, the remuneration is fixed at ₹1,000/- per hour for the three years of contractual service. The fixed remuneration is payable on a monthly basis. Out of total monthly remuneration so payable, a sum of ₹1,000/- per month may be treated as conveyance expense. In addition, ₹1,000/- per month will be paid as the reimbursement of mobile charges. Further, Bank’s Medical Consultant will not be eligible for any superannuation benefits viz. Pension, Provident Fund or Gratuity. Bank’s Medical Consultant will also not be entitled to leave or any other perquisites/facilities. If required to attend to the Bank on any public holiday, compensation @ ₹1,000/- per hour would be paid. Taxes on the income would be deduced at source, as applicable.

C. Other relevant Issues

i) You will be under the administrative control of the General Manager, Officer-In-Charge, Reserve Bank of India, Kohima.

ii) The engagement under the contract is temporary. No claim shall lie for regular employment on that basis at any stage or for pay and perks payable to regular employees.

iii) The Bank reserves the right to review the rate of remuneration from time to time and alter the duty hours and location at its discretion in case it becomes expedient to suit administrative and operative requirements.

iv) The contract will be terminable during the period of contract, on three months’ notice on either side or three months’ remuneration in lieu thereof. During the notice period the MC shall continue to discharge his/her contractual obligations unless specifically dispensed with by the Bank.

(v). In case of any breach of the terms and conditions the Bank reserves the right to terminate the contract of the MC forthwith without assigning any reason and without any claim for compensation.

vi) Any dispute arising on account of the contract shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Kohima.

Annex - II

Engagement of the services of Bank’s Medical Consultant (on contract basis) with fixed hourly remuneration - Code of Conduct

1. Bank’s Medical Consultant shall observe, comply with and obey all orders and directions which may from time to time be given to him / her by any person or persons under whose jurisdiction, superintendence or control he / she may for the time being be placed.

2. Bank’s Medical Consultant shall maintain the strictest secrecy regarding the Bank's affairs and the affairs of its constituents and shall not divulge, directly or indirectly, any information of a confidential nature either to a member of the public or of the Bank's Staff, unless compelled to do so by judicial or other authority, or unless instructed to do so by a superior officer in the discharge of his/her duties.

3. Bank’s Medical Consultant shall serve the Bank honestly and faithfully and shall use his / her utmost endeavors to promote the interests of the Bank, and shall show courtesy and attention in all transactions.

4. Bank’s Medical Consultant shall not take an active part in politics or in any political demonstration, or stand for election as member for a Municipal Council, District Board or any Legislative Body.

5. Bank’s Medical Consultant shall not become or continue to be a member or office-bearer of, or be otherwise directly or indirectly associated with, any trade union or a federation of such trade union or resort to, or in any way abet, any form of strike or participate in any violent, unseemly or indecent demonstration in connection with any matter pertaining to his / her terms and conditions of contract.

6. Bank’s Medical Consultant shall not contribute to the press anything relating to the affairs of the Reserve Bank of India without the prior sanction in writing from the Bank or publish any document, paper, or information which may come into his / her possession in his / her capacity as Bank’s Medical Consultant of the Bank. The Bank’s Medical Consultant shall indemnify the Bank for any loss suffered by the Bank as a result of disclosure of any confidential information.

7. The MC shall also maintain patient confidentiality and shall not share the patient profile with any outsider/third party. The confidentiality requirement shall be perpetual and shall survive after the termination of contract. The MC shall indemnify and keep the Bank indemnified for any loss suffered by the Bank as a result of disclosure of any confidential information.

8. A Bank’s Medical Consultant shall not solicit or accept any gift from any employee/ visitors.

9. A Bank’s Medical Consultant shall not absent from his / her duties without the permission from the Bank and without making alternate arrangement acceptable to the Bank during his / her absence. Such alternate arrangement shall not exceed one week at a time.

10. A Bank’s Medical Consultant shall not outsource his / her service to the Bank.

11. A Bank’s Medical Consultant will:

  1. strictly abide by any law relating to intoxicating drinks or drugs in force in any area in which he / she may, for the time being, happen to be;
  2. not be under the influence of any intoxicating drink or drug while on duty and shall also take care that performance of his / her duties at any time is not affected in any way by the influence of such drink or drug;
  3. refrain from consuming, in a public place, any intoxicating drink or drug;
  4. not appear in a public place in a state of intoxication;
  5. not use any intoxicating drink or drug to excess.

Explanation: The term "public place" would include clubs even exclusively meant for members where it is permissible for the members to invite non-members as guests, bars and restaurants, public conveyances and all other places to which the public have or are permitted to have access, whether on payment or otherwise".

12. No Bank’s Medical Consultant shall indulge in any act of sexual harassment of any woman employee at work place.

Explanation: For this purpose, “Sexual Harassment” shall include such unwelcome sexually determined behavior, whether directly or by implication as:

  1. physical contact and advances,
  2. demand or request for sexual favors,
  3. sexually colored remarks,
  4. showing pornography,
  5. Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature besides, all such definition / interpretation as applicable in the statute / laws.

13. The contract is liable to be terminated if a Bank’s Medical Consultant is arrested for debt or on a criminal charge or is detained in pursuance of any process of law.

14. Bank’s Medical Consultant shall not give, solicit or receive nor shall offer to give, solicit or receive, any gift, gratuity, commission or bonus in consideration of or return for the referring, recommending or procuring of any patient for medical, surgical or other treatment. He / She shall not directly or indirectly participate in or be a party to act of division, transference, assignment, subordination, rebating, splitting or refunding of any fee for medical, surgical or other treatment.

15. The provision at 14 above shall apply with equal force to the referring, recommending or procuring by him / her or any person, specimen or material for diagnostic purposes or other study / work.

16. The contract is liable to be terminated in case a Bank’s Medical Consultant commits a breach of the code of conduct of the Bank mentioned above or the terms and conditions of the contract accepted by him / her, displays negligence, inefficiency or indolence, or knowingly does anything detrimental to the interests of the Bank or in conflict with its instructions or is guilty of any other act of misconduct.



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