Electronic Trading Platform (ETP) Directions, 2017– Draft Directions - ਆਰਬੀਆਈ - Reserve Bank of India
Electronic Trading Platform (ETP) Directions, 2017– Draft Directions
These directions are called ‘The Electronic Trading Platform (ETP) Directions, 2017’ and are issued in exercise of the powers conferred under section 45W of the RBI Act, 1934. 2. No entity shall operate an ETP to trade any instrument covered under Section 45 (W) of the RBI Act, 1934 without prior authorisation of the Reserve Bank under these directions. Existing electronic trading platforms would also be required to obtain authorisation under these directions, within six months from the date of issue of these directions. 3. Definitions: In these directions, unless the context otherwise requires
4. Eligibility Criteria for Entities Owning and Operating ETPs The ETP operator shall fulfill the following criteria: (a) General and Financial Criteria
(b) Experience An ETP operator should preferably have experience, of at least three years, in operating infrastructure related to trading of financial instruments. (c) Technological Criteria The ETP system should have technological infrastructure appropriate to support its operations and manage the associated risks. It should at the minimum, fulfill the following technological requirements-
(d) An ETP operator will ordinarily not be eligible for authorisation, if within the last 5 years, it or any of its directors or promoters or senior officers have been subjected to adverse action that the Reserve Bank considers material, by any regulator or any other public authority. 5. Systems, Controls and Risk Management (i) An ETP operator should put in place a comprehensive risk management framework covering all related aspects of its operation. It shall ensure that risks associated with its operations are properly identified and managed prudently. (ii) An ETP operator shall provide to its members fair, equitable and non-discriminatory access to relevant pre-trade and post trade information on a real time basis. (iii) An ETP operator that facilitates/provides participation by automated trading systems (including algorithmic trading (ALGO), high frequency trading (HFT) etc.) should seek prior approval of the Reserve Bank and ensure that the same shall be offered in a transparent and non-discriminatory manner. An ETP operator shall not provide any co-location facility. (iv) The rules of trading (e.g. order matching, quote-based etc.) would be as approved by the Reserve Bank. Any change in such rules shall require prior approval of the Reserve Bank. (v) An ETP operator shall implement systems and controls to ensure fair and orderly trading to maintain market integrity and monitor trading activity on a real time and post facto basis to prevent abusive market practices in time. (vi) An ETP operator shall report instances of market abuse/manipulation, front running or any other trade anomaly to the Reserve Bank. (vii) Pre and post trade Controls An ETP operator shall:
(viii) An ETP operator shall put in place a process/mechanism to address exigencies such as suspension/cessation of trading or cancellation of orders/ trades, malfunctions in its systems or erroneous use by members or any other unforeseen situation. Such exigencies should be dealt with in accordance with clearly laid down rules and regulations. (ix) An ETP operator shall have well documented rules and regulations covering all aspects of trading viz. on-boarding, suspension and cessation of membership; roles and responsibilities of members and operator; liability and compensation framework; processing and execution of orders; risk management and control, etc. Such documents should be made easily available to the members. (x) An ETP operator shall provide required training and familiarization program while on-boarding members. It shall provide the members with operating manuals, user manual and rule books. (xi) An ETP operator shall implement a fair and non-discriminatory fee structure for its members. All services provided by the ETP operator shall be priced separately. (xii) An ETP operator should strive to adhere to the international standards recommended by standard setting bodies i.e. the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) and the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI), to the extent applicable. (xiii) ETPs shall have arrangements to identify, disclose and manage conflict of interest, if any, arising from participation of related parties/group entities on the ETPs operated/managed by it. 6. Settlement An ETP operator, offering clearing and settlement services, shall seek authorization from the Reserve Bank under the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007. 7. Information technology and Information security requirements (i) An ETP operator shall put in place adequate information and data security infrastructure. It should follow high standards of information security and adhere to norms/guidelines prescribed by the Reserve Bank or any other public authority. (ii) An ETP operator shall carry out IT/IS audit, at least once in a year, by certified auditors accredited by CISA or such other professional bodies. (iii) The Reserve Bank may, at its discretion cause an IT/IS audit by independent auditors. The cost for such independent audit would be borne by the ETP operator. 8. Data reporting, usage and preservation (i) An ETP operator shall maintain confidentiality of all data related to trades. (ii) All data related to trades generated in the ETP (including but not limited to orders/quotes executed, audit trails, etc.) shall be maintained in India in easily retrievable media for at least 20 years. No data shall be exported outside India without the prior permission of the Reserve Bank. (iii) An ETP operator shall report transactions to one or more reporting platforms or trade repository or any other entity specified by the Reserve Bank. (iv) An ETP operator shall make available data/information to any approved authority(ies). (v) Ordinarily, data or information generated in the platform, including processed output of such data or information, shall not be shared/used by the operator for purpose other than those approved by the Reserve Bank, except under separate bilateral agreements with members. Such agreement/ arrangement shall not form a part of access conditions. 9. Termination of operation If an authorised ETP operator intends to terminate operations, it shall do so with prior approval of the Reserve Bank and abide by the timing and date of termination of operations, and any other condition stipulated by the Reserve Bank. 10. Application procedure for Authorisation (i) Entities meeting the eligibility criteria as outlined in these directions may apply in the prescribed format (Annex) to the Chief General Manager, Financial Markets Regulation Department, Reserve Bank of India, 1st Floor, Main Building, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Marg, Mumbai – 400001. (ii) The Reserve Bank shall reserve the right to call for more information and seek clarification on any issue as may be required. (iii) The authorisation granted shall not be transferrable. 11. Exemption from provisions of these directions An ETP operator authorised under these direction may be granted exemption, for a period as decided by the Reserve Bank from any one or more of the provisions of these directions, if the Reserve Bank is satisfied that the need for such exemption is justified from the point of view of market development. APPLICATION FORM FOR AUTHORISATION TO SET UP ELECTRONIC TRADING PLATFORM From Name and address of registered office/ principal place of business of applicant (By Registered Post AD/ Hand Delivery) To Chief General Manager Dear Sir, Application for authorisation for setting up an Electronic Trading Platform We hereby submit an application for authorisation to set up an electronic trading platform for …… (Name of instrument/s). The required information and documents have been furnished as per instructions. 2. We declare that to the best of our knowledge and belief the information furnished in the statements/annexes enclosed are true/correct and complete. Yours faithfully Signature: Date and Place: Encl: sheets APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO SET UP ELECTRONIC TRADING PLATFORM Part-A 1. Name, legal status and constitution of ETP operator. 2. Promoters/owners, Directors and Senior Management details (details of foreign holding if any). 3. Capital – Auditors certificate, audited financial statements if available. 4. Brief note on the ETP operator. 5. Previous experience of applicant and associated companies/firms/entities in trading of financial instrument. 6. Details of punitive action/show cause notice by regulator, enforcement, courts etc. (both applicant and its associated companies/firms/entities). PART – B 1. Particulars of Electronic Trading Platform for which authorization is sought
2. If desirous of providing clearing and settlement service, the details thereof. 3. Any other information ETP operator wishes to furnish. |