Increase in HTM limits for Standalone PDs - ਆਰਬੀਆਈ - Reserve Bank of India
Increase in HTM limits for Standalone PDs
RBI/2013-14/243 September 10, 2013 To All Standalone Primary Dealers Dear Sir/Madam, Increase in HTM limits for Standalone PDs A reference is invited to para 5.7 of our Master Circular IDMD.PDRD.01/03.64.00/2013-14 dated July 01, 2013 on Operational Guidelines to Primary Dealers regarding quantum of securities that can be classified as HTM. 2. On the basis of review of the current market conditions relating to excessive volatility in yields of Government securities, it has been decided to increase the quantum of securities that can be classified as HTM from 100% to 200% of the audited NOF of the PD as at end March of the preceding financial year until further notice. It has also been decided to allow one additional transfer to HTM for the current quarter. Other terms and conditions of the circular, ibid, remain the same. Yours faithfully (KK Vohra) |