RBI penalises six banks - ਆਰਬੀਆਈ - Reserve Bank of India
RBI penalises six banks
The Reserve Bank has imposed monetary penalty on the following six banks for violation of Reserve Bank of India instructions, inter alia, on Know Your Customer/Anti Money Laundering. The details of the penalty are:
The penalties have been imposed in exercise of powers vested in the Reserve Bank under the provisions of Section 47(A)(1)( c ) read with Section 46(4)(i) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. In respect of IndusInd Bank Ltd. where such scrutiny has been conducted and the bank’s explanation called for, based on written or oral submissions, as the bank’s reply was found to be satisfactory or no violation of serious nature has been established; it has been decided not to impose any monetary penalty but only to issue suitable cautionary letter. Background It may be recalled that the Reserve Bank of India had carried out a scrutiny of books of accounts, internal control, compliance systems and processes of these banks at their offices during April and May 2013. The scrutiny of these banks revealed violation of certain regulations and instructions issued by Reserve Bank of India, namely,
The investigation did not reveal any prima facie evidence of money laundering. However, any conclusive inference in this regard can be drawn only by an end to end investigation of the transactions by tax and enforcement agencies. Based on the findings of the scrutiny, the Reserve Bank issued a show cause notice to each of these banks, in response to which the individual banks submitted written replies. After considering the facts of each case and individual bank’s reply, as also, personal submissions, information submitted and documents furnished, the Reserve Bank came to the conclusion that some of the violations were substantiated and warranted imposition of monetary penalty. The Reserve Bank penalised the first of three banks on June 10, 2013 and second lot of 22 banks on July. Ajit Prasad Press Release : 2013-2014/383 |