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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

Asset Publisher



Sr. No. Particulars
Chapter I: Perspectives
Chapter II: Global Banking Developments
1. Introduction
2. Global Banking Policy Developments
3. Performance of the Global Banking Sector
4. World’s Largest Banks
5. Summing up
Chapter III: Policy Environment
1. Introduction
2. Monetary Policy and Liquidity Management
3. Regulatory Policies for Commercial Banks
4. Regional Rural Banks
5. Small Finance Banks
6. Supervisory Policies
7. Co-operative Banking
8. Non-Banking Financial Companies
9. Foreign Exchange Policies
10. Credit Delivery and Financial Inclusion
11. Consumer Protection
12. Payment and Settlement Systems
13. Overall Assessment
Annex III.I Reserve Bank’s Response to the COVID-19 Disruptions
Chapter IV: Operations and Performance of Commercial Banks
1. Introduction
2. Balance Sheet Analysis
3. Financial Performance
4. Soundness Indicators
5. Sectoral Bank Credit: Distribution and NPAs
6. Ownership Pattern in Scheduled Commercial Banks
7. Compensation Practices
8. Foreign Banks’ Operations in India and Overseas Operations of Indian Banks
9. Digital Payments
10. Consumer Protection
11. Financial Inclusion
12. Regional Rural Banks
13. Local Area Banks
14. Small Finance Banks
15. Payments Banks
16. Overall Assessment
Chapter V: Developments in Co-operative Banking
1. Introduction
2. Structure and Regulation of the Co-operative Sector
3. Urban Co-operative Banks
4. Rural Co-operatives
5. Overall Assessment
Chapter VI: Non-Banking Financial Institutions
1. Introduction
2. Non-Banking Financial Companies
3. All India Financial Institutions
4. Primary Dealers
5. Overall Assessment
List of Boxes
II.1 Why COVID-19 Affected Bank Deposit Growth Differently Across Countries?
III.1 Resolution of COVID-19 Related Stress
III.2 Bolstering the Supervisory Framework of the Reserve Bank
IV.1 Impact of Movements in G-Sec Yield on Bank Profitability
IV.2 Effects of Merger on Indian Banking System
IV.3 Root Cause Analysis of Customer Complaints
V.1 Dual Control of Co-operative Banks and BR Amendment Act
VI.1 Distribution of TLTRO Funds
VI.2 Drivers of Profitability of NBFCs-ND-SI
List of Tables
III.1 Loan Moratorium
IV.1 Consolidated Balance Sheet of Scheduled Commercial Banks
IV.2 Trends in Flow of Financial Resources to Commercial Sector from Banks and Non-banks
IV.3 Bank Group-wise Maturity Profile of Select Liabilities/Assets
IV.4 Trends in Income and Expenditure of Scheduled Commercial Banks
IV.5 Cost of Funds and Return on Funds by Bank Groups
IV.6 Return on Assets and Return on Equity of SCBs – Bank Group-wise
IV.7 Component-wise Capital Adequacy of SCBs
IV.8 Public and Rights Issues by the Banking Sector
IV.9 Resources Raised by Banks through Private Placements
IV.10 Asset Classification as per IRAC Norms
IV.11 Movements in Non-Performing Assets by Bank Group
IV.12 Classification of Loan Assets by Bank Group
IV.13 NPAs of SCBs Recovered through Various Channels
IV.14 Details of Financial Assets Securitised by ARCs
IV.15 Frauds in Various Banking Operations Based on the Date of Reporting
IV.16 Frauds in Various Banking Operations Based on Date of Occurrence
IV.17 Sectoral Deployment of Gross Bank Credit
IV.18 Priority Sector Lending by Banks
IV.19 Weighted Average Premium on Various Categories of PSLCs
IV.20 Sector-wise GNPAs of Banks
IV.21 Operations of Foreign Banks in India
IV.22 Digital Payments
IV.23 Nature of Complaints at BOs
IV.24 Bank Group-wise Insured Deposits
IV.25 Financial Inclusion Plan
IV.26 Tier-wise Break-up of Newly Opened Bank Branches by SCBs
IV.27 ATMs
IV.28 Number of ATMs of SCBs at Various Centres
IV.29 Credit Flow to the MSME sector by SCBs
IV.30 Progress in MSME Financing through TReDS
IV.31 Consolidated Balance Sheet of Regional Rural Banks
IV.32 Purpose-wise Outstanding Advances by RRBs
IV.33 Financial Performance of Regional Rural Banks
IV.34 Profile of Local Area Banks
IV.35 Financial Performance of Local Area Banks
IV.36 Consolidated Balance Sheet of Small Finance Banks
IV.37 Purpose-wise Outstanding Advances by Small Finance Banks
IV.38 Financial Performance of Small Finance Banks
IV.39 Consolidated Balance Sheet of Payments Banks
IV.40 Financial Performance of Payments Banks
IV.41 Select Financial Ratios of Payments Banks
IV.42 Remittances through Payments Banks
V.1 Share in Credit Flow to Agriculture
V.2 Tier-wise Distribution of Urban Co-operative Banks
V.3 Balance Sheet of Urban Co-operative Banks
V.4 Distribution of UCBs by size of Deposits and Advances
V.5 Investments by Urban Co-operative Banks
V.6 Rating-wise Distribution of UCBs
V.7 CRAR-wise Distribution of UCBs
V.8 Non-performing Assets of UCBs
V.9 Financial Performance of Scheduled and Non-scheduled Urban Co-operative Banks
V.10 Select Profitability Indicators of UCBs
V.11 Composition of Credit to Priority Sectors by UCBs
V.12 A Profile of Rural Co-operatives
V.13 Liabilities and Assets of State Co-operative Banks
V.14 Select Balance Sheet Indicators of Scheduled State Co-operative Banks
V.15 Financial Performance of State Co-operative Banks
V.16 Soundness Indicators of State Co-operative Banks
V.17 Liabilities and Assets of District Central Co-operative Banks
V.18 Financial Performance of District Central Co-operative Banks
V.19 Soundness Indicators of District Central Co-operative Banks
VI.1 Classification of NBFCs by Activity
VI.2 Ownership Pattern of NBFCs
VI.3 Abridged Balance Sheet of NBFCs
VI.4 Analysis of Loan Moratorium
VI.5 Major Components of Liabilities and Assets of NBFCs-ND-SI by Activity
VI.6 Sectoral Credit Deployment by NBFCs
VI.7 Sources of Borrowings of NBFCs
VI.8 Bank Lending to NBFCs (Outstanding)
VI.9 Financial Parameters of the NBFC Sector
VI.10 Ownership Pattern of HFCs
VI.11 Consolidated Balance Sheet of HFCs
VI.12 Financial Ratios of HFCs
VI.13 Financial Assistance Sanctioned and Disbursed by AIFIs
VI.14 AIFIs’ Balance Sheet
VI.15 Resources Mobilised by AIFIs in 2019-20
VI.16 Resources Raised by AIFIs from the Money Market
VI.17 Pattern of AIFIs’ Sources and Deployment of Funds
VI.18 Financial Performance of AIFIs
VI.19 AIFIs’ Select Financial Parameters
VI.20 Performance of PDs in the Primary Market
VI.21 Performance of SPDs in the G-secs Secondary Market
VI.22 Sources and Applications of SPDs’ Funds
VI.23 Financial Performance of SPDs
VI.24 SPDs’ Financial Indicators
List of Charts
II.1 The Macro Backdrop
II.2 Bank Credit to the Private Non-Financial Sector
II.3 Gross Non-performing Loans Ratio
II.4 Return on Assets
II.5 Capital to Risk-Weighted Assets Ratio
II.6 Leverage Ratio
II.7 Market-based Indicators of Bank Health
II.8 Distribution of Top 100 Banks by Tier-I Capital
II.9 Asset Quality and Profitability of Top 100 Banks
II.10 Soundness of Top 100 Banks
IV.1 Select Aggregates of SCBs
IV.2 Deposit Growth of SCBs
IV.3 Growth in Term Deposits and CASA Deposits
IV.4 Growth in Borrowings
IV.5 Bank Group-wise Growth in Advances
IV.6 Change in Credit Composition
IV.7 Trends in Credit Ratios
IV.8 Trends in Banks’ Investments
IV.9 Gap between Proportion of Assets and Liabilities in Various Maturity Buckets
IV.10 International Liabilities and Assets of Banks
IV.11 Off-balance Sheet Liabilities of Banks
IV.12 Bank Group-wise Share in Assets and Operating Profit
IV.13 Lending Rate, Deposit Rate and NIM
IV.14 Impact of Provisioning on Profitability
IV.15 Capitalisation of Indian Banks
IV.16 Leverage and Liquidity
IV.17 Asset Quality of Banks
IV.18 Write-offs and Reduction in GNPAs
IV.19 Stress in Large Borrowal Accounts
IV.20 Stressed Asset Sales to ARCs
IV.21 Share of Fraud Cases: Bank Group-wise
IV.22 Sectoral NPAs of SCBs
IV.23 GNPA Ratio in Various Industries
IV.24 Sectoral Loans: PSBs versus PVBs
IV.25 Trends in Unsecured Lending and Retail Loans
IV.26 Credit to Priority Sectors – All SCBs
IV.27 Monthly Trading Volume of PSLCs
IV.28 Impact of PSLCs on Organic Priority Sector
IV.29 Net Buyers/Sellers in the PSLC Market
IV.30 Exposure to Sensitive Sectors
IV.31 Government Shareholding in PSBs
IV.32 Compensation Practices
IV.33 Retail Digital Payments
IV.34 Population Group-wise Distribution of Complaints and Major Complaint Types
IV.35 Progress in Financial Inclusion in Select Emerging and Advanced Economies
IV.36 PMJDY Accounts: Distribution and Average Balance
IV.37 Bank Group-wise Share in Newly Opened Branches by SCBs
IV.38 SCBs' ATMs versus White-label ATMs
IV.39 Regional Penetration of Banks
V.1 The Structure of Co-operatives by Asset Size
V.2 Number of UCBs
V.3 Consolidation and Asset Size
V.4 UCB Mergers
V.5 Asset Growth
V.6 Distribution of UCBs by Asset Size
V.7 Deposits Growth: UCBs versus SCBs
V.8 Distribution of UCBs
V.9 Credit-Deposit and Investment-Deposit Ratio: UCBs versus SCBs
V.10 Distribution of Number and Business of UCBs-by Rating Categories
V.11 Distribution of UCBs by CRAR
V.12 Non-performing Assets: UCBs versus SCBs
V.13 NPAs and PCR - UCBs
V.14 Profitability Indicators- SUCBs versus NSUCBs
V.15 Relative Contribution of Short-term versus Long-term Co-operatives
V.16 Resource Composition: Short-term Co-operatives
V.17 GNPA Ratio: A Comparison
V.18 StCBs: Regional Patterns
V.19 Credit-Deposit Ratio: StCBs and DCCBs
V.20 Share of Operating Expenses in Total Expenses
V.21 DCCBs: Regional Patterns
V.22 NPAs and Recovery - StCBs versus DCCBs
VI.1 Structure of NBFIs under the Reserve Bank’s Regulation
VI.2 NBFCs and SCBs Credit: Non-food Credit
VI.3 Registrations and Cancellations of CoR of NBFCs
VI.4 Distribution of Credit of NBFCs-ND-SI
VI.5 Category-wise NBFCs-ND-SI: Select Indicators
VI.6 Distribution of NBFC Credit
VI.7 Category-wise Sectoral Distribution of Credit
VI.8 Sectoral Credit Growth: Key Sub- Sectors
VI.9 Sectoral Credit Growth: Industry and Vehicle Loans
VI.10 MSME Credit of NBFCs
VI.11 Borrowings of NBFCs
VI.12 Bank Lending to NBFCs, Group-wise
VI.13 Instruments of Bank Lending to NBFC
VI.14 NCD Private Placement Issuances of Private NBFCs
VI.15 Three-year NCD Coupon Rates of AAA rated Private NBFCs
VI.16 CP Issuances and Rates
VI.17 Mutual Funds Exposure to NBFC Sector
VI.18 Foreign Currency Liabilities of NBFC Sector
VI.19 Public Deposits of NBFCs- D
VI.20 Distribution of Deposits of NBFCs-D
VI.21 Loan Sales and Securitisation of NBFCs-ND-SI
VI.22 Structural Liquidity Statement of NBFCs
VI.23 Profitability Ratios of NBFCs
VI.24 Profitability Indicators of NBFCs-ND-SI
VI.25 Select Asset Quality Indicators of NBFCs
VI.26 Classification of NBFCs' Assets
VI.28 Stressed Assets of NBFCs-ND-SI by Sector
VI.29 Gross and Net NPA Ratios of NBFCs- D
VI.30 Capital Position of NBFC Sector
VI.31 CRAR of NBFCs by Category
VI.32 Exposure to Sensitive Sectors
VI.33 Credit to Housing sector by HFCs and SCBs
VI.34 Resources Mobilised by HFCs
VI.35 Public Deposits of HFCs
VI.36 Dissection of HFC’s Deposits
VI.37 Financial Parameters of HFCs
VI.38 NPA Ratios of HFCs
VI.39 NPA Ratios of HFCs Excluding Two Major HFCs
VI.40 Ownership Pattern of AIFIs
VI.41 Weighted Average Cost and Maturity of Rupee Resources Raised by AIFIs
VI.42 Long-term PLR Structure of Select AIFIs
VI.43 AIFIs’ Financial Ratios
VI.44 Select Financial Parameters of Financial Institutions
VI.45 AIFIs’ Net NPAs
VI.46 AIFIs’ Assets Classification
VI.47 Average Rate of Underwriting Commission of PDs
VI.48 Capital and Risk Weighted Asset Position of SPDs
List of Appendix Tables
IV.1 Indian Banking Sector at a Glance
IV.2 Off-Balance Sheet Exposure of Scheduled Commercial Banks in India
IV.3 Kisan Credit Card Scheme: State-wise Progress
IV.4 Bank Group-wise Lending to the Sensitive Sectors
IV.5 Shareholding Pattern of Domestic Scheduled Commercial Banks
IV.6 Overseas Operations of Indian Banks
IV.7 Branches and ATMs of Scheduled Commercial Banks
IV.8 Statement of Complaints Received at Banking Ombudsman Office
IV.9 International Liabilities of Banks in India – By Type of Instruments
IV.10 International Assets of Banks in India - By Type of Instruments
IV.11 Consolidated International Claims of Banks: Residual Maturity and Sector
IV.12 Consolidated International Claims of Banks on Countries other than India
IV.13 Progress of Microfinance Programmes
IV.14 Major Financial Indicators of Regional Rural Banks- State-wise
IV.15 Frauds in Various Banking Operations Based on Date of Reporting
V.1 Select Financial Parameters: Scheduled UCBs
V.2 Indicators of Financial Performance: Scheduled UCBs
V.3 Indicators of Financial Health: State Co-operative Banks
V.4 Indicators of Financial Health: District Central Co-operative Banks
V.5 Primary Agricultural Credit Societies
V.6 Select Indicators of Primary Agricultural Credit Societies-State-wise
V.7 Details of Members and Borrowers of Primary Agricultural Credit Societies
V.8 Liabilities and Assets of State Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks
V.9 Financial Performance of State Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks
V.10 Asset Quality of State Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks
V.11 Major Financial Indicators of State Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks - State-wise
V.12 Liabilities and Assets of Primary Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks
V.13 Financial Performance of Primary Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks
V.14 Asset Quality of Primary Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks
V.15 Major Financial Indicators of Primary Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Developments Banks - State-wise
VI.1 Consolidated Balance Sheet of NBFCs-ND-SI
VI.2 Consolidated Balance Sheet of NBFCs-D
VI.3 Credit to Various Sectors by NBFCs
VI.4 Financial Performance of NBFCs-ND-SI
VI.5 Financial Performance of NBFCs - Deposit Taking
VI.6 Financial Assistance Sanctioned and Disbursed by Financial Institutions .......
VI.7 Financial Performance of Primary Dealers
VI.8 Select Financial Indicators of Primary Dealers


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