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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

Asset Publisher


Notes on Tables

Table No. 1


Annual data are averages of the months.


Figures relate to last Friday of the month/year.


Total of rupee securities held in Issue and Banking Departments.


Relates to loans and advances only.


Figures relate to the last Friday/last reporting Friday (in case of March).


Total for Mumbai, Chennai, Calcutta and New Delhi only.


Figures relate to last reporting Friday/March 31.


Rates presented as low/high for the period indicated.


Relating to major banks.


Relating to five major banks. PLR concept was introduced with effect from October 1994.


Relates to maturity of 46 days to 1 year.


A single prescription of 'not exceeding 10.00 per cent per annum'.


Relates to maturity of 15 days and above.


Figures relate to the end of the month/year.


Data relate to January – December.

Table No. 2


The gold reserves of Issue Department were valued at Rs. 84.39 per 10 grams up to October 16, 1990 and from October 17, 1990 they are valued close to international market prices.


Includes Government of India one rupee notes issued from July 1940.


Includes (i) Paid-up Capital of Rs. 5 crore (ii) Reserve Fund of Rs. 6,500 crore (iii) National Industrial Credit (Long-Term Operations) Fund of Rs. 4,981 crore and (iv) National Housing Credit (Long-Term Operations) Fund of Rs. 881 crore from the week ended May 7, 1999. For details about earlier periods, reference may be made to the Notes on Table given on page S 736 of August 1997 issue of this Bulletin.


Includes cash, short-term securities and fixed deposits.


Includes temporary overdrafts to State Governments.


Figures in bracket indicate the value of gold held under other assets.


Table Nos. 3 & 4


The expression 'Banking System' or 'Banks' means (a) State Bank of India and its associates (b) Nationalised Banks(c) Banking companies as defined in clause 'C' of Section 5 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (d) Co-operative banks(as far as scheduled co-operative banks are concerned) (e) Regional Rural Banks and (f) any other financial institution notified by the Central Government in this behalf.


Excludes borrowings of any scheduled state co-operative bank from the State Government and any Reserve Fund deposit required to be maintained with such bank by any co-operative society within the area of operation of such bank.


Deposits of co-operative banks with scheduled state co-operative banks are excluded from this item but are included under 'Aggregate deposits'.


Excludes borrowings of regional rural banks from their sponsor banks.


Wherever it has not been possible to provide the data against the item 'Other demand and time liabilities' under 'Liabilities to the Banking System' separately, the same has been included in the item 'Other demand and time liabilities' under 'Liabilities to others'.


Includes Rs. 17,945 crore on account of proceeds from Resurgent India Bonds(RIBs) from the month of August 1998 onwards.


Other than from the Reserve Bank of India, Industrial Development Bank of India, NABARD and Export-Import Bank of India.


Figures relating to scheduled banks' borrowings in India are those shown in the statement of affairs of the Reserve Bank of India. Borrowings against usance bills and/or promissory notes are under section 17(4) of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.


Includes borrowings by scheduled state co-operative banks under Section 17(4AA) of the Reserve Bank of India Act.


As per the Statement of Affairs of the Reserve Bank of India.


Advances granted by scheduled state co-operative banks to co-operative banks are excluded from this item but included under 'Loans, cash-credits and overdrafts'.


At book value; it includes treasury bills and treasury receipts, treasury savings certificates and postal obligations.


Includes participation certificates (PCs) issued by scheduled commercial banks to other banks and financial institutions.


Includes participation certificates (PCs) issued by scheduled commercial banks to others.


Figures in brackets relate to advances of scheduled commercial banks for financing food procurement operations.


Table No. 6


Total of demand and time deposits from 'Others'.


Includes borrowings from the Industrial Development Bank of India and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development.


At book value; includes treasury bills and treasury receipts, treasury savings certificates and postal obligations.


Total of 'Loans, cash credits and overdrafts' and 'Bills purchased and discounted'


Includes advances of scheduled state co-operative banks to central co-operative banks and primary co-operative banks.


Table No. 7


With effect from April 13,1996, banks are provided export credit refinance against their rupee export credit and post-shipment export credit denominated in U.S. Dollars taken together.


The General Refinance Facility which was introduced effective April 26, 1997 was withdrawn effective April 21, 1999.


Special Liquidity Support Facility which was introduced effective September 17, 1998 was available upto March 31, 1999.


For period upto 1995-96, Total Refinance includes dollar-denominated refinance under export credit refinance and government securities refinance. Post-shipment credit denominated in US dollars (PSCFC) scheme was withdrawn effective February 8, 1996 and the refinance facility thereagainst was withdrawn effective April 13, 1996. The scheme of government securities refinance was terminated effective July 6, 1996.


Table No. 8


The data include inter-bank and high value clearing in respect of Mumbai, Calcutta, New Delhi and Chennai, inter-bank clearing for Hyderabad from 1991-92 onwards and for Bangalore and Ahmedabad from 1993-94 onwards. High value clearing started at Kanpur effective January 1, 1997 and high value clearing and MICR clearing has been introduced in Nagpur Bankers' Clearing House effective March 2, 1998 and April 16, 1998 respectively.


Table No. 10


For details of money stock measures according to the revised series, reference may be made to January 1977 issue of this Bulletin (pages 70-134).


Banks include commercial and co-operative banks.


Financial year data relate to March 31, except scheduled commercial banks' data which relate to the last reporting Friday of March. For details, see the note on page S 963 of October 1991 issue of this Bulletin.


The data for 1994-95 are not strictly comparable with those for other years, as the data for 1994-95 include scheduled commercial banks data for 27 fortnights while for other years, they include 26 fortnights.


Data are provisional from January 1996 onwards.



Net of return of about Rs. 43 crore of Indian notes from Pakistan upto April 1985.



Estimated : ten-rupee commemorative coins issued since October 1969, two-rupee coins issued since November 1982 and five-rupee coins issued since November 1985 are included under rupee coins.



Exclude balances held in IMF Account No.1, Reserve Bank of India Employees' Provident Fund, Pension Fund, Gratuity and Superannuation Fund and Co-operative Guarantee Fund, the amount collected under the Additional Emoluments(Compulsory Deposit) Act, 1974 and the Compulsory Deposit Scheme (Income-Tax Payers') Act.



Scheduled commercial banks' time deposits include Rs.17,945 crore on account of proceeds arising from Resurgent India Bonds(RIBs) since August 28,1998.

Table Nos. 11 & 13


On the establishment of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), on July 12, 1982, certain assets and liabilities of the Reserve Bank were transferred to NABARD, necessitating some reclassification of aggregates in the sources of money stock from that date.


Please see item (c) of notes to Table 10.


Data are provisional from January 1996 onwards.


Data for 1996-97 relate to after closure of Government accounts.



Includes special securities and also includes Rs. 751.64 crore (equivalent of SDRs 211.95 million) incurred on account of Reserve Assets subscription to the IMF towards the quota increase effective December 11, 1992.



Represents investments in bonds/shares of financial institutions, loans to them and holdings of internal bills purchased and discounted. Excludes since the establishment of NABARD, its refinance to banks.



Inclusive of appreciation in the value of gold following its revaluation close to international market price effective October17, 1990. Such appreciation has a corresponding effect on Reserve Bank's net non-monetary liabilities.

Table No. 12


Please see item (c) of notes to Table 10.


Table Nos. 26 & 27


Table 26 contains data on manufacturing sector at two digit level of 17 groups along with general index and sectoral indices, viz., Mining and Quarrying, Manufacturing and Electricity. Table 27 presents Index Numbers of Industrial Production (Use- Based Classification).


Table No. 28


Figures exclude data on private placement and offer for sale but include amounts raised by private financial institutions.


Equity shares exclude bonus shares.


Preference shares include cumulative convertible preference shares and equi-preference shares.


Debentures include bonds.


Convertible debentures include partly convertible debentures.


Non-convertible debentures include secured premium notes and secured deep discount bonds.


Figures in brackets indicate data in respect of premium on capital issues which are included in respective totals.


Table No. 33


The ban on forward trading in gold and silver, effective November 14, 1962 and January 10, 1963, respectively, still continues to operate.


In case Friday is a holiday, prices relate to the preceding working day.


Table No. 34


Annual data relate to average of the months April to March.


The new series of index numbers with base 1982=100 was introduced from October 1988 and with that the compilation of the index numbers with the base year 1960 was discontinued. The linking factor can be used to work out the index numbers with the base year 1960 for October 1988 and subsequent months. Details of the new series were published in May 1989 issue of the Bulletin.


Based on indices relating to 70 centres.


Table No.35


Annual data relate to average of the months April to March. The new series of index numbers with base1984-85=100 was introduced from November 1987.


Based on indices relating to 59 centres.


Table No. 36


Annual data relate to the average of the months July to June.


With respect to base: July 1960-June 1961=100.


The new series of index numbers with base : July 1986 to June 1987 = 100 was introduced from November 1995 and with that the compilation of index numbers with base : July 1960 to June 1961 was discontinued. The linking factor given in this column can be used to work out the index numbers with old base (i.e., 1960-61 = 100) for November 1995 and subsequent months.


In the case of Assam, the old series (i.e., with base 1960-61 = 100) was being compiled for the composite region viz. Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya and Tripura while the index of the new series (i.e., with base 1986-87 = 100) has been compiled for each of the constituent States separately. The index for Assam region on old base can be estimated from the corresponding indices of the new series as under :


I A0 = 5.89 [ (0.8126 X IAN ) + (0.0491 X IMaN) + (0.0645 X IMeN) + (0.0738 X ITN)]


where IO and IN represent the index numbers for old and new series, respectively, and superscripts A, Ma, Me and T indicate Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya and Tripura, respectively.


Similarly, in the case of Punjab, where the old series (i.e., with base 1960-61 = 100) was being compiled for the composite region, viz., Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh, the index for the Punjab region on old base can be estimated as under :


IP0 = 6.36 [(0.6123 X IPN) + (0.3677 X IHaN) + (0.0200 X IHiN)]


where IO and IN represent the index numbers for old and new series, respectively, and superscripts P, Ha and Hi indicate Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh, respectively.


Indices for the State compiled for the first time from November, 1995.


Consumer Price Index for Rural Labourers (including agricultural labourers) are compiled from November 1995 only.


Average of 8 months (November 1995 - June 1996).


Table Nos. 37 and 38


The new series of index numbers with base 1981-82 =100 was introduced in July 1989. Details regarding the scope and coverage of the new series were published in the November 1989 and October l990 issues of the Bulletin.


Table No. 39


The foreign trade data relate to total sea, air and land trade, on private and Government accounts. Direct transit trade, transhipment trade, ships' stores and passengers' baggage are excluded. Data include silver (other than current coins), notes and coins withdrawn from circulation or not yet issued, indirect transit trade and trade by parcel post. Exports include re- exports. Imports include dutiable articles by letter post and exclude certain consignments of foodgrains and stores on Government account awaiting adjustment, diplomatic goods and defence stores. Imports and exports are based on general system of recording. Imports are on c.i.f. basis and exports are on f.o.b. basis inclusive of export duty.


In the case of data in rupee terms, monthly figures may not add up to the annual total due to rounding off.


Monthly data in US dollar and SDR terms may not add up to the annual total due to the exchange rate factor.


Table Nos. 40 and 41


Interest accrued during the year and credited to NRI deposits has been treated as notional outflow under invisible payments and added as reinvestment in NRI deposits under private long term capital.


The item 'Non-Monetary Gold Movement' has been deleted from May 1993 onwards in conformity with the recommendations of the IMF Manual on BOP (4th edition); these entries have been included under merchandise or other capital depending upon the nature of transaction.


Balance of payments data from the year 1990-91 are presented in a format in which in the year of imports, the value of defence-related imports are recorded under imports (merchandise debit) with credits financing such imports shown under'Loans' (Commercial Borrowings to India) in the capital account. Interest payments on defence debt owed to the General Currency Area (GCA) (as and when they are made)are recorded under investment income payments in the invisibles accounts and principal payments under (debit) Commercial Borrowings to India in the capital account. In the case of the Rupee Payment Area (RPA), interest payment on and principal repayment of debt is clubbed together and shown separately under the item 'Rupee Debt Service' in the capital account. This is in line with the recommendation of the High Level Committee on Balance of Payments (Chairman : Dr. C. Rangarajan).


In accordance with the provisions of IMF's Balance of Payments Manual (5th Edition), gold purchased from the Government of India by the RBI has been excluded from the BOP statistics. Data from the earlier years have, therefore, been amended by making suitable adjustments in "Other Capital Receipts" and "Foreign Exchange Reserves". Similarly, item "SDR Allocation" has been deleted from the table.


In accordance with the recommendations of Report of the Technical Group on Reconciling of Balance of Payments and DGCI& S Data on Merchandise Trade, data on gold and silver brought in by the Indians returning from abroad have been included under imports payments with contra entry under Private Transfer Receipts. Data has, therefore, been revised from 1992-93 i.e. since the inception of the scheme.


In accordance with the IMF's Balance of Payments Mannual (5th edition), 'compensation of employees' has been shown under head, "income" with effect from 1997-98; earlier, 'compensation of employees' was recorded under the head "Services - miscellaneous".


Exchange rates: Foreign currency transactions have been converted into rupees at the par/central rates up to June 1972 and on the basis of average of the Bank's spot buying and selling rates for sterling and the monthly averages of cross rates of non-sterling currencies based on London market thereafter. Effective March 1993, conversion is made by crossing average spot buying and selling rate for US dollar in the forex market and the monthly averages of cross rates of non-dollar currencies based on the London market.


Table No. 42


Gold was valued at Rs. 84.39 per 10 grams till October 16,1990. It has been valued close to international market price with effect from October 17, 1990. Conversion of SDRs into US dollars is done at exchange rates released by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).


With effect from April 1, 1999 the conversion of foreign currency assets into US dollars is done at week-end (for week-end figures) and month-end (for month-end figures) New York closing exchange rates. Prior to April 1, 1999 conversion of foreign currency assets into US dollars was done at representative exchange rates released by the IMF.


Since March 1993, foreign exchange holdings are converted into rupees at rupee-US dollar market exchange rates.


Table No. 48


The indices presented here are in continuation of the series published in the July 1993 issue of this Bulletin (pp 967-977).


The indices for 1990-1992 are based on official exchange rate and the indices from 1993 onwards are based on FEDAI indicative rates.


Depreciations are shown with (-) sign.


by Dr. G. Balachandran


This is a comprehensive history of the Reserve Bank of India, the country's central bank and its most important financial institution. It is based on unrestricted access to the Bank's records. The volume spans the 1950s, when India embarked on planned economic development, and brings its account of the central bank's activities in the sphere of public policy up to the crisis years of the mid-1960s. Not only was the Reserve Bank an active agent and participant in the process of planned development, the institution was also greatly transformed by its demands and challenges.


Therefore, while surveying the Bank's discharge of its role as the monetary policy authority, The Reserve Bank of India, 1951-1967 details its role in mobilizing resources for Central and State Governments, regulating the banking system, and establishing an institutional infrastructure for agricultural and long-term industrial credit in India. It also covers developments in India's external sector, including the country's efforts to raise long-term foreign assistance for development and the rupee devaluation of 1966. The book concludes with an elaborate survey of evolving relations between the central bank and Central and State Governments in India during these two decades.

Contents : Introduction - Monetary and Credit Policy - Financing Governments - Rural Credit - Towards a State Banking Sector - Banking Developments - Financing Industry - The External Sector - The Bank and Governments - Appendices - Selected Documents - Index


The book is essential reading for bankers, students, researchers, and teachers of economics and modern Indian history and also of wider general interest.


Pages : 1208


Price : Rs. 1,195


Copies are available from :


Oxford University Press




leading book stores in India




To mark the 50 years of independence and to remember the Central Bankers who played an outstanding role in building the Indian economy over the past five decades, the RBI has brought out a "Commemorative Volume of Select Speeches of Governors of the Reserve Bank". The basic objective of the Volume is to trace the evolution of various core central banking policies i.e., monetary policy and external policies in India. It also highlights how the thinking on various issues changed in tune with the structural shifts and other changes that have taken place in the Indian economy. The Volume contains 32 select speeches delivered by thirteen Governors, starting from the first Indian Governor Shri Chintaman Deshmukh to Dr. C. Rangarajan. These speeches provide insight on various topics of contemporary economic importance and germane to central banking as also administration of the Indian Financial System. The thoughts of the veteran central bankers embody information on various economic issues confronted by the Indian economy in general with specific intonation on the relevant issues to be addressed by the Central Bank from time to time. The book is an invaluable and exclusive collection of the thoughts of the Central Bankers who played an important role in the development of Indian economy. Besides the speeches, the Volume contains rare portraits of the Governors printed elegantly in colour.


Price : Rs. 400/- (Including Postal Charges in India)

Cheques should be drawn in favour of the RESERVE BANK OF INDIA, Mumbai.


Copies are available from :


The Director

Sales Section,

Division of Reports, Reviews and Publications,

Reserve Bank of India,

Amar Building, Ground Floor,

P. M. Road, Fort,

Mumbai - 400 001.




In recognition of the valuable services rendered by C.D. Deshmukh to the nation and to perpetuate his memory, the Reserve Bank of India instituted in 1984 an annual lecture series styled Chintaman Deshmukh Memorial Lectures as part of the Bank's Golden Jubilee Celebrations. Nine lectures have been delivered so far in the series. All these nine lectures are being released in the form of the Centenary Commemorative Volume as a tribute by the Reserve Bank to this great son of India in this year of his Birth centenary celebrations. These lectures have been delivered by eminent economists including several Nobel Laureates and central bankers. The themes chosen centre around the pressing contemporary issues in the areas of monetary and fiscal management.


The Failure of Monetarism

Nicholas Lord Kaldor


Central Banks and Government Budgets

James Tobin


State Owned Firm, Bureaucracy and Market: Hungarian Experience

Janos Kornai


Financial Innovation : Effects on Economic Performance

Lawrence R. Klein


The Evolving International Monetary System : Some Issues

Michel Camdessus


Global Economic Prospects at the Turn of the Decade

E. Gerald Corrigan


The Worldwide Adjustment Process in the 1980s

Jacques de Larosiere


Central Banks, Monetary Policy and the Financial System

John W. Crow


Economic Policy Approaches: Some Reflections

Edward Geogre


The volume is priced at Rs. 100 (inland) and US $ 25 (foreign) (inclusive of postage). Copies of the Centenary Commemorative Volume are available from the Division of Reports, Reviews and Publications (Sales Section), Department of Economic Analysis and Policy, Reserve Bank of India, Amar Building, Ground Floor, P.M. Road, Post Box No. 1036, Mumbai - 400 001. Cheques/Drafts should be drawn on Mumbai in favour of Reserve Bank of India.


Weekly Statistical Supplement to RBI Monthly Bulletin


The Reserve Bank of India brings out a Weekly Statistical Supplement to its Monthly Bulletin on every Saturday. The purpose of this Supplement is to provide a regular update of various important statistics provided in the Monthly Bulletin. The Weekly Statistical Supplement contains 21 tables spread over eight pages covering a very wide spectrum of banking and financial data. The Weekly Statistical Supplement now provides the latest available statistical data covering the following areas :


RBI's assets and liabilities


Foreign exchange reserves


Scheduled commercial banks' business in India


Interest rates


Accommodation provided by scheduled commercial banks to commercial sector


Foreign Exchange rates


Money stock: components and sources


Reserve money: components and sources


Auction of 14-day treasury bills


Auction of 91-day treasury bills


Auction of 182-day treasury bills


Auction of 364-day treasury bills


Certificates of deposit issued by scheduled commercial banks


Commercial paper issued by companies


Index numbers of wholesale prices


BSE sensitive index and NSE Nifty index of ordinary share prices - Mumbai


Average daily turnover in call money market


Turnover in government securities market


Turnover in foreign exchange market


Weekly traded volume in corporate debt at NSE


Bullion prices


Government of India : treasury bills outstanding


Long and medium term borrowings of the Government of India


Secondary market transactions in Government securities

The data contained in the revised Weekly Statistical Supplement can also be accessed through INTERNET at /en/web/rbi/publications/weekly-statistical-supplement The revised Weekly Statistical Supplement is priced at Rs. 5.00 per copy and the annual subscription is Rs. 250.




The Report on Currency and Finance for 1997-98 is available in two volumes. Volume I presents a detailed analytical review of developments in various sectors of the economy during the year. Details of important announcements relating to export control/promotion and import control policy are provided in two appendices.


Volume II contains statistical statements giving comprehensive data on dimensional and structural changes in the economy over a period of years.


Volume I

Volume II





Rs. 175

U.S. $50

Rs. 175

U.S. $ 50

(Price is inclusive of postage and registration charges; the publication will be sent by registered air mail to foreign countries.)


Faculty members of educational/ research institutions and research students of economics/commerce in India can get the Report at a concessional price of Rs. 125 each for Volume I and Volume II, respectively. Request for copies at concessional rates should be forwarded through the head of the Institution.


The Hindi version of the Report is available for Rs. 275 (inland) and US $50 (abroad). Copies of the Report are available from (i) Sales Section, DRRP, Department of Economic Analysis and Policy, Reserve Bank of India (Ground Floor), Amar Building, P.M. Road, Mumbai-400 001 and (ii) the Chief General Manager of the New Delhi Office of the Reserve Bank of India. Cheques/Drafts should be in favour of Reserve Bank of India and drawn on Mumbai or New Delhi, as the case may be.


Reserve Bank of India Occasional Papers


The Reserve Bank of India Occasional Papers is a quarterly Journal (March, June, September, December). The Journal contains contributions by the professional staff of the Bank on a wide spectrum of fields - agriculture, industry, monetary and credit trends and policies, and international trade and finance.


Vol. 19 No. 4 1998





- G. P. Samanta and Sharmishtha Mitra



- B. K. Bhoi and S. C. Dhal



- Himanshu Joshi





- T. K. Chakrabarty



- M. P. Gaikwad



- D. Singh


Inland : Rs. 40 (inclusive of postage)


Foreign : US $ 25 (inclusive of postage)

Orders are to be sent along with bank draft/cheque in favour of Reserve Bank of India drawn on Mumbai to :


Sales Section, DRRP,


Department of Economic Analysis and Policy,


Reserve Bank of India,


Ground Floor, Amar Building,


P. M. Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.



This annual publication brought out by the Reserve Bank of India in terms of Section 36 (2) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 is now available for the year 1997- 98 (July-June). The Report containing four chapters is presented in bilingual form in Hindi and English.


The first chapter sets out in a nutshell the banking developments and policy perspectives and discusses some key issues relevant to the healthy development of the banking system. The subsequent three chapters contain detailed reviews of major trends and developments during the year in the fields of commercial banking, co-operative banking including activities of NABARD and other financial institutions (IDBI, UTI, DICGC, EXIM Bank and NHB).


The Report is priced at Rs. 120 (inland) and US $ 45 (foreign) (inclusive of postage).


Copies of the Report are avail- able from the Division of Reports, Reviews and Publications (Sales Section), Department of Economic Analysis and Policy, Reserve Bank of India, Amar Building, Ground Floor, P. M. Road, Post Box No. 1036, Mumbai - 400 001.


Cheques/Drafts should be drawn on Mumbai in favour of Reserve Bank of India.


This Report can also be accessed through INTERNET at /en/web/rbi/-/publications/trend-and-progress-of-banking-in-india-2022.




India was among the few emerging markets which were relatively unaffected by the Asian crisis mainly on account of appropriate macro-policies and prudent debt management. Nonetheless, the lessons of the Asian crisis should not be lost sight of. Against this background, the World Bank, the Ministry of Finance (MoF), Government of India, and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) jointly organised a seminar on External Debt Management: Issues, Lessons and Preventive Measures for placing in a perspective the lessons of the recent crisis, and for generating an informed debate on the debt management capability of the Indian economy at Kovalam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. Participants at the seminar belonged to the academic world, the World Bank, the Commonwealth Secretariat, financial institutions, corporate sector, the Government of India and the Reserve Bank of India. The seminar deliberated on four broad themes (a) Managing External Debt: Lessons from International Experience, (b) Issues in External Debt Management, (c) External Debt Management: A Corporate Perspective and (d) Debt Database Management Issues.


Availability of the Publication


The papers and proceedings of the seminar, edited by Dr. A. Vasudevan, Executive Director, Reserve Bank of India, have been brought out in the form of a book External Debt Management: Issues, Lessons and Preventive Measures. The book priced at Rs. 250 (inland), is available for sale at the Sales Section, Division of Reports, Reviews and Publications, Department of Economic Analysis and Policy, Reserve Bank of India, Amar Building, Ground Floor, P.M. Road, Fort, Mumbai 400 001.


Handbook of Statistics on Indian Economy


Handbook of Statistics on Indian Economy is an ad hoc publication brought out in December 1998 by the Department of Economic Analysis and Policy of the Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai. This publication gives annual data on most of the major economic indicators from 1970-71 onwards, and data on monthly/quarterly basis in respect of the financial sector for recent years, essentially to facilitate short-term analysis. Wherever possible, data on such high frequency basis are provided from 1990-91 onwards. There are 135 tables arranged in two parts; part I containing annual series and part II monthly series. Data relate to national income, saving and investment, agriculture and industrial output, prices, money and banking, financial markets, government finances, foreign trade, balance of payments and exchange rates. Data are compiled from both within the Reserve Bank of India and from outside published sources.


The inland price of the book is Rs. 125 (inclusive of postages) per copy with concessional price at Rs. 100 for students, public libraries and educational institutions. The price for overseas buyers is US $ 20 inclusive of registered airmail book-post charges. The copy is available for sale in the Sales Section, Ground Floor, Amar Building, P.M. Road, Reserve Bank of India, Fort, Mumbai-400 001. Order for the purchase can be placed with the Director, Division of Reports, Reviews and Publications, Department of Economic Analysis and Policy, Reserve Bank of India, City Ice Building, 2nd Floor, Perin Nariman Street, Fort, Mumbai-400 001 on payment through demand draft or cheque drawn in favour of Reserve Bank of India and payable at Mumbai only.




The Department of Statistical Analysis and Computer Services has brought out a special publication, Banking Statistics 1972-1995, presenting comprehensive information on deposits and credit of Scheduled Commercial Banks according to various characteristics. The time-series data presented in this publication have been culled out from the published volumes of Banking Statistics. It also gives information on employees of Scheduled Commercial Banks according to category. The publication will be found useful by researchers, bankers and also other interested in banking.


Price : The publication is priced at Rs. 120 (inland) and US $ 30 (foreign) inclusive of postage.


Copies of the publication are available from :


Sales section,

Division of Reports, Reviews and Publications,

Department of Economic Analysis and Policy,

Reserve Bank of India,

Ground Floor, Amar Building,

P. M. Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.


The publication is also available on floppy for Rs. 70 (inland) and US $ 20 (foreign) inclusive of postage. The floppy can be obtained from :



Banking Statistics Division,

Department of Statistical Analysis and Computer Services,

Reserve Bank of India,

Bandra - Kurla Complex,

Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051.


Pay Orders/drafts should be drawn in favour of Reserve Bank of India, payable at Mumbai.


Statistical Tables Relating to Banks in India


The publication presents comprehensive statistical data on the working of commercial banks (including Regional Rural Banks) and Post Office savings in India during the reference year along with revised data, where available, for the previous years.


The publication is divided into three parts : (i) Summary Tables, (ii) Detailed Tables and (iii) Appendix. The summary tables give consolidated data in respect of selected items of liabilities and assets of banks and also their earnings and expenses. The detailed tables give data on liabilities and assets, income and expenses of individual banks. The appendix furnishes a complete list of commercial banks and the number of their offices in all States and Union Territories.


The publication also presents some useful information on : (i) Maturity classification of fixed deposits with scheduled commercial banks, (ii) Ownership of deposits with scheduled commercial banks, (iii) Investments of scheduled commercial banks, (iv) Advances to priority sectors, (v) Deposits and credit of offices opened after nationalisation, (vi) State-wise details of commercial banks' deposits and credit, (vii) State-wise distribution of commercial banks' employees, etc.


The publication can be had from the Sales Section, Division of Reports, Reviews and Publications, Department of Economic Analysis and Policy, Reserve Bank of India, Amar Building (Ground Floor), P. M. Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.





Rs. 125



Rs. 185 (by Registered Book Post)



US $ 45 (by Registered Air Mail)

Cheques/drafts should be drawn in favour of Reserve Bank of India, payable at Mumbai.




The Department of Statistical Analysis and Computer Services brings out regularly Banking Statistics-Quarterly Handout that presents data on commercial banks' deposits and credit by Regions, States, Districts, Population groups and individual bankgroups and also in respect of top 100 centres.


The publication for March Quarter also includes data on deposits and credit of State and District Co-operative Banks.


The price of the Handout is Rs. 30 (inclusive of postage).


Cheques/Drafts should be drawn in favour of Reserve Bank of India and made payable at Mumbai.


Copies of the publications can be had from :


Sales Section,

Division of Reports, Reviews and Publications,

Department of Economic Analysis and Policy,

Reserve Bank of India,

Ground Floor, Amar Building,

P. M. Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

Banking Statistics - March 1997 (Volume 26) and Banking Statistics - Summary Tables - March 1997


The Department of Statistical Analysis and Computer Services has brought out the detailed volume on Banking Statistics relating to March 1997. The Volume presents comprehensive data on number of offices, employees, deposits and credit of scheduled commercial banks collected through the Basic Statistical Returns from the bank offices, as on the last day of March 1997. The volume is divided into 5 sections. While Section 1 of the volume presents general information on commercial banking and also the summary data on deposits and credit at the all India and state level, Sections 2, 3, 4 and 5 give detailed data classified according to various classificatory characteristics and also according to population group and bank group at the State / District level. A booklet on Summary Tables, that contain data on deposits and credit as set out in Section 1 of the main Volume at All India and State level along with the salient results of BSR survey has also been brought out.


The price of the volume is Rs. 220 in India and US $70 abroad. The summary Tables are priced at Rs. 25 in India. All prices are inclusive of postage. Drafts / cheques should be drawn in favour of Reserve Bank of India and made payable at Mumbai.


Copies of the publication can be had from :


The Director (Sales Section),

Division of Reports, Reviews and Publications,

Department of Economic Analysis and Policy,

Reserve Bank of India ,

Ground Floor, Amar Building,

P. M. Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.


Selected Financial and Other Ratios 1988-89 to 1990-91 Public Limited Companies- Part-I Private Limited Companies- Part II


Reserve Bank of India has brought out the above publication in two parts based on the annual account of public and private limited companies covered in the regular studies undertaken by RBI. It has been designed to meet the requirements of various users particularly the banks, financial institutions, corporate entities, regulatory bodies, research and other academic institutions.


Part-I presents the data on Public Limited Companies and gives 10 Financial and other ratios for 'all industries' according to size groups of paid-up capital, total net assets and sales as also for 51 selected industries/ industry groups. Part-II contains data on Private Limited Companies and provides financial and other ratios for 'all industries' according to size groups of paid up capital, total net assets and sales as also for 41 selected industries/ industry-groups.


Part-I is priced at Rs. 90 (US $ 50 outside India) inclusive of postage. Part-II is priced at Rs. 80 (US $ 45 outside India) inclusive of postage.


Copies of the publication are available from Sales Section, Division of Reports, Reviews and Publications, Department of Economic Analysis and Policy, Reserve Bank of India, Amar Building, Ground Floor, P.M. Road, P.B. No. 1036, Mumbai-400 001. Payment should be made by crossed cheques/draft drawn on Mumbai payable to Reserve Bank of India.


Handbook of Instructions of Basic Statistical Returns 1 and 2 Revised Edition - March 1996


The handbook presents detailed instructions for filling in BSR-1 and BSR-2 returns, enclosing the list of revised codes to be used for classification of borrowal accounts. This revised system is effective from the March, 1996 round of the survey on an annual basis, the reference date for the year being 31st March.


Copies of the Handbook of Instructions are available for sale from;


Sales Section,

Division of Reports, Reviews and Publications,

Department of Economic Analysis and Policy,

Reserve Bank of India,

Amar Building, Ground Floor,

P. M. Road, Fort,

Mumbai - 400 001.


Price : Rs. 20 per copy (including postage)


Note : Cheques/Drafts should be drawn in favour of Reserve Bank of India, payable at Mumbai.




The Reserve Bank of India has brought out a special publication entitled "Selected Banking Indicators 1947-1997". This publication presents a long time series data on banking development in India since 1947. The data are presented on a number of banking variables, which consist inter alia of aggregate deposits, credit, investments, etc. The annual balance sheet data are also presented.


The publication is priced at Rs. 45 (Rs. 105 by registered book post) in India and US # 15 (by registered air mail) outside India. The publication is available in diskette form also and is priced at Rs. 50. It can be had from the Director, Division of Reports, Reviews and Publications (Sales Section), Department of Economic Analysis and Policy, Reserve Bank of India, Amar Building (Ground Floor), P.B. No. 1036, Mumbai - 400 001. Cheques/drafts should be drawn in favour of the "Reserve Bank of India", payable at Mumbai.


Directory of Bank Offices-1993 (English)


This is the eighth full-fledged edition of the captioned publication in English and the Hindi edition will follow in due course. It gives a complete Centre-wise list of offices/ branches of all Commercial and Cooperative banks including the Regional Rural Banks as also the foreign banks functioning in India. It also includes information regarding the representative offices of foreign banks in India not conducting banking business but acting as liaison offices. It also gives a country-wise list of offices of Indian Scheduled Commercial banks abroad, and their foreign agents or correspondents. The information regarding foreign agents or correspondents in London is also given in respect of the foreign banks functioning in India along with the Indian Scheduled Commercial banks.





Rs. 485.00


(Across the Counter)


Rs. 568.00


(By Post)




By Sea Mail US $ 36 (Inclusive of postage)


Available from


The Director (DRRP)


Department of Economic Analysis and Policy,


(Sales Section)


Reserve Bank of India,


Amar Building, Ground Floor,


P. M. Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.

List of Borrowal Accounts against which Banks and Financial Institutions Have Filed Suits for Recovery of Funds (Rs. 1 crore and above) (Position as on 31st March 1998)


The Department of Banking Operations and Development has brought out, under the RBI Scheme of Disclosure of Information, the captioned booklet. This booklet contains details of the suit-filed accounts with outstandings aggregating Rs. 1 crore and above as on 31st March, 1998 as submitted by the scheduled commercial banks and Financial Institutions under Chapter IIIA of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.


The publication is priced at Rs. 285/-


Copies are available for sale at the following address :


Sales section,

Division of Reports, Reviews and Publications,

Department of Economic Analysis and Policy,

Reserve Bank of India,

Amar Building, Ground Floor,

P. M. Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.


Cheques/Drafts should be drawn in favour of Reserve Bank of India payable at Mumbai.


Compendium of Circulars on Credit Policy - Volume 3 (April 1989-April 1995)


The Credit Planning Cell has brought out the third volume of the compendium of circulars on credit policy incorporating the circulars issued by the Cell during the period April 1989 to April 1995. Certain related circulars issued by the Department of Banking Operations and Development have also been included as an appendix. The compendium would prove useful both to bankers and the public as a basic reference document on the monetary and credit policy of Reserve Bank of India.


The publication is priced at Rs. 200/-


Copies are available for sale at the following address :


Sales Section, Division of Reports, Reviews & Publications, Department of Economic Analysis and Policy, Reserve Bank of India, Amar Building, Ground Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.


Cheques/Drafts should be drawn on Mumbai in favour of Reserve Bank of India.


Availability of RBI Publications to Subscribers


The Reserve Bank of India has been constantly striving towards quick delivery of its publications to subscribers. However, it is possible that in rare cases (subscribers not informing change in address for correspondence) they may not receive such publications at all or that they may get them belatedly due to postal delay. With a view to ensuring prompt delivery of publications, subscribers are requested to extend their co-operation by taking the following precautions.


The latest address of the subscribers should be intimated to us promptly. Any change of address during the period of subscription should be brought to our notice in advance or at the earliest.



As it takes a period of almost a month for the Postal Authority to deliver the publication to end-users, it is expected that the publication will be received by the subscriber by the end of the following month to which the Publication pertains. In case, particular issue of the publication is not received by this time, the subscriber should immediately contact us at the following address so that necessary action could be initiated at the earliest.

Shri R.D. Bangar,

Assistant Adviser,

Sales Promotion, DRRP, DEAP,

Reserve Bank of India,

City Ice Building, 2nd Floor,

Perin Nariman Street,

Mumbai 400 001.

Tel : (022) 269-5136

Fax : (022) 263-2110


Reader's View on the Monthly Bulletin

Dear Reader,


With a view to improving the format and content of RBI Bulletin, we approach you with the following questionnaire. We greatly appreciate your sparing time to answer the questionnaire and mail it to the address given below:



RBI Bulletin

Department of Economic Analysis and Policy

Reserve Bank of India


Mumbai 400 001


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Please indicate the items in the Bulletin that you find useful?


Studies/Articles on various aspects of banking, corporate sector,


Government finances, etc.



Supplements to the Bulletin



Speeches delivered by Governor/Deputy Governors/


Executive Directors of the RBI



Credit Policy/Credit Control Measures of the RBI



Exchange Control Measures



RBI Press Release



Current Statistics




Please indicate, with reference to the answer given for (2) above, your suggestions for improvements in regard to items other than the 'Current Statistics' portion of the Bulletin?



What in your opinion, should be done to improve the get up or coverage of the "Current Statistics" portion?



Do you think it would be advisable to separate 'Current Statistics' portion from the rest of the Bulletin and have 'Monthly Statistics' separately brought out.









If the answer to Q.(5) is Yes, do you think it would be sufficient to have a Quarterly Bulletin of articles, speeches and policy measures.









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Thank you very much for your co-operation.




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