All Volumes and Issues - ਆਰਬੀਆਈ - Reserve Bank of India
ਸਤੰ 30, 1998
Financing of Power Projects in India: Problems and Prospects - A Note
NOTESR.K. Jain* Since 1991, the Government has opened the power sector to private sector and undertook various policy initiatives to reform its working and attract private investment. The liberalisation of power sector has, however, raised many pertinent issues, especially relating to financing of private power projects. This note presents some issues regarding private sector power projects and analyses alternative financing options. Introduction Infrastructure and
ਸਤੰ 30, 1998
Money and Finance through the Looking Glass
REVIEW ARTICLEY.V. Reddy** Monetary economics has seen perhaps more controversies than any other branch of economicssince the 'twenties. The fall of the gold and gold exchange standard, the decline of classicism leading to the dominance of fiscal economics in the wake of the Great Depression, the Fisherian elegant exposition of the quantity theory of money in terms of the world-renowned equation, MV = PT, followed by the Cambridge version and the Keynesian attempt to
ਸਤੰ 30, 1998
Private Capital Flows to Developing Countries
BOOK REVIEWS- The Road to Financial Integration, World Bank, Oxford University Press, New York, 1997, pages xvii + 406. Capital flows to developing countries has become a serious topic for debate and discussion,particularly after the Mexican crisis in 1995 and the East Asian crisis in 1997. Various publications on different aspects of capital flows have originated from several quarters. Mention may be made of IMF Occasional Paper No. 108 (1993) on "Recent Experiences
ਸਤੰ 30, 1998
The Microstructure of Foreign Exchange Markets
Edited by Jeffrey A. Frankel, Giampaolo Galli and Alberto Giovannini, NBER 1996, Chicago, pp. x+346, $71.50 Ever since the advent of the generalised floating exchange rate regime many theoretical andempirical research have appeared explaining the behaviour of exchange rates. The theoretical insight of all recent empirical research is the so-called asset market approach, which has produced a number of models and have been useful in explaining and quantifying exchange
ਸਤੰ 30, 1998
Effective Cost of Small Savings
NOTESM.S. Mohanty & Nishita Raje* Small saving schemes involve both an explicit and implicit cost to the government. The implicit cost, which arises from several tax concessions offered on these investments not only introduces distortion to the relative return of various assets in the financial market but also gives rise to high effective cost of borrowing for the government. This paper examines the nature and extent of hidden cost of small savings and explores th
ਜਨ 01, 1997
RBI Occasional Papers Vol. 11 - No. 3 - September 1990
ਜਨ 01, 1997
RBI Occasional Papers Vol. 10 - No. 2 - June 1989
ਜਨ 01, 1997
RBI Occasional Papers Vol. 12 - No. 2 - June 1991
ਜਨ 01, 1997
RBI Occasional Papers Vol. 9 - No. 2 - June 1988
ਜਨ 01, 1997
RBI Occasional Papers Vol. 6 - No. 2 - December 1985
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