RBI/2012-13/250 UBD.BPD (PCB) Cir. No.19/14.01.062/2012-13 October 15, 2012 The Chief Executive Officer of All Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Madam/Dear Sir, Uploading of Reports in ‘Test Mode’ on FINnet Gateway Please refer to our circular UBD.CO.BPD.No.13/14.01.062/2011-12 dated September 27, 2012 advising Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks (UCBs) to initiate submission of reports on the FINnet Gateway in ‘TEST MODE’ from August 31, 2012. 2. FIU-IND have now advised that the ‘go-live’ date is October 20, 2012 and that banks may discontinue submission of reports in CD format after October 20, 2012, using only FINnet gateway for uploading of reports in the new XML reporting format. Any report in CD format received after October 20, 2012 will not be treated as a valid submission by FIU-IND. 3. UCBs are accordingly advised to take action as required by FIU-IND and ensure that all reports are submitted in time as per the schedule. 4. For any clarification/assistance regarding submission of reports, you may contact FIU-IND help desk by email or telephone numbers 011-24109792/93. 5. The Compliance Officer/ Principal Officer should acknowledge receipt of this circular to the Regional Office concerned. Yours faithfully, (A. Udgata) Chief General Manager-in-Charge |