Withdrawal of all old series of Banknotes issued prior to 2005 - ஆர்பிஐ - Reserve Bank of India
Withdrawal of all old series of Banknotes issued prior to 2005
RBI/2014-15/373 December 31, 2014 The Chairman / Managing Director/ Chief Executive Officer Dear Sir /Madam Withdrawal of all old series of Banknotes issued prior to 2005 Please refer to our circular DCM (Plg) No. G-19/3880/10.27.00/2013-14 dated March 03, 2014 and the Press Release dated March 03, 2014 on the captioned subject. 2. On a review of the matter, it has been decided to extend the date for exchanging the pre-2005 banknotes to June 30, 2015. These instructions have been included in a Press Release dated December 23, 2014 (copy enclosed). 3. You are advised to facilitate the exchange of such notes for full value without causing any inconvenience to the public, whatsoever. These notes will retain their legal tender status and the public can continue to use these for any transaction/ payment. 4. Suitable instructions may be issued to all your branches to provide exchange facilities to members of public and to stop re-issue of the pre- 2005 series banknotes. In this regard, you may please refer to the list of dos and don’ts enclosed with our above-mentioned circular dated March 03, 2014. Please also ensure that such notes are not dispensed through the ATMs/ over your counters. The methodology to be followed for dealing with the Pre-2005 series banknotes contained in Para 3 of our circular DCM (Plg) No. G-17/3231/10.27.00/2013-14 dated January 23, 2014 remains unchanged. 5. Please acknowledge receipt. Yours faithfully (B.P Vijayendra) Encl: 1 sheet |