List of Select Abbreviations - ஆர்பிஐ - Reserve Bank of India
வெளியிடப்பட்ட தேதி டிசம்பர் 26, 2024
List of Select Abbreviations
AA | Account Aggregator |
AA | Appellate Authority |
ACB | Audit Committee of the Board |
AEs | Advanced Economies |
AFA | Additional Factor of Authentication |
AFS | Available for Sale |
AGR | Alternate Grievance Redress |
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
AID | All-inclusive Directions |
AIFIs | All India Financial Institutions |
ANBC | Adjusted Net Bank Credit |
APIs | Application Programming Interfaces |
ARCs | Asset Reconstruction Companies |
ARDL | Autoregressive Distributed Lag |
ARR | Alternative Reference Rate |
ATMs | Automated Teller Machines |
BBPOUs | Bharat Bill Payment Operating Units |
BBPS | Bharat Bill Payment System |
BCs | Business Correspondents |
BCBS | Basel Committee on Banking Supervision |
BDDR | Bad and Doubtful Debt Reserve |
BIS | Bank for International Settlements |
BoE | Bank of England |
bps | basis points |
BR Act | Banking Regulation Act |
BSBDA | Basic Savings Bank Deposit Accounts |
CAB | Current Account Balance |
CAD | Current Account Deficit |
CAGR | Compound Annual Growth Rate |
CASA | Current Account Savings Account |
CBDC | Central Bank Digital Currency |
CBDC-R | Central Bank Digital Currency-Retail |
CBP | Co-Branding Partner |
CCB | Capital Conservation Buffer |
CCIL | Clearing Corporation of India Ltd. |
CCPs | Central Counterparties |
CCPA | Central Consumer Protection Authority |
CCR | Counterparty Credit Risk |
C-D ratio | Credit-Deposit Ratio |
CDS | Credit Default Swap |
CDs | Certificates of Deposit |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer |
CEPC | Consumer Education and Protection Cell |
CEPD | Consumer Education and Protection Department |
CEOBE | Credit Equivalent of Off-Balance Sheet Exposure |
CEOs | Chief Executive Officers |
CET1 | Common Equity Tier 1 |
CFLs | Centres for Financial Literacy |
CGTMSE | Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises |
CIR | Cost-to-Income Ratio |
CISBI | Central Information System for Banking Infrastructure |
CKYCR | Central Know Your Customer Registry |
CMBs | Cash Management Bills |
CMs | Clearing Members |
COD | Commencement Operations Date |
CoR | Certificate of Registration |
CP | Commercial Paper |
CPMI | Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures |
CRAR | Capital to Risk-weighted Assets Ratio |
CRE | Commercial Real Estate |
CRGFTLIH | Credit Risk Guarantee Fund Trust for Low Income Housing |
CRILC | Central Repository of Information on Large Credits |
CRPC | Centralised Receipt and Processing Centre |
CTS | Cheque Truncation System |
DBIE | Database on Indian Economy |
DBT | Direct Benefit Transfers |
DCCBs | District Co-operative Banks |
DEA | Depositor Education and Awareness |
DFI | Development Financial Institution |
DFR | Deposit Facility Rate |
DI | Deposit Insurance |
DICGC | Deposit Insurance and Credit |
Guarantee Corporation | |
DIF | Deposit Insurance Fund |
DLA | Digital Lending App |
DPI | Digital Payments Index |
ECB | European Central Bank |
ECBs | External Commercial Borrowings |
ECL | Expected Credit Loss |
ECLGS | Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme |
ECM | Error Correction Term |
EMEs | Emerging Market Economies |
EMDEs | Emerging Market and Developing Economies |
ERP | Enterprise Resources Planning |
EU | European Union |
EWIs | Early Warning Indicators |
EWS | Early Warning Signals |
EXIM Bank | Export-Import Bank of India |
FATF | Financial Action Task Force |
FBs | Foreign Banks |
FCNR(B) | Foreign Currency Non-Resident (Bank) |
FI | Financial Inclusion |
FIPs | Financial Inclusion Plans |
FIPs | Financial Information Providers |
FI-Us | Financial Information Users |
FLCs | Financial Literacy Centres |
FLDG | First Loss Default Guarantee |
FPC | Fair Practices Code |
FPS | Fast Payment System |
FREE-AI | Framework for Responsible and Ethical Enablement of Artificial Intelligence |
FSB | Financial Stability Board |
FVI | Fraud Vulnerability Index |
FX | Forex |
GCC | General Credit Card |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
GenAI | Generative Artificial Intelligence |
GFC | Global Financial Crisis |
GHG | Greenhouse Gas |
GMM | Generalised Method of Moments |
GNPA | Gross Non-Performing Asset |
G-secs | Government Securities |
G-SIBs | Global Systemically Important Banks |
GST | Goods and Services Tax |
GVA | Gross Value Added |
HFCs | Housing Finance Companies |
HFCs-D | Deposit taking Housing Finance Companies |
HFT | Held for Trading |
HITM | Human-in-the-middle |
HQLA | High-quality Liquid Assets |
HTM | Held to Maturity |
IBC | Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code |
IBUs | IFSC Banking Units |
I-CRR | Incremental Cash Reserve Ratio |
ICT | Information and Communication Technology |
IFRS | International Financial Reporting Standards |
IFSC | International Financial Services Centre |
IGR | Internal Grievance Redress |
IL&FS | Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
IMPS | Immediate Payment Service |
InvITs | Infrastructure Investment Trusts |
IO | Internal Ombudsman |
IOSCO | International Organisation of Securities Commissions |
IRACP | Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning |
ISSB | International Sustainability Standards Board |
IT | Information Technology |
JLGs | Joint Liability Groups |
KCC | Kisan Credit Card |
KPIs | Key Performance Indicators |
KYC | Know Your Customer |
LABs | Local Area Banks |
LAF | Liquidity Adjustment Facility |
LBS | Lead Bank Scheme |
LCR | Liquidity Coverage Ratio |
LEAs | Law Enforcement Agencies |
LEF | Large Exposures Framework |
LR | Leverage Ratio |
LTV | Loan-to-Value |
MCIs | Multi-function Crypto-asset Intermediaries |
MD | Managing Director |
MDA | Micro-data Analysis |
ML | Machine Learning |
MPC | Monetary Policy Committee |
MROs | Main Refinancing Operations |
MSE | Micro and Small Enterprises |
MSF | Marginal Standing Facility |
MSME | Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises |
NABARD | National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development |
NaBFID | National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development |
NAFSCOB | National Federation of State Cooperative Banks |
NAV | Net Asset Value |
NBFC-BL | Non-Banking Financial Company - Base Layer |
NBFC-CIC | Non-Banking Financial Company -Core Investment Company |
NBFC-ICC | Non-Banking Financial Company - Investment and Credit Company |
NBFC-IFC | Non-Banking Financial Company - Infrastructure Finance Company |
NBFC-MFI | Non-Banking Financial Company - Micro Finance Institution |
NBFC-MGC | Non-Banking Financial Company - Mortgage Guarantee Company |
NBFC-ML | Non-Banking Financial Company - Middle Layer |
NBFCs | Non-Banking Financial Companies |
NBFC-NOFHC | Non-Banking Financial Company – Non-Operative Financial Holding Company |
NBFCs-D | Deposit-taking NBFCs |
NBFCs-P2P | Non-Banking Financial Companies - Peer to Peer |
NBFC-UL | Non-Banking Financial Company - Upper Layer |
NBFIs | Non-Banking Financial Institutions |
NCCD | Non-Centrally Cleared Derivatives |
NCDs | Non-Convertible Debentures |
NCE | Non-Conventional Energy |
NDS-OM | Negotiated Dealing System -Order Matching |
NDTL | Net Demand and Time Liabilities |
NEFT | National Electronic Funds Transfer |
NGFS | Network for Greening the Financial System |
NHB | National Housing Bank |
NII | Net Interest Income |
NIM | Net Interest Margin |
NLDR | National Level Data Repository |
NNPA | Net Non-Performing Assets |
NOF | Net Owned Funds |
NPI | National Payments Interface |
NPL | Non-Performing Loans |
NRC | Nomination and Remuneration Committee |
NRE | Non-Resident External |
NRO | Non-Resident Ordinary |
NSFI | National Strategy for Financial Inclusion |
NSFR | Net Stable Funding Ratio |
NSUCBs | Non-Scheduled Urban Co-operative Banks |
OBS | Off-Balance Sheet |
OCEN | Open Credit Enablement Network |
OD | Overdraft |
OEFs | Open-Ended Funds |
ORBIO | Office of the Reserve Bank of India Ombudsman |
OTC | Over-the-Counter |
P2M | Person-to-Merchant |
P2P | Person-to-Person |
PACS | Primary Agricultural Credit Societies |
PAs | Payment Aggregators |
P&L | Profit and Loss |
PBs | Payments Banks |
PCA | Prompt Corrective Action |
PCARDBs | Primary Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks |
PCR | Provision Coverage Ratio |
PDs | Primary Dealers |
PLR | Prime Lending Rate |
PMAY | Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana |
PMJDY | Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana |
PRAVAAH | Platform for Regulatory Application, Validation and AutHorisation |
PSBs | Public Sector Banks |
PSL | Priority Sector Lending |
PSLCs | Priority Sector Lending Certificates |
PSOs | Payment System Operators |
PSUs | Public Sector Undertakings |
PVBs | Private Sector Banks |
RB-CRIS | Reserve Bank – Climate Risk Information System |
RB-IOS | Reserve Bank – Integrated Ombudsman Scheme |
RBIH | Reserve Bank Innovation Hub |
RBP | Risk Based Premium |
RCCs | Rural Credit Co-operatives |
REITs | Real Estate Investment Trust |
REs | Regulated Entities |
RFAs | Red Flagged Accounts |
RMCB | Risk Management Committee of Board |
RoA | Return on Assets |
RoE | Return on Equity |
RPO | Recover Point Objective |
RR | Reserve Ratio |
RRBs | Regional Rural Banks |
RS | Regulatory Sandbox |
RSA | Restructured Standard Advances |
RTGS | Real Time Gross Settlement |
RTO | Recovery Time Objective |
RWAs | Risk-weighted Assets |
SAF | Supervisory Action Framework |
SARFAESI | Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest |
SBR | Scale-based Regulation |
SCARDBs | State Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks |
SCB | Scheduled Commercial Bank |
SDF | Standing Deposit Facility |
SEs | Supervised Entities |
SFBs | Small Finance Banks |
SGrBs | Sovereign Green Bonds |
SHG | Self Help Group |
SIDBI | Small Industries Development Bank of India |
SLAs | Service-level Agreements |
SLR | Statutory Liquidity Ratio |
SMA | Special Mention Account |
SMF | Small and Marginal Farmers |
SPDs | Standalone Primary Dealers |
SR | Security Receipt |
SRO | Self-regulatory Organisation |
SRO-FT | Self–regulatory Organisation in FinTech sector |
SSBs | Standard Setting Bodies |
StCBs | State Co-operative Banks |
SUCBs | Scheduled Urban Co-operative Banks |
T-bills | Treasury Bills |
TCFD | Task Force on Climate-related Disclosures |
TFPG | Total Factor Productivity Growth |
TOT | Toll Operate Transfer |
TR | Trade Repository |
TReDS | Trade Receivables Discounting System |
TVP | Target Variable Pay |
UAE | United Arab Emirates |
UCBs | Urban Co-operative Banks |
UIADI | Unique Identification Authority of India |
ULI | Unified Lending Interface |
UPI | Unified Payments Interface |
UTs | Union Territories |
VP | Variable Pay |
VRRR | Variable Rate Reverse Repo |
WACR | Weighted Average Call Rate |
WADTDR | Weighted Average Domestic Term Deposit Rate |
WALR | Weighted Average Lending Rate |
WAP | Weighted Average Premium |
WEO | World Economic Outlook |
WLAs | White-label ATMs |
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