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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

சொத்து வெளியீட்டாளர்


List of Select Abbreviations

ACP Annual Credit Plan
AE Advanced Economy
AFC Asset Finance Company
AFS Available for Sale
AI Artificial Intelligence
AIFI All-India Financial Institution
ALM Asset-Liability Mismatch
AMC Asset Management Company
AML/CFT Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism
ANBC Adjusted Net Bank Credit
AQR Asset Quality Review
ARC Asset Reconstruction Company
ASF Available Stable Funding
BCBS Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
BC Business Correspondent
BFS Board for Financial Supervision
BHC Bank Holding Company
BHIM Bharat Interface for Money
BIFR Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction
BIOS Basic Input-Output System
BO Banking Ombudsman
BoD Board of Directors
BoE-CCS Bank of England Credit Condition Survey
BoM Board of Management
bps Basis points
BSBDA Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account
CAMELS Capital Adequacy, Asset Quality, Management, Earnings, Liquidity, and Systems and Control
CAR Capital to Assets Ratio
CASA Current Account and Savings Account
CBCG Correspondent Banking Coordination Group
CBR Correspondent Banking Relationship
CBS Core Banking Solution
CCB Capital Conservation Buffer
CCF Credit Conversion Factor
CCMP Cyber Crisis Management Plan
CCP Central Counterparty
CD Certificate of Deposit
C-D Ratio Credit to Deposit Ratio
CDR Cumulative Default Rates
CDS Credit Default Swap
CET Common Equity Tier
CiC Currency in Circulation
CIC Credit Information Company
CIC-ND-SI NBFC - Systemically Important Core Investment Company
CIRP Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process
CMB Cash Management Bill
CoR Certificate of Registration
CP Commercial Paper
CRAR Capital to Risk-weighted Assets Ratio
CRE Commercial Real Estate
CRILC Central Repository of Information on Large Credits
CRR Cash Reserve Ratio
DBT Direct Benefit Transfer
DCCB District Central Co-operative Bank
DDB Demand Deposit Balances
DICGC Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation
DRT Debt Recovery Tribunal
DSA Direct Selling Agent
EBPT Earnings Before Provisions and Taxes
ECB European Central Bank
ECS Electronic Clearance Service
EME Emerging Market Economy
EMI Equated Monthly Installment
EU European Union
EXIM Bank Export Import Bank of India
FALLCR Facility to Avail Liquidity for Liquidity Coverage Ratio
FATF Financial Action Task Force
FB Foreign Bank
FC Financial Creditor
FDI Foreign Direct Investment
FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
FEMA Foreign Exchange Management Act
FFEIC Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council
FIBIL Financial Benchmark India Private Ltd.
FIP Financial Inclusion Plan
FPI Foreign Portfolio Investment
FSB Financial Stability Board
FSI Financial Stability Institute
FSWM Financially Sound and Well Managed
GCC General Credit Card
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GFC Global Financial Crisis
GMM Generalized Method of Moments
GNPA Gross Non-performing Asset
G-secs Government Securities
G-SIB Global Systemically Important Bank
GST Goods and Services Tax
HFC Housing Finance Company
HFT Held for Trade
HHI Herfindahl-Hirschman Index
HQLA High Quality Liquid Asset
HTM Held to Maturity
IAC Internal Advisory Committee
IBA Indian Banks’ Association
IBC Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
IBU IFSC Banking Unit
ICAI Institute of Chartered Accounts of India
ICT Information and Communication Technology
IDF-NBFC Infrastructure Debt Fund-NBFC
IFR Investment Fluctuation Reserve
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards
IFSC International Financial Services Centre
IIP Index of Industrial Production
IMPS Immediate Payment Service
Ind-AS India Accounting Standard
InvIT Infrastructure Investment Trust
IPO Initial Public Offering
IT Information Technology
KCC Kisan Credit Card
KYC Know Your Customer
LAB Local Area Bank
LAF Liquidity Adjustment Facility
LBS Lead Bank Scheme
LC Loan Company
LCR Liquidity Coverage Ratio
LDM Lead District Manager
LEI Legal Entity Identifier
LTV Loan-to-Value
MDR Merchant Discount Rate
MFIs Monetary Financial Institutions
MFI Micro-Finance Institution
MGC Mortgage Guarantee Company
MHP Minimum Holding Period
ML Machine Learning
MPC Monetary Policy Committee
MPP Macro-prudential Policy
MSE Micro and Small Enterprise
MSF Marginal Standing Facility
MSME Micro, Small And Medium Enterprise
MSS Market Stabilisation Scheme
MTM Mark-to-Market
NABARD National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
NACH National Automated Clearing House
NAFIS NABARD All India Rural Financial Inclusion Survey
NBFC Non-Banking Financial Company
NBFC-AA Non-Banking Financial Company - Account Aggregator
NBFC-D Deposit-taking Non-Banking Financial Company
NBFC-IFC Non-Banking Financial Company Infrastructure Finance Company
NBFC-MFI Non-Banking Financial Company -Micro Finance Institution
NBFC-ND Non-Banking Financial Company - Non-Deposit taking
NBFC-ND-SI Non-Deposit taking Systemically Important Non-Banking Financial Company
NBFC-P2P Non-Banking Financial Company - Peer to Peer Lending Platform
NBFI Non-Banking Financial Institution
NCLT National Company Law Tribunal
NDTL Net Demand and Time Liabilities
NEFT National Electronic Fund Transfer
NHB National Housing Bank
NII Net Interest Income
NIM Net Interest Margin
NNPA Net Non-performing Asset
NOF Net Owned Fund
NOFHC Non-operative Financial Holding Company
NPA Non-performing Assets
NPCI National Payments Corporation of India
NPISH Non-profit Institution Serving Household
NPL Non-performing Loan
NRE Non-resident External Rupee
NRLM National Rural Livelihoods Mission
NSFR Net Stable Funding Ratio
NSUCB Non-scheduled UCB
NULM National Urban Livelihoods Mission
OBE Off-Balance Sheet Exposure
OMO Open Market Operation
OTC Over-the-Counter
PACS Primary Agricultural Credit Societies
PAT Profit After Tax
PB Payments Bank
PCA Prompt Corrective Action
PCARDB Primary Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank
PCR Public Credit Registry
PD Primary Dealer
PLR Prime Lending Rate
PMAY Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana
PMJDY Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana
PMJJBY Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana
PML Prevention of Money Laundering
PMSBY Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana
PoS Point-of-Sale
PPI Pre-paid Payment Instrument
PSB Public Sector Bank
PSL Priority Sector Lending
PSLC-A PSLC-Agriculture
PSLC-ME PSLC-Micro Enterprises
PSLC Priority Sector Lending Certificate
PSLC-SM PSLC-Small & Marginal Farmers
PTA Prudential Treatment of Problem Asset
PVB Private Sector Bank
QIP Qualified Institutional Placement
RERA Real Estate Regulation and Development Act
RIDF Rural Infrastructure Development Fund
RoA Return on Assets
RoE Return on Equity
RP Resolution Plan
RRB Regional Rural Bank
RSF Required Stable Funding
RTGS Real Time Gross Settlement
RWA Risk Weighted Asset
SAR Suspicious -Activity-Reporting
SARFAESI Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interests
SBN Specified Bank Note
SCARDB State Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank
SCB Scheduled Commercial Bank
SDL State Development Loan
SDR Special Drawing Right
SFB Small Finance Bank
SGSY Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana
SHG Self-help Group
SIDBI Small Industries Development Bank of India
SLBC State Level Bankers’ Committee
SLR Statutory Liquidity Ratio
SMA Special Mention Account
SPD Standalone Primary Dealer
SR Security Receipt
StCB State Co-operative Bank
ST-SAO Short-term Seasonal Agricultural Operation
SUCB Scheduled Urban Co-operative Bank
SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
T-Bill Treasury Bill
TBTF Too-big-to-fail
TFCD Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
T-LAC Total Loss Absorbency Capacity
TPE Third Party Entity
TReDS Trade Receivables Discounting System
U.A.E. United Arab Emirates
UCB Urban Co-operative Bank
U.K. United Kingdom
UPI Unified Payments Interface
URC Unbanked Rural Centres
U.S. United States
VAR Vector Auto-Regression
VC Virtual Currency
WAC Weighted Average Cost
WACR Weighted Average Call Rate
WAM Weighted Average Maturity
WLA White-Label ATM
WOS Wholly Owned Subsidiary


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