No. 32 : Index Numbers of Wholesale Prices in India - By Groups and Sub-Groups (Averages) (1981-82=100) - ஆர்பிஐ - Reserve Bank of India
வெளியிடப்பட்ட தேதி ஜூன் 30, 1997
No. 32 : Index Numbers of Wholesale Prices in India - By Groups and Sub-Groups (Averages) (1981-82=100)
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1990-91 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1995 1996 ------------------------------------------------ ------ ----------------------------------------------------- Average of months/ Weight (April -- March) Nov. Jul. Aug. Sep.(P) Oct.(P) Nov.(P) Average of weeks ended Saturday ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ALL COMMODITIES 100.000 182.7 247.8 274.7 295.8 299.4 311.8 314.4 316.4 317.4 319.0 I. Primary Articles 32.295 184.9 250.9 283.2 304.1 310.2 325.3 326.4 330.7 330.6 334.8 (A) Food Articles 17.386 200.6 284.4 312.7 335.7 344.4 370.3 369.9 373.0 374.5 385.2 a. Foodgrains 7.917 179.2 260.7 293.2 313.0 314.6 340.6 348.3 355.0 355.4 362.3 (Cereals + Pulses) a1. Cereals 6.824 171.5 253.2 282.1 299.2 300.9 323.1 331.5 338.2 340.8 347.8 a2. Pulses 1.093 227.5 308.2 362.8 398.9 400.1 449.3 453.2 460.1 447.0 452.2 b. Fruits & Vegetables 4.089 204.1 281.8 289.1 323.9 344.1 390.4 378.0 376.1 386.1 415.3 b1. Vegetables 1.291 234.6 317.2 319.4 389.2 462.8 499.4 497.0 486.8 506.1 520.7 b2. Fruits 2.798 190.0 265.4 275.2 293.8 289.3 340.1 323.0 325.0 330.8 366.7 c. Milk 1.961 209.2 279.9 307.7 313.8 311.9 319.6 315.8 319.0 321.0 323.1 d. Eggs,fish & meat 1.783 194.5 292.7 363.3 391.5 402.8 406.1 409.4 407.4 395.1 404.9 e. Condiments & spices 0.947 284.6 447.3 438.6 453.6 466.4 519.7 513.9 521.3 532.6 523.0 f. Other food articles 0.689 301.5 339.4 385.9 422.2 462.3 439.6 424.0 421.6 406.4 406.4 (B) Non-Food Articles 10.081 194.2 249.1 299.0 321.7 325.8 328.3 332.3 340.6 337.8 332.9 a. Fibres 1.791 174.4 251.3 372.8 377.4 379.9 340.8 353.1 358.9 360.0 346.1 b. Oil seeds 3.861 194.9 227.1 265.6 284.6 291.5 286.9 295.3 310.4 303.5 294.6 c. Other non-food articles 4.429 201.6 267.4 298.4 331.6 333.8 359.2 356.2 359.7 358.8 361.0 (C) Minerals 4.828 109.0 133.9 143.6 153.5 154.6 157.1 157.0 157.5 157.5 157.6 a. Metallic Minerals 0.231 164.8 254.5 290.5 401.6 417.3 427.5 428.1 427.7 428.1 428.1 b. Other minerals 0.323 194.1 222.1 229.8 284.6 290.0 293.2 296.9 290.0 289.5 290.9 c. Petroleum crude & natural gas 4.274 99.6 120.7 129.1 130.2 130.2 132.2 131.8 132.9 132.9 132.9 II. Fuel, Power, Light & Lubricants 10.663 175.8 262.4 280.4 285.4 284.4 323.8 330.3 327.1 330.0 332.3 a. Coal mining 1.256 232.6 346.4 364.0 368.1 368.2 382.2 418.1 394.1 418.1 437.7 b. Mineral oils 6.666 154.7 223.6 235.0 235.2 234.7 280.7 281.0 280.5 280.5 280.5 c. Electricity 2.741 200.9 318.3 352.6 369.7 366.8 401.9 409.9 409.9 409.9 409.9 III. Manufactured Products 57.042 182.8 243.2 268.8 293.1 296.0 302.0 304.6 306.3 307.6 307.5 (A) Food Products 10.143 181.7 246.7 270.5 278.8 282.7 290.7 298.3 304.9 307.8 303.4 a. Dairy products 0.642 191.5 253.6 290.6 323.0 328.2 335.6 337.2 338.6 339.4 341.2 b. Canning & preserving of fruits & vegetables 0.068 169.3 254.8 261.9 278.9 280.4 280.4 280.4 283.3 283.3 283.3 c. Canning & preserving & processing of fish 0.126 171.4 256.4 244.5 244.5 244.5 244.5 244.5 244.5 244.5 244.5 d. Grain mill products 1.530 184.5 251.2 266.5 279.9 279.9 327.1 341.6 350.5 363.9 369.6 e. Bakery products 0.242 165.0 240.1 253.2 275.5 279.3 296.3 301.5 298.7 298.7 300.6 f. Sugar, khandsari & gur 4.059 152.3 237.3 259.0 244.2 248.8 250.4 257.0 267.2 269.8 258.8 g. Manufacture of common salt 0.035 166.0 236.7 245.1 430.7 499.1 563.0 563.0 565.1 571.9 585.1 h. Cocoa, chocolate & sugar confectionery 0.088 155.9 186.2 212.6 234.4 237.7 241.5 243.4 244.4 244.4 244.4 i. Edible oils 2.445 223.3 254.3 279.9 301.6 304.9 299.2 304.6 307.0 305.1 300.0 j. Oil cakes 0.432 188.2 258.1 298.4 312.9 321.6 323.6 351.5 364.2 369.6 373.2 k. Tea & coffee processing 0.236 249.0 307.9 371.5 476.1 482.5 482.5 482.5 482.5 482.5 482.5 l. Other food products n.e.c. 0.240 169.2 224.4 249.3 267.6 269.6 285.0 285.4 286.6 287.1 287.1 (B) Beverages, Tobacco & Tobacco Products 2.149 242.1 306.6 342.1 373.9 376.0 390.7 393.6 393.6 393.6 393.6 a. Wine Industries 0.099 161.7 190.0 328.9 343.7 329.7 303.7 302.4 302.9 302.9 302.9 b. Malt liquor 0.059 184.9 220.1 239.7 285.3 292.0 316.4 316.4 316.4 316.4 316.4 c. Soft drinks & carbonated water 0.066 220.1 356.5 390.3 390.5 395.9 425.3 426.2 426.2 426.2 426.2 d. Manufacture of bidi, cigarettes, tobacco & zarda 1.925 248.8 313.5 344.2 377.6 380.2 396.2 399.5 399.5 399.5 399.5 (C) Textiles 11.545 171.2 219.9 256.8 294.6 300.2 301.7 302.2 303.3 303.8 305.0 a. Cotton textiles 6.093 172.8 234.6 281.9 323.1 324.4 328.5 328.4 332.6 333.2 333.6 a1. Cotton yarn 1.232 189.9 273.0 369.3 396.7 395.5 374.4 371.6 374.1 371.6 368.5 a2. Cotton cloth 3.159 158.8 218.1 260.4 297.1 299.9 315.9 316.6 325.2 327.0 328.9 (Mills) a3. Cotton cloth 0.906 176.7 245.1 255.3 255.1 255.1 255.1 255.1 250.7 250.7 250.7 (Powerloom) a4. Cotton cloth 0.740 201.3 231.8 255.2 386.2 386.9 386.9 386.9 386.9 386.9 386.9 (Handloom) a5. Khadi cloth 0.056 148.4 193.4 351.3 439.1 439.1 439.1 451.3 439.1 454.3 459.4 b. Man made textiles 2.921 133.6 161.6 168.6 186.6 185.6 190.7 190.5 192.2 190.6 193.8 c. Woolen textiles 0.339 156.9 195.0 222.0 251.3 271.0 232.6 232.9 235.4 235.4 250.5 d. Jute,hemp & mesta textiles 0.689 282.7 319.2 350.2 464.3 536.8 514.0 495.4 468.2 479.4 474.0 e. Manufacturing of textiles n.e.c. 1.503 190.0 233.8 291.0 321.4 322.7 327.2 340.3 340.3 340.3 340.3 (D) Wood & Wood Products 1.198 159.1 380.9 421.0 442.0 444.4 445.8 445.8 445.8 445.8 445.8 (E) Paper & Paper Products 1.988 222.4 328.2 330.2 374.0 379.2 378.7 378.5 378.6 378.4 378.4 a. Paper & pulp 0.808 215.2 267.2 280.7 379.0 386.2 389.6 387.4 387.3 387.3 387.3 b. Manufacture of board 0.440 165.5 183.8 204.0 229.5 233.4 239.0 242.1 242.8 242.0 242.0 c. Printing & publishing of newspapers etc. 0.740 264.1 480.5 459.4 454.4 458.3 449.9 449.9 449.9 449.9 449.9 (F) Leather & Leather Products 1.018 224.3 245.2 261.8 276.8 278.4 282.5 279.5 278.7 278.7 278.7 (G) Rubber & Plastic Products 1.592 164.9 189.9 200.6 235.4 240.1 240.5 242.4 244.1 245.6 246.6 a. Tyres & tubes 0.766 153.3 183.6 189.8 232.7 238.5 239.4 239.4 239.4 239.4 239.4 a1. Tyres 0.697 151.3 180.3 185.4 229.3 235.6 236.3 236.3 236.3 236.3 236.3 a2. Tubes 0.069 173.3 217.2 234.0 267.2 267.7 270.2 270.2 270.2 270.2 270.2 b. Plastic products 0.442 187.2 194.2 194.6 207.6 212.0 212.0 218.9 225.0 230.4 233.8 c. Other rubber & plastic products 0.384 162.4 197.6 228.9 272.8 275.8 275.5 275.5 275.5 275.5 275.5 (H) Chemicals & Chemical Products 7.355 147.9 207.8 232.6 249.9 250.0 256.1 255.8 258.0 259.3 259.8 a. Basic heavy inorganic chemicals 0.764 185.1 268.3 314.3 351.5 347.8 395.7 393.7 396.4 394.5 394.2 b. Basic heavy organic chemicals 0.452 111.8 128.5 150.2 153.4 146.7 146.9 146.7 150.5 154.4 154.5 c. Fertilizers & pesticides 1.950 105.2 185.3 209.0 220.1 218.0 217.7 216.4 216.8 217.7 217.8 c1. Fertilizers 1.748 99.1 181.8 195.6 210.7 211.7 210.3 208.8 209.2 210.3 210.4 c2. Pesticides 0.202 158.2 216.0 324.7 301.4 273.2 281.6 281.6 281.6 281.6 281.6 d. Paints, varnishes & lacquer 0.240 204.9 306.5 308.5 318.6 323.0 331.9 333.5 334.1 334.3 334.3 e. Dyestuff & indigo 0.336 161.1 222.0 230.8 256.9 257.1 255.1 250.9 253.5 251.3 251.3 f. Drugs & medicines 1.065 149.6 186.6 220.6 235.3 238.9 242.1 242.1 242.5 242.1 242.0 g. Perfumes, cosmetics, toiletaries etc. 1.215 161.6 216.1 239.8 261.2 264.3 267.4 269.1 276.8 283.3 282.7 g1. Soaps & detergents 0.880 160.5 202.5 227.8 251.2 254.6 258.1 259.9 267.2 274.6 273.7 g2. Others 0.335 164.5 251.6 271.4 287.3 289.7 291.9 293.0 302.0 306.0 306.5 h. Turpentine,synthetic resins and plastic materials 0.477 168.7 216.6 241.0 266.4 264.3 267.9 265.5 264.8 264.5 265.1 i. Matches, explosives, inedible oils etc. 0.856 176.3 223.9 236.9 249.0 253.1 251.3 253.0 254.4 255.4 260.6 (I) Non-Metallic Mineral Products 2.477 185.6 255.1 275.7 315.8 316.1 326.2 339.0 338.2 346.9 347.8 a. Structural clay products 0.695 213.4 335.0 346.1 391.6 396.0 398.0 419.7 414.0 457.5 471.9 b. Glass, earthenware, chinaware & their products 0.296 156.0 186.0 191.7 226.3 228.0 239.7 241.2 240.8 241.2 241.2 c. Cement,lime & plaster 0.916 180.9 217.1 244.5 283.8 279.1 297.6 312.4 312.7 303.3 294.8 c1. Cement 0.860 173.1 208.2 235.6 273.3 267.0 286.7 302.5 302.8 292.8 283.7 c2. Lime 0.056 301.9 354.2 380.7 444.2 465.3 465.3 465.3 465.3 465.3 465.3 d. Mica products 0.041 92.7 92.7 92.7 92.7 92.7 92.7 92.7 92.7 92.7 92.7 e. Cement,Slate & graphite products 0.529 180.9 267.3 298.3 338.9 341.6 347.6 352.8 356.1 356.0 356.0 (J) Basic Metals, Alloys & Metal Products 7.632 219.9 276.6 300.5 329.0 331.4 338.3 340.9 340.2 340.8 342.6 a. Basic metals & alloys 4.784 207.4 261.4 286.7 310.0 310.9 320.8 324.5 324.2 325.2 328.1 a1. Iron & steel 2.441 201.5 252.7 270.5 290.8 291.6 304.9 311.0 310.9 310.0 308.7 a2. Foundries for casting & forging & structurals 1.333 216.0 280.7 312.1 350.3 353.6 359.3 361.6 360.5 360.6 360.3 a3. Pipes,wire drawings & others 0.814 208.9 256.9 286.0 285.3 282.4 288.3 288.3 288.6 296.9 318.5 a4. Ferro alloys 0.196 216.0 258.3 317.2 377.7 380.2 390.7 390.7 390.7 390.7 390.7 b. Non-ferrous metals 1.025 255.8 308.2 341.7 397.7 400.4 396.1 397.6 393.3 393.7 393.7 b1. Aluminium 0.454 220.9 274.8 305.9 388.0 394.3 391.4 394.9 398.8 399.7 399.7 b2. Other non-ferrous metals 0.571 283.6 334.8 370.2 405.5 405.3 399.9 399.9 389.0 389.0 389.0 c. Metal products 1.823 232.6 298.4 313.8 340.4 346.2 351.5 352.0 352.0 351.9 351.8 (K) Machinery & Machine Tools 6.268 180.2 237.9 262.8 282.8 284.1 293.5 294.6 294.9 295.1 296.0 a. Non-electrical machinery & parts 3.277 190.0 246.8 265.7 283.4 285.0 297.1 299.6 299.5 299.8 301.4 a1. Heavy machinery & parts 1.393 189.9 256.2 288.6 312.0 314.0 326.8 330.7 330.8 331.1 331.5 a2. Industrial machinery for food & textile 0.713 159.2 204.6 211.9 217.4 217.5 227.4 228.2 228.2 228.2 228.2 a3. Fridge, office equipment & non- elecl. machinery 1.171 208.8 261.4 271.3 289.4 291.5 304.4 306.0 305.5 306.2 310.1 b. Electrical machinery 2.991 169.4 228.2 259.7 282.2 283.2 289.5 289.2 289.8 290.0 290.1 b1. Electrical industrial machinery 1.147 170.4 242.4 291.1 308.4 307.1 320.3 320.2 319.8 320.3 322.0 b2. Industrial wires & cables 0.728 195.7 268.2 308.6 366.1 372.3 365.6 364.1 366.3 366.3 364.1 b3. Dry & wet batteries/cells 0.231 177.0 220.5 228.6 242.0 240.2 268.1 270.1 272.4 272.4 272.4 b4. Electrical apparatus, appliances & parts 0.424 144.4 186.0 193.1 197.1 197.8 202.6 202.6 202.6 202.6 202.6 b5. Radio & T.V. sets 0.461 144.4 172.2 181.2 183.0 183.1 183.2 183.2 183.1 183.1 183.1 (L) Transport Equipment & Parts 2.705 181.3 223.8 238.5 254.5 257.3 263.8 265.6 265.8 265.8 266.0 a. Locomotives, railways wagons & parts 0.274 216.5 293.5 300.9 309.1 310.9 309.5 309.5 309.5 309.5 309.5 b. Motor vehicles,scooters bicycles & parts 2.431 177.4 216.0 231.4 248.3 251.3 258.6 260.7 260.9 260.9 261.1 (M) Other Misc. Manufacturing Industries 0.972 119.0 148.2 165.9 169.9 169.5 176.1 175.5 176.8 177.4 177.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source: Office of the Economic Adviser,Ministry of Industry,Government of India.
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