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Acosta-Ormaechea and Morozumi (2013), “Can a Government Enhance Long-Run Growth by Changing the Composition of Public Expenditure?”, IMF Working Paper WP/13, Fiscal Affairs Department.

Albala-Bertrand, J., and E. Mamatzakis (2001), “Is Public Infrastructure Productive? Evidence from Chile”, Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 8.

Arellano, M. and S. Bond (1991), “Some Tests of Specification for Panel Data : Monte Carlo Evidence and an Application to Employment Equations’’, The Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 58.

Baldacci, E., A. L. Hillman and N.C. Kojo (2004), “Growth, Governance, and Fiscal Policy Transmission Channels in Low-income Countries”, European Journal of Political Economy, Elsevier, Vol. 20, No.3.

Barro, Robert J. (1979), ‘‘On the Determination of the Public Debt”, Journal of Political Economy 87 (5).

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Bhide, S. and M. Panda (2002), ‘‘Evaluating Quality of Budgets with a Composite Index’’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 37, March 30.

Bose, Sukanya and N. R. Bhanumurthy (2013), “Fiscal Multiplers for India”, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy Working Paper No. 2013-125, September.

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Cabezon, E., Tumbarello, P., & Wu, Y. (2015), ‘‘Strengthening Fiscal Frameworks and Improving the Spending Mix in Small States’’, IMF Working Paper (15/124)

Corbacho, A. and G. Schwartz (2007), “Fiscal Responsibility Laws”, in M.S. Kumar and T. Ter- Minassian (eds.), Promoting Fiscal Discipline, International Monetary Fund, Washington.

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Cullison, W.E. (1993), “Public Investment and Economic Growth”, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Economic Quarterly, 79(4).

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Dholakia, A. (2005), “Measuring Fiscal Performance of States: An Alternative Approach’’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 40, July.

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Erden L and Holcombe RG (2005), “The Effects of Public Investment on Private Investment In Developing Economies”, Public Finance Review, Vol. 33, No. 5, September.

Espinoza R and Senhadji A (2011), “How Strong are Fiscal Multipliers in the GCC? An Empirical Investigation”, IMF Working Paper 11/61, Fiscal Affairs Department.

Ferguson, R., Wilkinson, W. and Hill, R. (2000), “Electricity use and economic development’’, Energy Policy, Vol. 28.

Gemmell, Kneller and Sanz (2014), “Does the Composition of Government Expenditure Matter for Long-run GDP Levels?”, Working Paper 10 / 2014, Victoria Business School.

Government of India (2002), “Study group on reforms in State public sector Undertakings”, Planning Commission, August.

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Government of India (2011), “Report of the High Level Expert Committee on Efficient Management of Public Expenditure”, Planning Commission, New Delhi.

Government of India (2012), “State Level Public Enterprises Perform Well in Pro-Reform States”, Press Information Bureau.

Government of India (2015), “Report on the Revenue Neutral Rate and Structure of Rates for the Goods and Services Tax (GST)’’, December 4.

Government of India (2015), “Report of the select Committee on the Constitution (one hundred and twenty second amendment bill)”, Rajya Sabha Secretariat, July.

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Gupta, S., & Verhoeven, M. (2001), “The efficiency of government expenditure: experiences from Africa’’, Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol 23(4).

Gupta, S., B. Clements, E. Baldacci, and C. Mulas- Granados (2005), “Fiscal Policy, Expenditure Composition, and Growth in Low-Income Countries,” Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol. 24.

Herrera, S., & Pang, G. (2005), “Efficiency of Public Spending in Developing Countries: An Efficiency Frontier Approach’’, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, June.

Hong, Houqi and Sadiq Ahmed (2009), “Government Spending on Public Goods: Evidence on Growth and Poverty”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 44, August.

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