Draft Notifications - ஆர்பிஐ - Reserve Bank of India
Draft Notifications
ஆக. 01, 2016
Guidelines for ‘on tap’ Licensing of Universal Banks in the Private Sector
Preamble The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had issued guidelines for licensing of new banks in the private sector on February 22, 2013. Reserve Bank issued in-principle approval to two applicants and they have since established the banks as per the licences. Recognising the need for having an explicit policy on banking structure in India in line with the recommendations of the Narasimham Committee, Raghuram G. Rajan Committee, and other viewpoints, the Reserve Bank came
Preamble The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had issued guidelines for licensing of new banks in the private sector on February 22, 2013. Reserve Bank issued in-principle approval to two applicants and they have since established the banks as per the licences. Recognising the need for having an explicit policy on banking structure in India in line with the recommendations of the Narasimham Committee, Raghuram G. Rajan Committee, and other viewpoints, the Reserve Bank came
ஜூலை 07, 2016
Statutory Branch Auditors recommended for appointment in Public Sector Banks – 2015-16
During the year 2015-16, all the 25 PSBs have exercised managerial autonomy in regard to selection and appointment of SBAs. The names of audit firms recommended by these 25 banks and approved by RBI are displayed on the web-site. While approving names of audit firms, banks were advised not to allot more than three branches per audit firm and that they should allot branches, to the extent possible, to the audit firms taking into consideration their category and audit e
During the year 2015-16, all the 25 PSBs have exercised managerial autonomy in regard to selection and appointment of SBAs. The names of audit firms recommended by these 25 banks and approved by RBI are displayed on the web-site. While approving names of audit firms, banks were advised not to allot more than three branches per audit firm and that they should allot branches, to the extent possible, to the audit firms taking into consideration their category and audit e
ஜூன் 23, 2016
Draft Guidelines for computing exposure for counterparty credit risk arising from derivative transactions
RBI/2015-16/ DBR.No.BP.BC./21.06.201/2015-16 June 22, 2016 The Managing Director/ Chief Executive Officer of All Scheduled Commercial Banks (Excluding Regional Rural Banks) Madam / Dear Sir, Draft Guidelines for computing exposure for counterparty credit risk arising from derivative transactions Please refer to the paragraph 27 of the first bi-monthly monetary policy statement for 2016-17. It was indicated therein that RBI will issue draft guidelines on Standardised A
RBI/2015-16/ DBR.No.BP.BC./21.06.201/2015-16 June 22, 2016 The Managing Director/ Chief Executive Officer of All Scheduled Commercial Banks (Excluding Regional Rural Banks) Madam / Dear Sir, Draft Guidelines for computing exposure for counterparty credit risk arising from derivative transactions Please refer to the paragraph 27 of the first bi-monthly monetary policy statement for 2016-17. It was indicated therein that RBI will issue draft guidelines on Standardised A
மே 16, 2016
Investment by Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPI) in Corporate Debt Securities
Draft Circular RBI/2015-16/…. A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. … ..…, 2016 To, All Category – I Authorised Dealer banks Madam / Sir, Investment by Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPI) in Corporate Debt Securities Attention of Authorised Dealers Category – I (AD Category - I) banks is invited to paragraph 1 of Schedule 5 to the Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of Security by a Person Resident outside India) Regulations, 2000 notified vide Notification No. FEMA
Draft Circular RBI/2015-16/…. A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. … ..…, 2016 To, All Category – I Authorised Dealer banks Madam / Sir, Investment by Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPI) in Corporate Debt Securities Attention of Authorised Dealers Category – I (AD Category - I) banks is invited to paragraph 1 of Schedule 5 to the Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of Security by a Person Resident outside India) Regulations, 2000 notified vide Notification No. FEMA
மே 12, 2016
Discussion Paper – Framework for enhancing Credit Supply for Large Borrowers through Market Mechanism
In March 2015, RBI issued a Discussion Paper titled “Large Exposures Framework and Enhancing Credit Supply through Market Mechanism” for stakeholders’ comments. Apart from introducing the contours of ‘Large Exposures Standards’ for banks in India, the Discussion Paper also focused on the need to encourage sources of funding other than bank credit for the corporate sector to finance growth. Specifically, the paper proposed ways to encourage large corporates with borrow
In March 2015, RBI issued a Discussion Paper titled “Large Exposures Framework and Enhancing Credit Supply through Market Mechanism” for stakeholders’ comments. Apart from introducing the contours of ‘Large Exposures Standards’ for banks in India, the Discussion Paper also focused on the need to encourage sources of funding other than bank credit for the corporate sector to finance growth. Specifically, the paper proposed ways to encourage large corporates with borrow
மே 05, 2016
Draft Guidelines for ‘on tap’ Licensing of Universal Banks in the Private Sector
Preamble The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had issued guidelines for licensing of new banks in the private sector on February 22, 2013. Reserve Bank issued in-principle approval to two applicants and they have since established the banks as per the licences. Recognising the need for having an explicit policy on banking structure in India in line with the recommendations of the Narasimham Committee, Raghuram G. Rajan Committee and other viewpoints, the Reserve Bank came
Preamble The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had issued guidelines for licensing of new banks in the private sector on February 22, 2013. Reserve Bank issued in-principle approval to two applicants and they have since established the banks as per the licences. Recognising the need for having an explicit policy on banking structure in India in line with the recommendations of the Narasimham Committee, Raghuram G. Rajan Committee and other viewpoints, the Reserve Bank came
மே 02, 2016
Discussion Paper on Margin Requirements for non-Centrally Cleared Derivatives
Derivatives are an integral risk management tool for most of the business entities and financial institutions. Most of the bigger and mid-size companies in India use derivatives to manage foreign currency, interest rate and commodity price risks. Derivatives foster financial innovation and contribute to the completeness of financial markets. However, if not regulated and supervised appropriately, derivatives markets can also be a source of systemic risk. One of the le
Derivatives are an integral risk management tool for most of the business entities and financial institutions. Most of the bigger and mid-size companies in India use derivatives to manage foreign currency, interest rate and commodity price risks. Derivatives foster financial innovation and contribute to the completeness of financial markets. However, if not regulated and supervised appropriately, derivatives markets can also be a source of systemic risk. One of the le
ஏப். 28, 2016
Consultation Paper on Peer to Peer Lending
INDEX 1. Introduction 2. P2P Lending Globally 3. P2P Lending India 4. Arguments for and against Regulating the Sector 5. The Way Forward 6. Feedback/Comments Introduction The financial sector is not immune from the advent of online industry and its potential impact. For this reason, it is attracting attention of analysts, investors, customers, businesses and regulators in a major way. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) lending is one such business model that has gathered momentum glo
INDEX 1. Introduction 2. P2P Lending Globally 3. P2P Lending India 4. Arguments for and against Regulating the Sector 5. The Way Forward 6. Feedback/Comments Introduction The financial sector is not immune from the advent of online industry and its potential impact. For this reason, it is attracting attention of analysts, investors, customers, businesses and regulators in a major way. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) lending is one such business model that has gathered momentum glo
ஏப். 07, 2016
Proposal to ease documentation requirements on residents for hedging of currency risk arising out of trade transactions under the Contracted Exposure route
Under the extant regulatory framework under FEMA, 1999 and Regulations1 thereunder, the various routes available to residents intending to hedge currency risk are as follows: Exposure based on underlying contracts Probable Exposures based on Past Performance Special Dispensation for SMEs and Individuals Under (i), the Contracted Exposure route, clients have to submit evidence of underlying foreign currency exposure to AD Cat-I banks at the time of booking the derivati
Under the extant regulatory framework under FEMA, 1999 and Regulations1 thereunder, the various routes available to residents intending to hedge currency risk are as follows: Exposure based on underlying contracts Probable Exposures based on Past Performance Special Dispensation for SMEs and Individuals Under (i), the Contracted Exposure route, clients have to submit evidence of underlying foreign currency exposure to AD Cat-I banks at the time of booking the derivati
மார். 03, 2016
Directions regarding Registration and Operations of NBFC - Account Aggregators under section 45-IA of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934
The Reserve Bank of India, (the Bank) issued a Notification No..........DNBS.(AA) / CGM (CDS)-2016 dated XXXX 2016 in terms of sub-clause (iii) of clause(f) of section 45I of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (hereinafter referred to “the Act”) and on being satisfied that it is necessary to do so, in exercise of the powers conferred under section 45JA of the Act, and of all the powers enabling it in this behalf, hereby issues these directions for compliance of the s
The Reserve Bank of India, (the Bank) issued a Notification No..........DNBS.(AA) / CGM (CDS)-2016 dated XXXX 2016 in terms of sub-clause (iii) of clause(f) of section 45I of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (hereinafter referred to “the Act”) and on being satisfied that it is necessary to do so, in exercise of the powers conferred under section 45JA of the Act, and of all the powers enabling it in this behalf, hereby issues these directions for compliance of the s
கடைசியாக புதுப்பிக்கப்பட்ட பக்கம்:
கடைசியாக புதுப்பிக்கப்பட்ட பக்கம்: மார்ச் 26, 2025