Scheduled Bank's Statement of Position in India - ஆர்பிஐ - Reserve Bank of India
Scheduled Bank's Statement of Position in India
ஜூலை 31, 2021
Scheduled Banks’ Statement of Position in India as on Friday, July 16, 2021
(Amount in Crore of ₹) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs and SFBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 17-Jul-20 02-JUL-2021 * 16-JUL-2021 * 17-Jul-20 02-JUL-2021 * 16-JUL-2021 * I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from bks. 244532.1 176773.24 187199.48 249682.48 181043.68 191490.20 ** b) Borrowings from banks 57779.84 39950.6 42428.08 57779.84 40424.24 42428.1 c) Other demand & time liabilities 15384.65 17473.53 17810.01 15541.58 17710.67 1
(Amount in Crore of ₹) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs and SFBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 17-Jul-20 02-JUL-2021 * 16-JUL-2021 * 17-Jul-20 02-JUL-2021 * 16-JUL-2021 * I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from bks. 244532.1 176773.24 187199.48 249682.48 181043.68 191490.20 ** b) Borrowings from banks 57779.84 39950.6 42428.08 57779.84 40424.24 42428.1 c) Other demand & time liabilities 15384.65 17473.53 17810.01 15541.58 17710.67 1
ஜூலை 15, 2021
Scheduled Banks’ Statement of Position in India as at the close of business on Friday, July 02, 2021, with comparative position of Friday of preceding fortnight and corresponding Friday of the previous year
(Amount in crores of ₹) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs and SFBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 03-Jul-20 18-JUN-2021 * 02-JUL-2021 * 03-Jul-20 18-JUN-2021 * 02-JUL-2021 * I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from bks. 243942.69 185044.24 176450.76 249039.16 189393.8 180721.20 ** b) Borrowings from banks 55601.14 40629.42 39969.52 55608.52 41034.32 40443.16 c) Other demand & time liabilities 15350.33 18230.62 17473.03 15509.44 18473.5
(Amount in crores of ₹) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs and SFBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 03-Jul-20 18-JUN-2021 * 02-JUL-2021 * 03-Jul-20 18-JUN-2021 * 02-JUL-2021 * I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from bks. 243942.69 185044.24 176450.76 249039.16 189393.8 180721.20 ** b) Borrowings from banks 55601.14 40629.42 39969.52 55608.52 41034.32 40443.16 c) Other demand & time liabilities 15350.33 18230.62 17473.03 15509.44 18473.5
ஜூலை 02, 2021
Scheduled Banks’ Statement of Position in India as on Friday, June 18, 2021
(Amount in Crore of ₹) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 19-Jun-20 04-JUN-2021* 18-JUN-2021* 19-Jun-20 04-JUN-2021* 18-JUN-2021* I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from bks. 248891.91 174658.78 185044.24 254127.85 179080.37 189393.80 ** b) Borrowings from banks 57419.95 40075.25 40806.64 57419.95 40293.19 41211.54 c) Other demand & time liabilities 16653.99 17954.19 18550.77 16810.59 18196.99 18793.65 II
(Amount in Crore of ₹) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 19-Jun-20 04-JUN-2021* 18-JUN-2021* 19-Jun-20 04-JUN-2021* 18-JUN-2021* I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from bks. 248891.91 174658.78 185044.24 254127.85 179080.37 189393.80 ** b) Borrowings from banks 57419.95 40075.25 40806.64 57419.95 40293.19 41211.54 c) Other demand & time liabilities 16653.99 17954.19 18550.77 16810.59 18196.99 18793.65 II
ஜூன் 21, 2021
Scheduled Banks’ Statement of Position in India as on Friday, June 04, 2021
(Amount in Crore of ₹) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 05-Jun-20 21-MAY-2021* 04-JUN-2021* 05-Jun-20 21-MAY-2021* 04-JUN-2021* I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from bks. 249628.49 164248.8 174658.78 254887.19 168730.41 179080.37** b) Borrowings from banks 57788.4 53540.7 40077 57829.63 53547.95 40294.94 c) Other demand & time liabilities 15720.18 20028.07 17997.71 15881.23 20270.22 18240.51 II LIABIL
(Amount in Crore of ₹) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 05-Jun-20 21-MAY-2021* 04-JUN-2021* 05-Jun-20 21-MAY-2021* 04-JUN-2021* I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from bks. 249628.49 164248.8 174658.78 254887.19 168730.41 179080.37** b) Borrowings from banks 57788.4 53540.7 40077 57829.63 53547.95 40294.94 c) Other demand & time liabilities 15720.18 20028.07 17997.71 15881.23 20270.22 18240.51 II LIABIL
ஜூன் 04, 2021
Scheduled Banks’ Statement of Position in India as on Friday, May 21, 2021
(Amount in Crore of ₹) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs and SFBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 22-May-20 07-MAY-2021 * 21-MAY-2021 * 22-May-20 07-MAY-2021 * 21-MAY-2021 * I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from bks. 254678.06 174611.37 173435.07 260015.56 179158.96 177916.68 ** b) Borrowings from banks 67207.21 68178.13 46076.96 67247.21 68274.56 46084.21 c) Other demand & time liabilities 17410.68 18624.34 18270.47 17564.2 18895.45
(Amount in Crore of ₹) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs and SFBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 22-May-20 07-MAY-2021 * 21-MAY-2021 * 22-May-20 07-MAY-2021 * 21-MAY-2021 * I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from bks. 254678.06 174611.37 173435.07 260015.56 179158.96 177916.68 ** b) Borrowings from banks 67207.21 68178.13 46076.96 67247.21 68274.56 46084.21 c) Other demand & time liabilities 17410.68 18624.34 18270.47 17564.2 18895.45
மே 24, 2021
Scheduled Banks’ Statement of Position in India as on Friday, May 07, 2021
(Amount in Crore of ₹) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs and SFBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 08-MAY-2020 23-APR-2021 * 07-MAY-2021 * 08-MAY-2020 23-APR-2021 * 07-MAY-2021 * I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from bks. 258488.51 184447.7 174614.88 263897.72 189237.23 179162.47 ** b) Borrowings from banks 66600.99 57129.63 68178.7 66601.03 57136.63 68275.13 c) Other demand & time liabilities 16139.11 18509.28 18644.3 16288.27 18710.
(Amount in Crore of ₹) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs and SFBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 08-MAY-2020 23-APR-2021 * 07-MAY-2021 * 08-MAY-2020 23-APR-2021 * 07-MAY-2021 * I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from bks. 258488.51 184447.7 174614.88 263897.72 189237.23 179162.47 ** b) Borrowings from banks 66600.99 57129.63 68178.7 66601.03 57136.63 68275.13 c) Other demand & time liabilities 16139.11 18509.28 18644.3 16288.27 18710.
மே 07, 2021
Scheduled Banks’ Statement of Position in India as on Friday, April 23, 2021
(Amount in Crore of ₹) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs and SFBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 24-APR-2020 09-APR-2021* 23-APR-2021* 24-APR-2020 09-APR-2021* 23-APR-2021* I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from bks. 243507.26 190701.59 184447.23 248986.3 195573.34 189236.76** b) Borrowings from banks 64521.43 47785.11 57129.8 64521.43 47795.86 57136.8 c) Other demand & time liabilities 15717.35 17877.32 18509.28 15863.05 18078.66 18
(Amount in Crore of ₹) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs and SFBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 24-APR-2020 09-APR-2021* 23-APR-2021* 24-APR-2020 09-APR-2021* 23-APR-2021* I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from bks. 243507.26 190701.59 184447.23 248986.3 195573.34 189236.76** b) Borrowings from banks 64521.43 47785.11 57129.8 64521.43 47795.86 57136.8 c) Other demand & time liabilities 15717.35 17877.32 18509.28 15863.05 18078.66 18
ஏப். 26, 2021
Scheduled Banks’ Statement of Position in India as on Friday, April 09, 2021
(Amount in Crore of ₹) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs and SFBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 10-APR-2020 26-MAR-2021* 09-APR-2021* 10-APR-2020 26-MAR-2021* 09-APR-2021* I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from bks. 243204.23 195866.03 187997.58 248681.2 200585.12 192869.33** b) Borrowings from banks 64665.43 40879.9 47714.16 64665.43 40885.9 47724.91 c) Other demand & time liabilities 15384.73 17843.16 17934.8 15518.84 18058.73 181
(Amount in Crore of ₹) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs and SFBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 10-APR-2020 26-MAR-2021* 09-APR-2021* 10-APR-2020 26-MAR-2021* 09-APR-2021* I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from bks. 243204.23 195866.03 187997.58 248681.2 200585.12 192869.33** b) Borrowings from banks 64665.43 40879.9 47714.16 64665.43 40885.9 47724.91 c) Other demand & time liabilities 15384.73 17843.16 17934.8 15518.84 18058.73 181
ஏப். 12, 2021
Scheduled Banks’ Statement of Position in India as on Friday, March 26, 2021
(Amount in Crore of ₹) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs and SFBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 27-MAR-2020 12-MAR-2021* 26-MAR-2021* 27-MAR-2020 12-MAR-2021* 26-MAR-2021* I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from bks. 234348.32 190878.13 196241.82 239943.36 195477.34 200960.91** b) Borrowings from banks 64001.4 37822.6 40864.9 64001.4 37972.58 40870.9 c) Other demand & time liabilities 16163.35 17870.79 17896.17 16294.78 18392.91 1811
(Amount in Crore of ₹) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs and SFBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 27-MAR-2020 12-MAR-2021* 26-MAR-2021* 27-MAR-2020 12-MAR-2021* 26-MAR-2021* I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from bks. 234348.32 190878.13 196241.82 239943.36 195477.34 200960.91** b) Borrowings from banks 64001.4 37822.6 40864.9 64001.4 37972.58 40870.9 c) Other demand & time liabilities 16163.35 17870.79 17896.17 16294.78 18392.91 1811
மார். 30, 2021
Scheduled Banks’ Statement of Position in India as on Friday, March 12, 2021
(Amount in Crore of ₹) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs and SFBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 13-Mar-20 26-FEB-2021* 12-MAR-2021* 13-Mar-20 26-FEB-2021* 12-MAR-2021* I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from bks. 225264.95 192925.2 190878.49 230353.77 197527.52 195477.70** b) Borrowings from banks 51594.1 39193.59 37792.85 51707.45 39369.61 37942.83 c) Other demand & time liabilities 14926.77 17660.99 17882.28 15077.17 17881.37 18404
(Amount in Crore of ₹) SCHEDULED COMMERCIAL BANKS (Including RRBs and SFBs) ALL SCHEDULED BANKS 13-Mar-20 26-FEB-2021* 12-MAR-2021* 13-Mar-20 26-FEB-2021* 12-MAR-2021* I LIABILITIES TO THE BKG.SYSTEM (A) a) Demand & Time deposits from bks. 225264.95 192925.2 190878.49 230353.77 197527.52 195477.70** b) Borrowings from banks 51594.1 39193.59 37792.85 51707.45 39369.61 37942.83 c) Other demand & time liabilities 14926.77 17660.99 17882.28 15077.17 17881.37 18404
கடைசியாக புதுப்பிக்கப்பட்ட பக்கம்: ஜனவரி 09, 2025