Scheduled Bank's Statement of Position in India - ஆர்பிஐ - Reserve Bank of India
Scheduled Bank's Statement of Position in India
ஆக. 24, 2011
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, August 12, 2011
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 13-Aug-10 29-JUL-2011 * 12-AUG-2011* 13-Aug-10 29-JUL-2011 * 12-AUG-2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 61695.42 69579.99 69137.67 64512.17 72409.81 71956.41 ** b) Borrowings from banks 24635.47 26150.16 30089.37 24713.95 26401.36 30272.88 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7021.98 9882.61 10068.29 7026.72 9887.
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 13-Aug-10 29-JUL-2011 * 12-AUG-2011* 13-Aug-10 29-JUL-2011 * 12-AUG-2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 61695.42 69579.99 69137.67 64512.17 72409.81 71956.41 ** b) Borrowings from banks 24635.47 26150.16 30089.37 24713.95 26401.36 30272.88 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7021.98 9882.61 10068.29 7026.72 9887.
ஆக. 10, 2011
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, July 29, 2011
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 30-Jul-10 15-JUL-2011* 29-JUL-2011* 30-Jul-10* 15-JUL-2011* 29-JUL-2011* I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 63048.3 69188.79 69579.99 65828.72 71963.07 72409.81 ** b) Borrowings from banks 29943.68 34984.79 26150.16 30029.97 35147.06 26401.36 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7436.2 9911.5 9882.61 7440.84 9915.87 988
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 30-Jul-10 15-JUL-2011* 29-JUL-2011* 30-Jul-10* 15-JUL-2011* 29-JUL-2011* I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 63048.3 69188.79 69579.99 65828.72 71963.07 72409.81 ** b) Borrowings from banks 29943.68 34984.79 26150.16 30029.97 35147.06 26401.36 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7436.2 9911.5 9882.61 7440.84 9915.87 988
ஜூலை 27, 2011
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, July 15, 2011
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 16.07.2010 01.07.2011 * 15.07.2011 * 16.07.2010 01.07.2011 * 15.07.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 62126.79 76732.84 69188.80 64883.60 79530.63 71963.07 ** b) Borrowings from banks 30069.63 25060.21 34984.80 30137.87 25220.84 35147.06 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7557.89 10137.33 9911.50 7560.79
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 16.07.2010 01.07.2011 * 15.07.2011 * 16.07.2010 01.07.2011 * 15.07.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 62126.79 76732.84 69188.80 64883.60 79530.63 71963.07 ** b) Borrowings from banks 30069.63 25060.21 34984.80 30137.87 25220.84 35147.06 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7557.89 10137.33 9911.50 7560.79
ஜூலை 13, 2011
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, July 1, 2011
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 02.07.2010 17.06.2011 * 01.07.2011 * 02.07.2010 17.06.2011 * 01.07.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 65381.82 69666.55 76732.84 68130.34 72445.00 79530.63 ** b) Borrowings from banks 27672.26 27586.75 25060.21 27736.15 27817.45 25220.84 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7800.94 10619.69 10137.33 7803.7
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 02.07.2010 17.06.2011 * 01.07.2011 * 02.07.2010 17.06.2011 * 01.07.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 65381.82 69666.55 76732.84 68130.34 72445.00 79530.63 ** b) Borrowings from banks 27672.26 27586.75 25060.21 27736.15 27817.45 25220.84 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7800.94 10619.69 10137.33 7803.7
ஜூன் 29, 2011
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, June 17, 2011
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 18.06.2010 03.06.2011 * 17.06.2011 * 18.06.2010 03.06.2011 * 17.06.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 62571.96 69718.73 69666.55 65275.87 72491.53 72445.00 ** b) Borrowings from banks 28884.72 28854.73 27586.75 28922.48 28993.89 27817.45 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7090.54 9983.67 10619.69 7093.42
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 18.06.2010 03.06.2011 * 17.06.2011 * 18.06.2010 03.06.2011 * 17.06.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 62571.96 69718.73 69666.55 65275.87 72491.53 72445.00 ** b) Borrowings from banks 28884.72 28854.73 27586.75 28922.48 28993.89 27817.45 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7090.54 9983.67 10619.69 7093.42
ஜூன் 15, 2011
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, June 3, 2011
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 04.06.2010 20.05.2011 * 03.06.2011 * 04.06.2010 20.05.2011 * 03.06.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 61174.13 68812.56 69718.73 63890.31 71583.22 72491.53 ** b) Borrowings from banks 22031.90 22048.90 28854.73 22196.77 22110.60 28993.89 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7248.30 9974.60 9983.67 7252.20
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 04.06.2010 20.05.2011 * 03.06.2011 * 04.06.2010 20.05.2011 * 03.06.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 61174.13 68812.56 69718.73 63890.31 71583.22 72491.53 ** b) Borrowings from banks 22031.90 22048.90 28854.73 22196.77 22110.60 28993.89 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7248.30 9974.60 9983.67 7252.20
ஜூன் 01, 2011
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, May 20, 2011
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 21.05.2010 06.05.2011 * 20.05.2011 * 21.05.2010 06.05.2011 * 20.05.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 61463.97 70888.36 68812.56 64234.17 73694.86 71583.22 ** b) Borrowings from banks 18200.18 29558.51 22048.90 18272.72 29650.76 22110.60 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7494.48 10089.35 9974.60 7496.22
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 21.05.2010 06.05.2011 * 20.05.2011 * 21.05.2010 06.05.2011 * 20.05.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 61463.97 70888.36 68812.56 64234.17 73694.86 71583.22 ** b) Borrowings from banks 18200.18 29558.51 22048.90 18272.72 29650.76 22110.60 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7494.48 10089.35 9974.60 7496.22
மே 18, 2011
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, May 6, 2011
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 07.05.2010 22.04.2011 * 06.05.2011 * 07.05.2010 22.04.2011 * 06.05.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 61187.97 70944.68 70888.36 63872.20 73837.51 73694.86 ** b) Borrowings from banks 19460.90 27310.28 29558.51 19474.23 27503.67 29650.76 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7464.71 10207.13 10089.35 7469.9
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 07.05.2010 22.04.2011 * 06.05.2011 * 07.05.2010 22.04.2011 * 06.05.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 61187.97 70944.68 70888.36 63872.20 73837.51 73694.86 ** b) Borrowings from banks 19460.90 27310.28 29558.51 19474.23 27503.67 29650.76 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7464.71 10207.13 10089.35 7469.9
மே 05, 2011
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, April 22, 2011
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 23.04.2010 08.04.2011 * 22.04.2011 * 23.04.2010 08.04.2011 * 22.04.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 62761.23 73839.95 70944.68 65407.60 76706.26 73837.51 ** b) Borrowings from banks 20145.69 27582.07 27310.28 20146.60 27639.54 27503.67 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7490.33 10376.48 10207.13 7494.1
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 23.04.2010 08.04.2011 * 22.04.2011 * 23.04.2010 08.04.2011 * 22.04.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 62761.23 73839.95 70944.68 65407.60 76706.26 73837.51 ** b) Borrowings from banks 20145.69 27582.07 27310.28 20146.60 27639.54 27503.67 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7490.33 10376.48 10207.13 7494.1
ஏப். 20, 2011
Scheduled Banks' Statement of Position in India as on Friday, April 8, 2011
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 09.04.2010 25.03.2011 * 08.04.2011 * 09.04.2010 25.03.2011 * 08.04.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 64972.60 71688.03 73839.95 67509.82 74439.89 76706.26 ** b) Borrowings from banks 22223.90 29567.33 27582.07 22239.31 29670.91 27639.54 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7721.50 7133.46 10376.48 7726.76
(Amount in Rupees crore) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) (including RRBs) All Scheduled Banks 09.04.2010 25.03.2011 * 08.04.2011 * 09.04.2010 25.03.2011 * 08.04.2011 * I Liabilities to the Banking System (A) a) Demand & time deposits from banks 64972.60 71688.03 73839.95 67509.82 74439.89 76706.26 ** b) Borrowings from banks 22223.90 29567.33 27582.07 22239.31 29670.91 27639.54 c) Other demand & time liabilities 7721.50 7133.46 10376.48 7726.76
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