RBI Imposes Monetary Penalty on Five Authorised Dealer Banks - ఆర్బిఐ - Reserve Bank of India
RBI Imposes Monetary Penalty on Five Authorised Dealer Banks
The Reserve Bank of India has imposed monetary penalty on the following five banks for violation of Reserve Bank of India’s instructions on reporting requirements of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (FEMA). The details of the penalty amounts are:
The penalties have been imposed in exercise of the powers vested in the Reserve Bank under the provisions of Section 11(3) of FEMA 1999, taking into account, the violations of the instructions/directions/guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India, from time to time. The Reserve Bank had issued a show cause notice to the banks, in response to which the banks submitted written replies and also made oral submissions thereon. After considering the facts of the cases and the banks’ replies in the matter, Reserve Bank came to the conclusion that the violations were substantiated and warranted imposition of penalty. Ajit Prasad Press Release : 2016-2017/1604 |