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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

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Appendix Table VI.2: Consolidated Balance Sheet of NBFC-UL

(Amount in ₹ crore)
Item End-March 2022 End-March 2023 End-March 2024 End-September 2024 Percentage variation 2023-24
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Share Capital 7,000 7,344 9,034 5,299 23.0
2. Reserves & Surplus 1,50,838 1,91,938 2,45,188 2,47,205 27.7
3. Public Deposits 47,609 64,797 83,102 92,707 28.2
4. Total Borrowings (A+B) 5,89,763 7,48,506 9,53,405 9,60,200 27.4
A. Secured Borrowings 5,06,124 6,40,877 8,17,360 8,34,850 27.5
A.1. Debentures 1,87,833 2,13,684 2,56,627 2,63,501 20.1
A.2. Borrowings from Banks 2,48,512 3,18,979 4,08,471 4,07,733 28.1
A.3. Borrowings from FIs 18,143 30,005 44,041 28,807 46.8
A.4. Interest Accrued 7,874 6,165 8,229 8,460 33.5
A.5. Others 43,762 72,044 99,993 1,26,350 38.8
B. Un-Secured Borrowings 83,639 1,07,630 1,36,045 1,25,349 26.4
B.1. Debentures 9,802 11,731 14,817 13,173 26.3
B.2. Borrowings from Banks 6,318 6,218 4,602 4,740 -26.0
B.3. Borrowings from FIs - - - -  
B.4. Borrowings from Relatives 973 615 700 652 13.7
B.5. Inter-Corporate Borrowings 12,769 21,059 25,589 27,971 21.5
B.6. Commercial Paper 24,511 39,550 54,146 48,326 36.9
B.7. Interest Accrued 1,593 1,889 2,569 2,303 36.0
B.8. Others 27,673 26,568 33,622 28,184 26.5
5. Current Liabilities & Provisions 50,849 58,463 68,793 68,374 17.7
Total Liabilities/ Total Assets 8,46,058 10,71,050 13,59,521 13,73,785 26.9
1. Loans & Advances 7,27,253 9,18,302 11,85,621 11,94,234 29.1
1.1. Secured 5,71,374 6,91,720 8,95,934 9,03,899 29.5
1.2. Un-Secured 1,55,878 2,26,582 2,89,687 2,90,335 27.9
2. Investments 50,703 75,479 95,189 89,520 26.1
2.1. Govt. Securities 25,677 37,465 50,634 46,854 35.2
2.2. Equity Shares 10,265 14,195 21,454 17,299 51.1
2.3. Preference Shares 50 114 35 15 -69.6
2.4. Debentures & Bonds 2,247 1,608 1,634 2,236 1.6
2.5. Units of Mutual Funds 4,590 10,567 7,116 7,253 -32.7
2.6. Commercial Paper - 691 1,005 2,017 45.3
2.7. Other Investments 7,875 10,838 13,312 13,848 22.8
3. Cash & Bank Balances 45,483 46,946 43,228 56,110 -7.9
3.1. Cash in Hand 726 673 853 1,358 26.7
3.2. Deposits with Banks 38,171 44,046 38,463 49,823 -12.7
4. Others 22,619 30,323 35,483 33,921 17.0
Memo Items          
1. Capital Market Exposure 30,320 41,880 48,744 54,870 16.4
of which: Equity Shares 5,017 10,553 16,504 16,787 56.4
2. CME as per cent to Total Assets 3.6 3.9 3.6 4.0  
3. Leverage Ratio 2.3 2.4 2.3 2.4  
Notes: 1. Data are provisional.
2. Data given for 2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24 are for NBFCs (excluding CICs, HFCs & SPDs) falling in Upper layer and Middle layer as on March 31, 2024.
3. Percentage figures are rounded-off.
Source: Quarterly returns of NBFCs, RBI.


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