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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

Asset Publisher


States: Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, West Bengal

Appendix I : Revenue Receipts of Municipal Corporations (Contd.)
(₹ lakh)
2019-20 (Accounts) 2020-21 (Accounts) 2021-2022 (Accounts) 2022-23 (Revised Estimates) 2023-24 (Budget Estimates) 2019-20 (Accounts) 2020-21 (Accounts) 2021-2022 (Accounts) 2022-23 (Revised Estimates) 2023-24 (Budget Estimates)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
TOTAL REVENUE RECEIPTS (A-I) 12,765 12,395 28,317 23,957 26,353 4,77,228 5,43,192 5,92,979 7,09,491 7,43,706
A. Tax Revenue (1 - 16) 986 1,146 1,534 851 936 99,023 1,05,523 1,18,074 1,47,277 1,66,611
1  Property Tax 722 819 974 810 891 83,550 88,843 92,138 1,14,057 1,25,357
2  Water Tax 199 231 275 0.7 0.8 10,380 12,036 17,661 21,287 23,975
3 Sewerage/Drainage Tax 17 27 25 - - 2,524 2,722 5,361 6,579 7,985
4  Conservancy/Latrine Tax - - - - - 0.0 0.0 - - 456
5  Lighting Tax - - - - - - - - - -
6  Education Tax - - - - - - - - - 60
7 Vehicle Tax - - - - - 16 2 2 2 12
8 Tax on Animals - - - - - 6 8 9 45 62
9  Electricity Tax - - - - - - - - - -
10 Professional Tax - - - - - - - - 5 6
11 Advertisement Tax 38 57 28 40 44 1,707 1,219 1,997 2,737 5,093
12 Pilgrimage Tax - - - - - 89 81 105 145 18
13 Octroi and Toll - - - - - - - - - -
14 Cess - - - - - 60 331 121 1,326 1,992
15 Other Taxes 10 12 232 - - 691 282 679 1,094 1,594
16 Tax Remission & Refund - - - - - 0.1 - - - -
B. Assigned Revenues & Compensations - - 10 0.9 1 20,598 25,337 27,571 38,188 45,559
1 Taxes and Duties collected by others - - 10 0.9 1 90 52 3,838 8,027 10,174
2  Compensation in lieu of Taxes/Duties - - - - - 20,508 25,285 23,734 30,162 35,385
3  Compensations in lieu of Concessions - - - - - - - - - -
C. Rental Income from Municipal Properties 849 880 1,283 178 196 2,736 2,410 2,828 2,792 5,048
1  Of which: Rent from Civic Amenities 685 700 687 156 172 1,498 1,913 2,069 2,190 4,049
2  Of which: Rent from Office Buildings 164 180 596 22 24 241 285 267 419 769
D. Fees and User Charges 869 1,170 1,574 1,346 1,481 15,215 13,423 23,907 27,897 43,496
1  Empanelment & Registration Charges - - - - - 400 346 383 595 1,240
2  Licensing Fees 270 317 424 287 316 1,082 1,152 1,214 1,618 2,386
3  Fees for Grant of Permit - - 0.1 0.0 0.0 56 17 11 28 111
4  Fees for Certificate or Extract - - - - - 248 299 428 579 203
5  Development Charges - - 13 - - 403 235 2,065 753 1,321
6 Regularisation Fees 301 463 844 768 844 21 39 28 2 6
7  Penalties and Fines 39 46 27 51 57 804 453 499 1,149 1,801
8  Other Fees 43 64 0.2 44 48 3,560 3,491 5,561 7,451 6,348
9  User Charges 185 215 140 73 81 2,794 4,516 5,097 6,873 15,993
10 Entry Fees - - - - - 68 20 41 60 72
11 Service / Administrative Charges - - - 92 102 2,828 1,544 6,729 7,063 8,647
12 Other Charges 32 66 125 30 33 2,938 1,282 1,850 1,725 5,367
13 Fees Remission and Refund - - - - - 14 28 0.2 3 -
E. Sale and Hire Charges 54 72 55 9 10 540 838 532 1,889 12,066
F. Revenue Grants, Contribution and Subsidies 4,558 4,050 15,998 11,114 12,225 3,22,950 3,81,442 4,02,188 4,67,403 4,47,806
1  Revenue Grant 1,178 963 - - - 3,21,992 3,81,401 4,02,107 4,66,805 4,47,557
2  Of which: Finance Commission - - - - - 1,091 3,237 3,677 4,418 3,350
3  Of which: Central Government 51 38 - - - 30,370 32,695 19,541 40,358 53,801
4  Of which: State Finance Commission - - - - - 1,33,204 1,30,927 1,39,211 1,60,003 1,49,654
5  Of which: State Government 1,127 925 - - - 22,916 29,295 36,436 36,273 1,18,645
6  Re-imbursement of Expenses - - - - - 41 - - - -
7  Contribution towards Schemes 3,381 3,087 15,998 11,114 12,225 918 41 81 598 250
G. Income from Investment - - - - - 4,627 4,057 8,528 8,399 11,105
1  Interest on Investment in Govt. Securities, Fixed Deposit, Post Office Deposits etc. - - - - - 3,058 2,204 3,876 4,006 4,759
2  Dividend - - - - - - - - - -
3  Income from Projects taken up on Commercial Basis - - - - - - - - - -
4  Profit in Sale of Investments - - - - - - - - - -
5  Others - - - - - 1,569 1,854 4,652 4,393 6,346
H. Interest Earned on Loans 185 294 207 292 322 8,000 6,222 4,810 3,344 1,790
I.  Other Income 5,263 4,782 7,657 10,166 11,183 3,539 3,940 4,542 12,301 10,225
Note: -: Data are not available.
Source: Municipal Corporations.


Appendix I : Revenue Receipts of Municipal Corporations (Contd.)
(₹ lakh)
2019-20 (Accounts) 2020-21 (Accounts) 2021-2022 (Accounts) 2022-23 (Revised Estimates) 2023-24 (Budget Estimates) 2019-20 (Accounts) 2020-21 (Accounts) 2021-2022 (Accounts) 2022-23 (Revised Estimates) 2023-24 (Budget Estimates)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
TOTAL REVENUE RECEIPTS (A-I) 43,710 47,191 45,780 49,146 56,754 4,97,593 5,84,233 5,44,102 5,50,179 5,71,099
A. Tax Revenue (1 - 16) 6,362 5,635 5,456 6,735 8,726 91,578 1,24,486 96,246 1,02,317 1,04,687
1  Property Tax 5,617 5,198 4,919 6,051 8,024 89,434 1,22,419 94,398 99,460 1,02,345
2  Water Tax - - - - - - - - 28 35
3 Sewerage/Drainage Tax - - - - - - - - - -
4  Conservancy/Latrine Tax - - - - - 19 5 17 - -
5  Lighting Tax - - - - - - - - - -
6  Education Tax - - - - - - - - - -
7 Vehicle Tax - - - - - - - - - -
8 Tax on Animals - - - - - - - - - -
9  Electricity Tax - - - - - - 1.4 0.8 3 3
10 Professional Tax - - - - - - - - - -
11 Advertisement Tax 518 440 376 500 450 124 102 59 946 375
12 Pilgrimage Tax - - - - - - - - - -
13 Octroi and Toll - - - - - 0.9 0.8 3 5 5
14 Cess - - - - - - - - - -
15 Other Taxes 227 229 161 234 252 2,000 1,957 1,769 1,875 1,924
16 Tax Remission & Refund - -233 - -50 - - - - - -
B. Assigned Revenues & Compensations 0.2 - - - - 4,343 4,521 1,732 2,257 2,042
1 Taxes and Duties collected by others 0.2 - - - - 4,340 4,518 1,732 2,257 2,042
2  Compensation in lieu of Taxes/Duties - - - - - 4 3 - - -
3  Compensations in lieu of Concessions - - - - - - - - - -
C. Rental Income from Municipal Properties 1,544 625 844 960 1,228 1,022 576 933 1,068 838
1  Of which: Rent from Civic Amenities 1,100 389 333 269 388 330 315 296 181 313
2  Of which: Rent from Office Buildings 444 236 511 691 840 73 45 214 438 64
D. Fees and User Charges 1,528 2,983 1,834 2,610 2,825 49,756 33,795 48,324 48,092 55,844
1  Empanelment & Registration Charges 4 9 3 8 6 72 848 50 110 60
2  Licensing Fees 112 284 269 438 608 5,553 5,176 6,385 6,825 6,908
3  Fees for Grant of Permit - - 5 3 6 337 471 433 593 510
4  Fees for Certificate or Extract 10 3 3 4 4 15 25 27 16 13
5  Development Charges 82 179 8 123 151 2,421 465 3,627 340 712
6 Regularisation Fees 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.5 - 18 2 3 4 4
7  Penalties and Fines 58 54 59 133 176 2 0.9 1 5 0.3
8  Other Fees 277 109 264 327 326 2,949 2,545 2,515 2,751 3,561
9  User Charges 382 480 607 830 682 564 588 489 507 427
10 Entry Fees - - - 0.04 0.05 72 38 32 66 42
11 Service / Administrative Charges 81 704 492 681 720 271 197 131 182 145
12 Other Charges 521 1,160 124 64 145 37,483 23,358 34,616 36,693 43,462
13 Fees Remission and Refund - - - - - - 81 16 - -
E. Sale and Hire Charges 39 191 642 470 464 66 60 106 23 20
F. Revenue Grants, Contribution and Subsidies 33,172 36,472 35,650 36,870 41,498 87,308 1,16,095 1,31,828 1,29,625 1,33,955
1  Revenue Grant 33,055 36,104 35,096 36,870 41,498 87,308 1,13,258 1,29,710 1,27,075 1,30,955
2  Of which: Finance Commission 5,247 4,470 3,429 2,627 1,205 25,190 53,124 59,260 61,842 63,384
3  Of which: Central Government 677 3,918 2,161 2,245 2,621 3,785 1,786 1,933 1,855 1,904
4  Of which: State Finance Commission 19,817 20,365 19,776 21,361 26,226 3,824 3,824 3,824 4,053 4,160
5  Of which: State Government 190 262 1,156 1,095 838 52,157 51,067 61,842 56,062 58,127
6  Re-imbursement of Expenses - - - - - - - - - -
7  Contribution towards Schemes 117 369 554 - - - 2,837 2,118 2,550 3,000
G. Income from Investment 208 226 272 574 592 2,706 1,556 1,618 1,510 1,511
1  Interest on Investment in Govt. Securities, Fixed Deposit, Post Office Deposits etc. 207 216 257 557 578 2,706 1,508 1,618 1,510 1,511
2  Dividend - - - - - - - - - -
3  Income from Projects taken up on Commercial Basis - - - - - - - - - -
4  Profit in Sale of Investments - - - - - - - - - -
5  Others 1 10 15 17 14 0.6 49 - - -
H. Interest Earned on Loans 290 359 305 32 328 163 230 133 143 54
I.  Other Income 567 699 777 895 1,094 2,60,652 3,02,914 2,63,183 2,65,143 2,72,149
Note: -: Data are not available.
Source: Municipal Corporations.



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