Regulations Review Authority (RRA 2.0) - Interim Recommendations - Online Submission of Returns - ربی - Reserve Bank of India
Regulations Review Authority (RRA 2.0) - Interim Recommendations - Online Submission of Returns
RBI/2021-22/166 February 18, 2022 The Chairman / Managing Director/ Madam / Dear Sir Regulations Review Authority (RRA 2.0) – Interim Recommendations - Online Submission of Returns Please refer to the press release dated February 18, 2022 issued on the captioned subject. 2. As part of the implementation of the interim recommendations of the RRA 2.0, it is proposed to convert, the paper based/ e-mail-based returns listed in the Annex into online filing. 3. The exact date of online filing of the returns, would be notified in due course. Yours faithfully, (Smt. Sonali Sen Gupta) Encl: As above List of Returns to be converted into Online submission