Review of Priority Sector Lending (PSL) Target – Urban Co-operative Banks (UCBs) - ربی - Reserve Bank of India
Review of Priority Sector Lending (PSL) Target – Urban Co-operative Banks (UCBs)
RBI/2024-25/130 March 24, 2025 Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks other than Salary Earners’ Banks Review of Priority Sector Lending (PSL) Target – Urban Co-operative Banks (UCBs) In terms of paragraph 3 of the circular DOR (PCB).BPD.Cir No.10/13.05.000/2019-20 dated March 13, 2020, read with paragraph 2 of the circular DOR.CRE.REC.18/07.10.002/2023-24 dated June 8, 2023 , UCBs are required to achieve an overall PSL target of 75 per cent of ANBC1 or CEOBSE2, whichever is higher, by FY2025-26, with interim targets of 60 per cent (FY2023-24) and 65 per cent (FY2024-25). 2. On a review, it has been decided that the overall PSL target for UCBs shall stand revised, FY2024-25 onwards, to 60 per cent of ANBC or CEOBSE, whichever is higher. The other provisions contained in the circular DOR.CRE.REC.18/07.10.002/2023-24 dated June 8, 2023, shall remain unchanged. 3.Instructions contained in this circular supersede the extant relevant instructions as given in Annex to this circular. Yours faithfully, (Vaibhav Chaturvedi) Annex – Specific paragraphs of certain circulars that stand superseded