SGL and CSGL Accounts - Eligibility Criteria and Operational Guidelines - ربی - Reserve Bank of India
SGL and CSGL Accounts - Eligibility Criteria and Operational Guidelines
RBI/2011-12/230 October 25, 2011 The Chief Executive Officers of Dear Sir / Madam, SGL and CSGL Accounts – Eligibility Please refer to our circulars UBD.BPD.(PCB).Cir.24/12.05.001/2010-11 dated November 16, 2010 and UBD.CO.(PCB).BPD.Cir.52/09.11.00/2009-10 dated April 5, 2010 in terms of which all UCBs were advised the eligibility criteria for opening and maintenance of SGL and CSGL Accounts respectively. 2. We forward herewith copies of two Notifications No.183 dated September 5, 2011 issued by the Reserve Bank and notified in the Gazette of India on the eligibility criteria and operational guidelines for opening SGL and CSGL Accounts. We advise that the eligibility criteria applicable for opening of SGL and CSGL Accounts by UCBs would continue to be the same as laid down in our above mentioned circulars. 3. Please acknowledge receipt of this circular to our Regional Office concerned. Yours faithfully, (L.M.Kamble) Encl: As above |