Financial Literacy Week 2021 - ربی - Reserve Bank of India
Financial Literacy Week 2021
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has been conducting Financial Literacy Week (FLW) every year since 2016 to propagate financial education messages on a particular theme across the country. 2. The theme selected for current year FLW is “Credit Discipline and Credit from Formal Institutions” which will be observed from February 8-12, 2021. This theme is one of the strategic objectives of the National Strategy for Financial Education 2020-2025. Focus will be on a) responsible borrowing; b) borrowing from formal institutions and c) timely repayments. 3. Banks have been advised to disseminate the information and create awareness among its customers and general public. Further, RBI will undertake a centralized mass media campaign during the month of February 2021 to broadcast essential financial awareness messages to general public. (Yogesh Dayal) Press Release: 2020-2021/1062 |