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RBI Announcements
RBI Announcements

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No. 43 : Small Savings

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (Rs. in Crores)
                          Post Office             National                National                  Monthly               Post Office          Of which:                                          Post Office             Post Office
                          Saving Bank             Saving                  Saving                    Income                Time                    1 year      2 year      3 year      5 year      Recurring               Cumulative
                          Deposits (1)            Scheme,1987             Scheme,1992               Scheme                Deposits                Post Offi   Post Offi   Post Offi   Post Offi   Deposits                Time
                                                                                                                          (Total)                 Time        Time        Time        Time                                Deposits
                                                                                                                                                  Deposits    Deposits    Deposits    Deposits                            (2)
Year/Month             Receipts     Outstan-   Receipts     Outstan-   Receipts     Outstan-   Receipts     Outstan-   Receipts     Outstan-    Outstan-    Outstan-    Outstan-    Outstan-   Receipts     Outstan-      Outstan-
                                    dings                   dings                   dings                   dings                   dings       dings       dings       dings       dings                   dings         dings
     1                      2           3           4           5           6           7           8           9           10          11          12          13          14          15          16          17          18
1990-91                      4,253       4,205       2,085       4,592                                 873       2,340         746       2,973         414          95          54       2,410       1,428       2,638         274
1992-93                      5,584       4,824         521       6,979          82          82         932       3,348         961       2,717         584          81          88       1,964       2,070       3,631         108
1993-94                      6,195       5,044         157       6,309         211         291       1,917       4,802       1,207       2,933         704         101         117       2,011       2,543       4,272           2
1994-95                      7,065       5,504         727       5,900         200         654       3,095       7,164       1,600       3,500         831         178         154       2,337       3,100       5,320           -
1995-96                      7,853       5,814         205       4,012         149         652       2,728       8,895       1,160       3,447         548         203         148       2,548       3,825       6,622           -

April                          347       4,391           -       6,686           4          83         113       3,434          67       2,707         573          80          89       1,965         149       3,658          93
May                            378       4,284           1       6,537           2          84         142       3,546          82       2,728         578          81          88       1,981         188       3,716          81
June                           473       4,321           1       6,455          10          94         165       3,680          77       2,747         594          82          90       1,982         202       3,786          70
July                           457       4,364           4       6,404           2          95         183       3,833          96       2,778         606          83          91       1,998         212       3,879          63
August                         416       4,379          13       6,375           4          99         189       3,987          88       2,779         624          83          96       1,977         213       3,946          55
September                      494       4,469          31       6,370           3         101         117       4,071          40       2,731         629          83          95       1,925         206       3,996          48
October                        503       4,496           2       6,338         139         244         142       4,171          64       2,745         636          85          95       1,928         225       4,059          41
November                       491       4,581          68       6,383           2         247         136       4,273         122       2,819         653          85          98       1,983         186       4,112          35
December                       618       4,693           7       6,366           3         250         155       4,388         118       2,826         659          90          99       1,978         237       4,186          28
January                        531       4,727          22       6,361           5         255         179       4,516         133       2,830         660          92         103       1,976         235       4,195          20
February                       501       4,691           1       6,337          14         268         182       4,649         116       2,873         671          96         109       1,996         231       4,212          12
March                          986       5,044           6       6,309          23         291         214       4,802         205       2,933         704         101         117       2,011         259       4,272           2

April                          537       4,885           -       5,985           4         462         183       4,955          80       2,961         707         106         123       2,026         187       4,352           -
May                            477       4,818           -       5,763           7         468         229       5,122         144       3,025         707         117         128       2,073         238       4,445           -
June                           521       4,834           -       5,653           7         465         223       5,284          95       3,053         718         121         132       2,082         237       4,541           -
July                           590       4,887          25       5,590           5         470         287       5,503         152       3,100         732         130         140       2,098         229       4,663           -
August                         519       4,952           6       5,572           2         471         304       5,743         128       3,156         742         137         144       2,133         243       4,744           -
September                      487       4,938           8       5,483          47         521         251       5,935          88       3,190         758         141         143       2,147         249       4,818           -
October                        485       4,942          52       5,485           2         522         248       6,114          90       3,217         771         147         146       2,153         258       4,896           -
November                       583       5,001          45       5,488          13         535         280       6,321         120       3,251         792         153         146       2,160         273       4,994           -
December                       590       5,043          21       5,471           3         537         273       6,525         178       3,333         816         158         146       2,212         275       5,088           -
January                        537       5,041          41       5,475           5         542         282       6,742         149       3,373         815         164         150       2,244         276       5,108           -
February                       513       5,046          18       5,457          10         551         252       6,929         134       3,403         827         169         148       2,259         262       5,162           -
March                        1,227       5,504         512       5,900          97         654         283       7,164         243       3,500         831         178         154       2,337         373       5,320           -

April                          474       5,324           2       5,281           2         632         231       7,315          74       3,489         811         181         153       2,344         222       5,387           -
May                            519       5,260          12       4,913           2         621         276       7,508         101       3,509         801         185         154       2,369         289       5,494           -
June                           617       5,320          10       4,722           2         608         256       7,676         103       3,506         786         188         154       2,378         302       5,639           -
July                           591       5,356          16       4,593           2         601         276       7,858         104       3,510         769         191         155       2,395         306       5,752           -
August                         569       5,391           -       4,488          37         634         252       8,034          89       3,494         745         195         155       2,399         309       5,884           -
September                      516       5,424           1       4,401          18         643         212       8,177          90       3,512         736         199         154       2,423         306       5,978           -
October                        574       5,449           4       4,337           3         641         210       8,326         111       3,534         715         201         155       2,463         316       6,113           -
November                       580       5,460          10       4,279           5         642         216       8,472          91       3,529         695         204         154       2,476         335       6,232           -
December                       675       5,576           3       4,216           3         641         192       8,576          98       3,516         657         205         154       2,500         343       6,363           -
January                        626       5,578           1       4,151           4         642         188       8,690          86       3,474         612         205         152       2,505         336       6,450           -
February                       613       5,565         137       4,083          13         650         183       8,774          88       3,458         579         204         149       2,526         341       6,492           -
March                        1,499       5,814           9       4,012          58         652         236       8,895         125       3,447         548         203         148       2,548         420       6,622           -

                                                                             No. 43 : Small Savings (Contd.)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (Rs. in Crores)
                Other    TOTAL  DEPOSITS          National                Indira                  Kisan                 National    National    Other      TOTAL  CERTIFICATES         Public                  TOTAL
                Deposits                          Saving                  Vikas                   Vikas                 Saving      Saving      Certificate                            Provident
                                                  Certificate             Patras                  Patras                Certificate Certificate                                        Fund(3)
                                                  VIII issue                                                            VI issue    VII issue

Year/Month    Outstan- Receipts     Outstan-   Receipts     Outstan-   Receipts     Outstan-   Receipts     Outstan-    Outstan-    Outstan-    Outstan-   Receipts     Outstan-   Receipts     Outstan-   Receipts     Outstan-
              dings                 dings                   dings                   dings                   dings       dings       dings       dings                   dings                   dings                   dings
     1          19          20          21          22          23          24          25          26          27          28          29          30          31          32          33          34          35          36
1990-91             ..       9,455      17,022       1,609       3,135       2,469       8,709       4,136       9,514      11,137         737        25(4)      8,245      33,257          ..          ..    17,700(5)  50,279(5)
1992-93              5      10,151      21,694       1,942       6,645         930       9,678       4,541      16,506       5,666         210          83       7,414      38,788         170         466      17,736      60,948
1993-94              -      12,229      23,653       2,246       8,879       1,725       8,759       7,671      23,208       2,449          44          44      11,642      43,383         206         660      24,078      67,696
1994-95             24      15,790      28,066       2,908      11,866       1,941       7,972      13,677      34,305         101           -           -      18,526      54,244         351       1,027      34,667      83,337
1995-96             23      15,920      29,465       4,366      14,861       2,031       6,375      10,431      40,895           -           -           -      16,828      62,131           -       1,028      32,748      92,624

April                5         680      23,625          68       6,712         128       9,581         404      16,856       5,478         219          81         600      38,927          16         480       1,296      60,463
May                  4         794      20,980          66       6,777         163       9,496         574      17,563       5,290         205          78         803      39,409           7         486       1,604      60,875
June                 4         928      21,158          75       6,849         189       9,435         737      18,248       5,076         188          75       1,001      39,871           8         493       1,937      61,522
July                 3         954      21,419          89       6,938         194       9,386         782      18,978       4,842         172          74       1,065      40,390           8         500       2,027      62,309
August               3         922      21,623          85       7,023         177       9,315         760      19,640       4,625         157          71       1,022      40,830          12         511       1,956      62,965
September            3         892      21,790          89       7,110          92       9,234         429      19,984       4,424         142          68         610      40,962          10         520       1,512      63,272
October              3       1,075      22,096         103       7,212         132       9,232         512      20,446       4,142         127          63         747      41,222           9         529       1,831      63,847
November             3       1,005      22,452          97       7,309         118       9,234         488      20,857       3,931         115          60         703      41,506           8         536       1,716      64,494
December             3       1,137      22,740         172       7,480         153       8,770         670      21,406       3,662         101          56         995      41,475          11         546       2,143      64,761
January              -       1,105      22,905         238       7,717         122       8,746         772      22,026       3,363          86          52       1,132      41,990          13         559       2,250      65,454
Febuary              -       1,045      23,042         343       8,059         137       8,768         716      22,574       3,014          70          49       1,196      42,534          19         576       2,260      66,152
March                -       1,693      23,653         821       8,879         120       8,759         827      23,208       2,449          44          44       1,768      43,383          85         660       3,546      67,696

April               26         991      23,625         111       9,082         122       8,769         618      23,786       2,109          29          34         850      43,810          17         709       1,858      68,143
May                 27       1,095      23,667          98       9,178         150       8,791         800      24,410       1,913          20          30       1,047      44,342          10         716       2,152      68,725
June                26       1,083      23,856         103       9,281         167       8,820         888      25,107       1,756          11           8       1,158      44,982           8         723       2,249      69,561
July                25       1,288      24,238         130       9,410         181       8,836         995      25,892       1,601           1           7       1,306      45,746          10         731       2,603      70,715
August              25       1,202      24,663         129       9,536         161       8,859         963      26,648       1,463           -           5       1,253      46,510          10         744       2,465      71,917
September           25       1,129      24,909         124       9,659         134       8,013       1,375      27,854       1,341           -           4       1,633      46,871          12         751       2,775      72,531
October             24       1,134      25,200         120       9,779         150       7,511       1,057      28,705       1,229           -           -       1,327      47,224          13         763       2,474      73,188
November            23       1,314      25,614         159       9,937         164       7,413       1,130      29,591       1,101           -           -       1,453      48,042          10         772       2,777      74,428
December            23       1,341      26,021         200      10,137         191       8,135       2,224      31,534         990           -           -       2,615      50,796          15         786       3,971      77,603
January             23       1,290      26,304         253      10,388         179       7,710       1,326      32,581         822           -           -       1,758      51,501          18         803       3,066      78,608
Febuary             23       1,189      26,571         366      10,754         147       8,166         970      33,295         631           -           -       1,483      52,846          22         824       2,694      80,241
March               24       2,735      28,066       1,115      11,866         196       7,972       1,332      34,305         101           -           -       2,643      54,244         205       1,027       5,583      83,337

April               24       1,005      27,452         123      11,987         125       7,993         656      34,756           -           -           -         904      54,736           -       1,028       1,909      83,216
May                 24       1,199      27,329         117      12,094         153       7,913         867      35,378           -           -           -       1,137      55,385           -       1,028       2,336      83,742
June                24       1,290      27,495         128      12,189         170       8,040         956      36,064           -           -           -       1,254      56,293           -       1,028       2,544      84,816
July                24       1,295      27,694         148      12,286         184       7,642       1,079      36,822           -           -           -       1,411      56,750           -       1,028       2,706      85,472
August              23       1,256      27,948         153      12,375         191       7,116         961      37,486           -           -           -       1,305      56,977           -       1,028       2,561      85,953
September           23       1,143      28,158         165      12,473         169       7,155         791      38,010           -           -           -       1,125      57,638           -       1,028       2,268      86,824
October             23       1,218      28,423         175      12,583         163       7,102         863      38,570           -           -           -       1,201      58,255           -       1,028       2,419      87,706
November            23       1,237      28,637         236      12,741         174       7,289         884      39,140           -           -           -       1,294      59,170           -       1,028       2,531      88,835
December            23       1,314      28,911         339      12,976         176       7,215         890      39,651           -           -           -       1,405      59,842           -       1,028       2,719      89,781
January             23       1,241      29,008         460      13,296         166       7,262         835      40,110           -           -           -       1,461      60,668           -       1,028       2,702      90,704
Febuary             23       1,375      29,045         728      13,836         153       6,605         769      40,524           -           -           -       1,650      60,965           -       1,028       3,025      91,038
March               23       2,347      29,465       1,594      14,861         207       6,375         880      40,895           -           -           -       2,681      62,131           -       1,028       5,028      92,624



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