Shillong - ربی - Reserve Bank of India
The Jurisdiction of this office is the State of Meghalaya
3rd Floor, BSNL Bhavan Opposite Ka Phan Nonglait Park, Barik, Shillong, East Khasi Hills Meghalaya-793001

Shillong office was inaugurated on August 24, 2012 as a Sub-Office and has been functioning as an Independent Accounting Unit from July 01, 2017. The office functions from a leased premise located at Barik, Shillong which is central and convenient place in the city. The departments/sections in the office are Financial Inclusion & Development Department (FIDD), Human Resource Management Department (HRMD), Rajbhasha Cell, Estate Department, Government Banking Division (GBD), Samadhan Cell, Information Technology Cell (IT Cell), Consumer Education & Protection Cell (CEPC), Market Intelligence Unit (MIU) and Protocol & Security Cell (P&S Cell). Shillong Office currently has a tie-up for VOF/Holiday Home with Hotel Polo Towers.
The functional jurisdiction of this office covers the entire state of Meghalaya which comprises three hilly areas, viz. Jaintia Hills, Khasi Hills and Garo Hills.
Working hours | Weekdays | 09:30 am to 5:15 pm |