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RBI Announcements
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Tenders Awarded Page Banner


Construction of Residential Quarters for Officers at Sector-1A and Sector-9, Trikuta Nagar, Jammu including Civil, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Fighting, Water Supply, Internal & External Development Work, Sanitary Installation, Sewerage system, Lifts, Substation etc.

Tender number RBI/Jammu/Estate/405/22-23/ET/625
Date of publication of NIT فروری 02, 2023
Nature of work Construction of Residential Quarters for Officers at Sector-1A and Sector-9, Trikuta Nagar, Jammu including Civil, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Fighting, Water Supply, Internal & External Development Work, Sanitary Installation, Sewerage system, Lifts, Substation etc.
Mode of tender enquiry e-tender -Open
Type of bidding (single/two bid system) Two bid system
Last date of receipt of tender مارچ 20, 2023
Number of tenders received 08 (Eight)
Nos. and names of parties qualified after technical evaluation 05 (Five)
1.M/s Kapahi Constructions
2.M/s RSB Projects Pvt. Limited
3.M/s Jaiprakash & Sons
4.M/s Colliers International (India) Property Services Pvt. Ltd.
5.M/s Vikas & Associates
Nos. and names of parties not qualified after technical evaluation 03 (Three)
1.M/s National Projects Construction Corporation (NPCC) Limited
2.M/s LNA Infra Projects Pvt. Ltd.
3.M/s Construction Engineers
Commercial Bid Ranking, if any -
Final Ranking, if any -
Whether contract awarded to lowest tenderer/evaluated L1 Yes
Contract number and date JMU. ESTT. PNB. No. S72/07-12-002/2024-2025 dated
جولائی 22, 2024
Name of contractor M/s Jaiprakash & Sons
Value of contract ₹69,73,81,770/-(inclusive of GST)
Scheduled date of completion of supplies 40 months from the 14th day of letter of award.
Actual date of start of work -
Actual date of completion of work -
Reasons for delay, if any -


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