Home - CBRMC2016 - Reserve Bank of India

About the Event
12th Central Bank Risk Managers' Conference
November - 17-18, 2016, Mumbai
The Central Bank Risk managers’ Conference (CBRMC) is an annual event and provides a unique opportunity for central bank risk managers to build and maintain an informal network to discuss issues related to central banks’ financial risk management. After the first conference held in 2004 by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), Basel in Switzerland, these annual conferences have been organised by various central banks around the world.
The 12th edition of the Central Bank Risk Managers’ Conference was hosted by the Reserve Bank of India in Mumbai on November 17-18, 2016. It focused on economic capital and risk appetite frameworks at central banks, risks arising from unconventional monetary policy operations, integrated risk management, as well as model validation. The conference was attended by senior officials from leading central banks and the BIS who are responsible for developing and implementing risk management policies or processes relating to foreign exchange reserves and balance sheet exposures of central banks.
This website has been created to enable the participants to download the presentations made at the Conference. The presentations can be downloaded session-wise or for all sessions together.
The site will remain live till December 31, 2016.
List of Delegates
Name | Designation & Organisation | Country | |
Andrew Sewell | Reserve Bank of Australia | Senior Manager, Risk and Compliance | sewella@rba.gov.au |
Harald Mueller | Oesterreichische Nationalbank | Deputy Head -Treasury Strategy | harald.mueller@oenb.at |
Etienne Lavigne | Nationale Bank van België | Head of Middle Office | etienne.lavigne@nbb.be |
Rafael Schmidt | Bank for International Settlements | Head of Risk Methodology Department - Risk Control | Rafael.Schmidt@bis.org |
Karin Reichardt | Bank for International Settlements | Risk Control | karin.reichardt@bis.org |
Isabela R. Damaso Maia | Banco Central do Brasil | Head of Corporate Risk and Benchmarks Dept | isabela.maia@bcb.gov.br |
Philippe Muller | Bank of Canada | Director, Financial Risk Office | PMULLER@bankofcanada.ca |
Milcíades Contreras | Banco Central de Chile | Head of Financial Risk | mcontreg@bcentral.cl |
Tímea Barák | Czech National Bank | Senior Credit Risk Analyst, Risk Management Department | Timea.barak@cnb.cz |
Søren SchrÖder | Danmarks Nationalbank | Principal Risk Manager, Banking and Market | ssc@nationalbanken.dk |
Fernando Monar | European Central Bank | Adviser-Directrorate Risk Management/ Risk Analysis Division | Fernando.Monar@ecb.int |
Alexandru Penciu | European Central Bank | Principal Economist- Directrorate Risk Management/ Risk Analysis Division | alexandru.penciu@ecb.int |
Cosimo Pacciani | European Stability Mechanism | Head of Risk and Compliance | C.pacciani@esm.europa.eu |
Marc Baran | Banque de France | Risk and Compliance Department | Marc.baran@banque-france.fr |
Wolfgang Foettinger | Deutsche Bundesbank | Head, Section Risk Policy and Risk Reporting, Risk Control Division | wolfgang.foettinger@bundesbank.de |
Kim Chong | Hong Kong Monetary Authority | Division Head, Risk & Compliance Department | kktchong@hkma.gov.hk |
A.K. Misra | Reserve Bank of India | Chief General Manager, Risk Monitoring Department | akmisra@rbi.org.in |
Janak Raj | Reserve Bank of India | Principal Adviser, Monetary Policy Department | janakraj@rbi.org.in |
M. Rajeshwar Rao | Reserve Bank of India | Chief General Manager, Financial Markets Operation Department | mrajeshwarrao@rbi.org.in |
R.N. Kar | Reserve Bank of India | Chief General Manager, Department of External Investments & Operations | rnkar@rbi.org.in |
Rohit P. Das | Reserve Bank of India | General Manager, Financial Risk Division, Risk Monitoring Department | rohitpdas@rbi.org.in |
Guenia De Mayo | Bank of Israel | Market Operations Department - Head, Risk Management Unit. | Guenia.demayo@boi.org.il |
Filippo Giovannelli | Banca d’ Italia | Risk Management Directorate- Institutional Risk Control Division | Filippo.giovannelli@bancaditalia.it |
Arwina Zamani | Bank Negara Malaysia | Manager, Treasury Risk Section, Investment Operations and Financial Markets Dept. | arwina@bnm.gov.my |
Ana Laura Gutiérrez Elizalde | Banco de México | Manager, Financial Risk Division | laura_gutierrez@banxico.org.mx |
Stefan Boer | De Nederlandsche Bank | Senior Risk Manager | s.m.boer@dnb.nl |
Tom O'Brien | Reserve Bank of New Zealand | Quantitative Advisor, Financial Markets Department | Tom.obrien@rbnz.govt.nz |
Ewa Szafarczyk | Narodowy Bank Polski | Financial Risk Management Department | ewa.szafarczyk@nbp.pl |
Carlos Branco | Banco de Portugal | Risk Management Department | crbranco@bportugal.pt |
Evgeny Mitrofanov | Bank of Russia | Head, Risk Management Division, Market Department | mes1@cbr.ru , mes@mail.cbr.ru |
Daniel Wang | Monetary Authority of Singapore | Executive Director, Risk Management Department | Daniel_WANG@mas.gov.sg |
Jeanette Sejamoholo | South African Reserve Bank | Senior Manager, Risk Management Financial Markets Department | jeanette.sejamoholo@resbank.co.za |
Luis Gonzalez Mosquera | Banco de España | Director, Financial Risk Department | luis.gmosquera@bde.es |
C.J.P. Siriwardena | Central Bank of Sri Lanka | Assistant Governor | siriwardena@cbsl.lk |
Kusum Dassanayake | Central Bank of Sri Lanka | Director, Risk Management Department | dasanayake@cbsl.lk |
Mikael Perneman | Sveriges Riksbank | Senior Risk Manager, Risk Division | mikael.perneman@riksbank.se |
Erich Gmüer | Swiss National Bank | Head Risk Management | erich.gmuer@snb.ch |
Ilker Sari | Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankasi | Director, Markets Department- Risk Management Division | vilker.sari@tcmb.gov.tr |
Jeffrey Moore | Federal Reserve Bank of New York | Assistant Vice President and Policy Advisor, Markets Group | Jeffrey.Moore@ny.frb.org |