Additional subscription by RBI to the share capital of National Housing Bank - RBI - Reserve Bank of India
Additional subscription by RBI to the share capital of National Housing Bank
The Reserve Bank of India has contributed ₹1,000 crore towards the paid up capital of the National Housing Bank (NHB) on January 12, 2016, thereby increasing its shareholding in the NHB from ₹ 450 crore to ₹1,450 crore. RBI had provided for an amount of ₹1,000 crore during the accounting year 2014-15, specifically towards capital contribution to the NHB, which is its wholly owned subsidiary. Ministry of Finance, Government of India, vide their notification S.O. 3322(E) dated December 9, 2015, had notified increase in authorized capital of NHB from ₹450 crore to ₹1,450 crore to enable RBI to augment its shareholding in NHB. This would help NHB to expand its financial operations as envisaged under the NHB Act, 1987. Ajit Prasad Press Release : 2015-2016/1666 |