Beware of Fictitious Offers/Lottery Winnings/Cheap Fund Offers: RBI - RBI - Reserve Bank of India
Beware of Fictitious Offers/Lottery Winnings/Cheap Fund Offers: RBI
The Reserve Bank of India has, today once again clarified that remittance in any form towards participation in lottery schemes is prohibited under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999. Further, these restrictions are applicable also to remittances for participation in lottery-like schemes functioning under different names, such as, money circulation scheme or remittances for the purpose of securing prize money / awards, etc. The Reserve Bank has clarified that it neither maintains any account in the name of individuals / companies / trusts in India to hold funds for disbursal nor does it allow individuals to open an account to deposit money with the Reserve Bank. It also does not issue any certificates or advices or confirmations, evidencing receipt and holding of money in these accounts. Press Release : 2009-2010/168 |