Financial Literacy Material - RBI - Reserve Bank of India
Financial Literacy Material
RBI/2012-13/408 January 31, 2013 To Chairman/CMDs of Scheduled Commercial Banks Dear Sir Financial Literacy Material Please refer to our circular RPCD.FLC.No.12452/12.01.018/2011-12 dated June 6, 2012 regarding revised guidelines on the Financial Literacy Centres (FLC), in terms of which it was advised that FLCs and all the rural branches of scheduled commercial banks should scale up financial literacy efforts through conduct of outdoor Financial Literacy Camps at least once a month, to facilitate financial inclusion through provision of two essentials i.e. ‘Financial Literacy’ and easy ‘Financial Access’. 2. As advised therein, we have now prepared a comprehensive Financial Literacy Guide containing Guidance Note for Trainers, Operational Guidelines for conduct of Financial Literacy Camps & Financial Literacy Material as also a Financial Diary and a set of 16 posters as explained below. To start with, the entire material has been prepared in Hindi and English. It will also be translated in other Indian languages in due course of time.
3. Keeping in view of the extent of exclusion, banks need to conduct these Financial Literacy Camps in a mission mode, with the ultimate objective of making financial inclusion a viable business model by capturing the untapped business opportunities. In accordance with the objectives as stated above, it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of financial literacy efforts in linking the excluded segment to the banking system. SLBCs/DCC would review the financial literacy efforts undertaken by FLCs and rural branches under their jurisdiction, as a regular agenda item in the SLBC/DCC meetings. The details of FLCs along with contact details should be published on the respective SLBC website. Similarly Banks’ Head Offices would review the effectiveness of financial literacy efforts undertaken by their FLCs and rural branches. A structured monitoring mechanism both for FLCs and rural branches would be put in place shortly. 4. Banks’ Top Management including CMDs should ensure that all the rural branches and FLCs prepare a calendar for conduct of Financial Literacy Camps in the beginning of the year. They should give wide publicity to the financial literacy drive by attending some of the Financial Literacy Camps conducted by rural branches and FLCs during their outreach visits. In order to ensure consistency in the messages reaching the target audience of financially excluded people during the Financial Literacy Camps, it is necessary for banks to use the Financial Literacy Guide as a standard curriculum to impart basic conceptual understanding of financial products and services. They may also consider converting the contents of this guide into plays, skits, videos, films etc, for use in the Financial Literacy Camps. If necessary, they may get the material published in vernacular languages as well, in consultation with us. For any further details, we may be contacted by email. Yours faithfully (C D Srinivasan) Encls: As stated above Financial Literacy - Guidance note for trainers
Conduct of Financial Literacy Camps- Operational Guidelines All the Financial Literacy Centres and rural branches should prepare an annual calendar of locations for conduct of outdoor Financial Literacy Camps. At every location, the program should be conducted in three stages to be spread over a period of three months comprising of three sessions of minimum two hours each plus a visit to ensure timely delivery of cards. Suitable premises or open place for conduct of program should be identified in advance. Banks may customize the program depending upon the requirement of a particular location and available resources. In all circumstances, the underlying objective of the conduct of program should be to bring the maximum number of participants into the banking fold. First Session
Subsequently, follow up the transaction levels through a regular reporting system.