Master Circular - Bank Finance to Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) - RBI - Reserve Bank of India
Master Circular - Bank Finance to Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)
RBI/2010-11/51 July 1, 2010 Chairman and Managing Directors / Dear Sir, Master Circular - Bank Finance to Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) Please refer to our Master Circular No.RBI/2009-10/30 DBOD.BP.BC.No.5/21.04.172/2009-2010 dated July 1, 2009 on the captioned subject. The Master Circular has been suitably updated by incorporating instructions issued up to June 30, 2010 and has also been placed on the RBI web-site (/en/web/rbi). Yours faithfully, (B.Mahapatra) Master Circular Bank Finance to Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) Purpose Structure
1. Introduction The credit related matters of banks have been progressively deregulated by Reserve Bank of India. Consistent with the policy of bestowing greater operational freedom to banks in the matter of credit dispensation and in the context of mandatory registration of NBFCs withthe Reserve Bank, most of the aspects relating to financing of NBFCs by banks have also been deregulated. However, in view of the sensitivities attached to financing of certain types of activities undertaken by NBFCs, restrictions on financing of such activities continue to be in force. 2. Bank Finance to NBFCs registered with RBI 4. Bank Finance to Residuary Non-Banking Companies (RNBCs) 5. Activities not Eligible for Bank Credit As banks can extend financial assistance to equipment leasing companies, they should not enter into lease agreements departmentally with such companies as well as other Non-Banking Financial Companies engaged in equipment leasing. 6. Bank Finance to Factoring Companies 7. Other Prohibitions on Bank Finance to NBFCs 8. Prudential ceilings for exposure of banks to NBFCs Appendix List of Circulars Consolidated in the Master Circular
List of Other Circulars Containing Instructions / Guidelines /