Master Circular – Facility for Exchange of Notes and Coins - RBI - Reserve Bank of India
Master Circular – Facility for Exchange of Notes and Coins
RBI/2009-2010/90 July 01, 2009 The Chairman and Managing Director / Master Circular – Facility for Exchange of Notes and Coins Please refer to the Master Circular pertaining to the facility for exchange of notes and coins issued vide our letter DCM(NE)No.G-2/08.07.18/2002-03 dated July 5, 2002. Pursuant to the changes brought in the matter, we forward a revised Master Circular on the subject for your information and taking appropriate action, where required. This Master Circular is available on our website .
(U.S. Paliwal) Reserve Bank of India (Note Refund) Rules, 1975 (as amended up to 1980) – Delegation of full powers II. Double numbered notes – Rs.10/-, Rs.20/-, Notes bearing "PAY"/"PAID" "REJECT" stamps 6. Any note with slogans and message of a political nature written across it ceases to be a legal tender and the claim on such a note will be rejected under Rule 5 (2) of Reserve Bank of India (Note Refund) Rules, 1975 (as amended up to 1980). Similarly, notes which are disfigured may also be rejected under Rule 5 (2) of Reserve Bank of India (Note Refund) Rules, 1975 (as amended up to 1980). Deliberately cut notes Training Display of Notice Board 12 (a) All branches of banks in all parts of the country should provide the following customer services, more actively and vigorously to the members of public so that there is no need for them to approach the RBI Regional Offices only for this purpose: Agreement between RBI and commercial banks 13 (a). The agreement between the Reserve Bank of India and the commercial banks for establishment of currency chests/ and / or Small Coin Depots provide that the bank branches would accept coins in exchange of notes. The banks have been advised to instruct their branches that ANNEX Master Circular