Master Circular - Guidelines for Issue of Certificates of Deposit - RBI - Reserve Bank of India
Master Circular - Guidelines for Issue of Certificates of Deposit
RBI/2009-10/47 July 1, 2009 The Chairmen / Chief Executives of Dear Sirs, Guidelines for Issue of Certificates of Deposit As you are aware, with a view to further widening the range of money market instruments and giving investors greater flexibility in deployment of their short-term surplus funds, Certificates of Deposit (CDs) were introduced in India in 1989. Guidelines for issue of CDs are presently governed by various directives issued by the Reserve Bank of India, as amended from time to time. A Master Circular incorporating all the existing guidelines / instructions / directives on the subject has been prepared. It may be noted that this Master Circular consolidates and updates all the instructions / guidelines contained in the circulars listed in the Appendix, in so far as they relate to 'guidelines for issue of CDs'. This master circular has been placed on RBI website at /en/web/rbi/notifications/master-circulars Yours faithfully,
Master Circular on Guidelines for Issue of Certificates of Deposit (CDs) Introduction |