Master Circular on Area of Operation, Branch Authorisation Policy, Opening/ Up-gradation of Extension Counters, ATMs and Shifting/Splitting/Closure of Offices - UCBs - RBI - Reserve Bank of India
Master Circular on Area of Operation, Branch Authorisation Policy, Opening/ Up-gradation of Extension Counters, ATMs and Shifting/Splitting/Closure of Offices - UCBs
RBI/2009-10/88 July 01, 2009 All Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks Dear Sir, Master Circular on Area of Operation, Branch Authorisation Policy, Opening/ Up-gradation of Extension Counters, ATMs and Shifting/Splitting/Closure of Offices Please refer to our Master Circular UBD.BL(PCB)MC.No.14/07.01.00/2008-09, dated July 1, 2008 on the captioned subject (available at RBI website /en/web/rbi/notifications/master-circulars).The enclosed Master Circular consolidates and updates all the instructions/guidelines on the subject up to June 30, 2009. 2. Please acknowledge receipt of this Master Circular to the Regional Office concerned of this Department.
(Smt. Uma Shankar) Master Circular
Master Circular on Area of Operation, Branch Authorisation Policy,
Tier II Banks : All other Banks. 1.2.3 Extension of Area of Operation beyond the State of registration and Extension of Area of Operation of Multi-State UCBs Banks should ensure that there are no restrictions imposed by the local development or other authorities for setting up commercial establishment in the locality where the branch is proposed to be opened. 3.5 Up-gradation of Extension Counters into full-fledged branches 4. Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) 5. Shifting / Splitting / Closure of Offices A report in the format, as per Annex VIII should be submitted in duplicate to the Regional Office concerned of this Department within a month from the date of shifting where RBI's prior approval is not required. 5.1.2 For shifting to a different locality / municipal ward, licensed UCBs, categorised as Grade I/II are required to obtain prior permission and may submit their application as per the format in AnnexIX. The requests of UCBs (other than Unit banks) to shift their branches from one city to another in their area of operation within the same State will be considered subject to their compliance with the following conditions: 6. UCBs categorised as Grade III / IV (shifting, acquisition / surrender of leased premises, etc.) Such banks are required to submit their application in enclosed format given at Annex X in duplicate to the Regional Office concerned. 10. Branch Banking Statistics-Submission of Quarterly Returns -Revision of Proformae I & II 11 Acquisition of Accommodation on Lease / Rental Basis by Appendix – I A. List of Circulars consolidated in the Master Circular