Master Circular on New “Self Employment Scheme for Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers” (SRMS) from the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment for rehabilitation of all the remaining scavengers and their dependents by December 2009 and the spillover in inevitable cases up to March 31,2010 - RBI - Reserve Bank of India
Master Circular on New “Self Employment Scheme for Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers” (SRMS) from the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment for rehabilitation of all the remaining scavengers and their dependents by December 2009 and the spillover in inevitable cases up to March 31,2010
RBI/2010-11/55 July 1, 2010 The Chairman/ Managing Director Dear Sir, Master Circular on New “Self Employment Scheme for Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers” (SRMS) from the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment for rehabilitation of all the remaining scavengers and their dependents by December 2009 and the spillover in inevitable cases up to March 31,2010 Reserve Bank of India had issued instructions in April 2008 to banks regarding operationalisation of the new Self Employment Scheme for Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers (SRMS). To enable banks to have current instructions at one place, a Master Circular incorporating all the existing guidelines/ instructions/ directives/ reporting formats has been prepared and is appended. We advise that this Master Circular has been updated and consolidates all previous instructions on the subject issued by Reserve Bank up till June 30, 2009. Particulars of the Scheme as well as the broad guidelines to be followed by the banks in implementing this Scheme are given in the Annexure I to this circular. The reporting proforma for the performance and recovery of the new scheme is given at Annexure II and Annexure III respectively. Since Government of India has stopped funding the existing National Scheme for Liberation and Rehabilitation of Scavengers (NSLRS) since 2005-06, you are advised to henceforth implement the SRMS scheme in place of SLRS (Scheme for Liberation and Rehabilitation of Scavengers). Please acknowledge receipt. Yours faithfully, Enclosures as above + Appendix SELF EMPLOYMENT SCHEME FOR REHABILITATION OF MANUAL SCAVENGERS (SRMS) 1. Introduction 1.2 The successful implementation of the Scheme would depend upon effective participation and monitoring of the scheme by public sector banks at all controlling levels. Banks should therefore pay particular attention to this aspect since the scheme is to be implemented in fixed time period by identifying scavengers and their dependents and their aptitude for alternative trade by December 2009 and the spillover in inevitable cases up to March 31, 2010. Objective of the Scheme The objective of the scheme is to assist the remaining scavengers for rehabilitation, which are yet to be assisted, in a time bound manner by September 2009. Eligibility 3.3 The rate of interest chargeable from the beneficiaries will be as follows:-
3.4 Where the rate of interest chargeable by the banks on loans will be higher than the rates prescribed in the scheme, interest subsidy to the extent of the difference will be given to the banks and this will be administered by NSKFDC/ other agencies identified by the Ministry. 5. Subsidy 5.1 Credit linked capital subsidy will be provided upfront to the beneficiaries in a scaled manner :
5.2 Beneficiaries will be allowed to avail second and subsequent loan from banks if required, without capital subsidy and interest subsidy and other grants under the scheme. 7. Role of banks
The committee can call special invitees, if felt necessary, to attend its meeting. The recommendations of the committee would be within the broad parameters of the scheme and would be implemented with the approval of Minister, Social Justice and Empowerment. 8. Types of projects 8.1 The beneficiaries are free to select any viable income generating self employment project. Given below is the indicative list of projects, which are usually selected by the beneficiaries which are sustainable and have a good potential of regular income.:-
9. Training 10.6. Any further clarification/ instruction regarding the smooth implementation of the scheme as received from the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment will be issued subsequently. Cumulative Monthly progress report under Self Employment Scheme for Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers (SRMS) for the month (No. in actual)
(Amount in lakhs of Rupees)
Statement of Fund Requirement for Rehabilitation of the remaining nos. (342468) of Manual Scavengers Assumptions: - No. of Manual scavengers 1. No. of Scavengers (25%) likely to opt for Micro Credit Finance 2. No. of Scavengers (40%) likely to opt for Term Loan 3. No. of Scavengers (35%) likely to opt for Term Loan Total = 342468 4. Cost of Projects under the scheme:- 5. The details of loan and capital subsidy is given as under :
6. Total requirements
Details of the implementing agencies under the Self Employment Scheme for Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers
List of Master Circulars consolidated in the Master Circular