RBI opens the Office of the Banking Ombudsman at Raipur - RBI - Reserve Bank of India
Published on April 17, 2017
RBI opens the Office of the Banking Ombudsman at Raipur
Considering the significant increase in banking network during the recent past and the large jurisdiction being covered by the current Office of the Banking Ombudsman, Bhopal, the Reserve Bank has set up an Office of the Banking Ombudsman for the State of Chhattisgarh at Reserve Bank of India, Raipur. The Office of the Banking Ombudsman at Reserve Bank of India, Raipur will have the jurisdiction over the entire State of Chhattisgarh which, hitherto was under the jurisdiction of the Office of the Banking Ombudsman, Bhopal. Shweta Mohile Press Release: 2016-2017/2798 |
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