Reserve Bank Commercial Paper Directions, 2017 - RBI - Reserve Bank of India
Reserve Bank Commercial Paper Directions, 2017
RBI/2017-18/43 August 10, 2017 To All market participants Dear Sir/Madam Reserve Bank Commercial Paper Directions, 2017 Reserve Bank had issued draft directions on Commercial Paper for public comments on February 02, 2017. Taking into account the comments received, The Reserve Bank Commercial Paper Directions, 2017 have been finalised and enclosed herewith. Yours faithfully (T. Rabi Sankar) RESERVE BANK OF INDIA FMRD.DIRD.01/CGM (TRS) - 2017 dated August 10, 2017 Reserve Bank Commercial Paper Directions, 2017 Whereas the Reserve Bank of India, in exercise of the powers conferred by Sections 45J, 45K, 45L of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, and of all the powers enabling it in this behalf, notified the Non-Banking Companies (Acceptance of Deposits through Commercial Paper) Directions 1989 vide Notification No.IECD.1/87(CP)-89/90 dated December 11, 1989; And whereas the said directions having been amended from time to time vide Notification No.IECD.14/08.15.01/96-97 dated September 6, 1996; Notification No.IECD.21/08.15.01/97-98 dated June 17, 1998, Notification No IECD 3/08.15.01/2000-2001 dated October 10, 2000 and IDMD.PCD. 1284 /14.01.02/2012-13 dated October 16, 2012 respectively; And whereas Section 45W of the Reserve Bank of India Act provides that the Bank may, in public interest, and to promote the development of the financial system of the country to its advantage, determine the policy relating to interest rates or interest rate products and give directions in that behalf to all agencies or any of them, dealing in securities, money market instruments, foreign exchange, derivatives, or other instruments of like nature as the Bank may specify from time to time; And whereas Commercial Paper is a ‘money market instrument’ under Section 45W of the Reserve Bank of India Act; Now therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred under sections 45J, 45K, 45L and 45W, and in supersession of the Notifications referred hereinabove, and all other instructions issued in this behalf, on the subject, the Reserve Bank of India, having considered it necessary in the public interest and being satisfied that for the purpose of enabling the Bank to regulate the credit and financial system to the advantage of the country, hereby issues the following directions: 1. Short Title and Commencement These directions shall be called the Reserve Bank Commercial Paper Directions 2017 and shall come into force on the date of their publication. Provided that the requirement of two ratings as specified in paragraph 6.2.a shall be effective from October 01, 2017. 2. Definitions For the purpose of these directions, unless the context otherwise requires:
3. Eligible Issuers:
4. End use The exact end use shall be disclosed in the offer document at the time of issue of a CP. 5. Eligible Investors:
6. Form of the instrument, mode of issuance, rating and documentation procedures 6.1 Form
6.2 Rating Requirement Eligible issuers, whose total CP issuance during a calendar year is ₹ 1000 crore or more, shall obtain credit rating for issuance of CPs from at least two CRAs registered with SEBI and should adopt the lower of the two ratings. Where both ratings are the same, the issuance shall be for the lower of the two amounts for which ratings are obtained. The minimum credit rating for a CP shall be ‘A3’ as per rating symbol and definition prescribed by SEBI. 6.3 Documentation Procedures Issuers, investors and Issuing and Paying Agents (IPAs) shall follow the standard procedures and documentation prescribed by Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India (FIMMDA) as ‘Operational Guidelines on CPs’. 6.4 issue of CP-Credit Enhancement, limits etc.
7. Secondary market trading and settlement of CP
8. Buyback of CP
9. Duties and Obligations The duties and obligations of the Issuer, Issuing and Paying Agent (IPA) and Credit Rating Agency (CRA) are set out below: I. Issuer – The issuer of CP shall
II. Issuing and Paying Agent – The IPA for a CP issuance shall
III. Credit Rating Agency
10. Applicability of other directions/regulations etc Issuers of CPs shall abide by any direction/regulation/guideline issued by any regulator or other authority in respect of issue/investment of CPs provided that such directions/regulations/guidelines do not conflict with these directions. 11. Non-applicability of Certain Other Directions Nothing contained in the Non-Banking Financial Companies Acceptance of Public Deposits (Reserve Bank) Directions, 1998 shall apply to the raising of funds by issuance of CP, by any NBFC when such funds are raised in accordance with these directions. 12. The extant directions on Commercial Paper in the Master Directions on Money Market (Section II) are being replaced by these Directions. (T. Rabi Sankar) |