Non Bank Funding Sources and Indian Corporates - RBI - Reserve Bank of India
Non-Bank Funding Sources and Indian Corporates
Mint Street Memo No. 06 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Non-Bank Funding Sources and Indian Corporates | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dr. Apoorva Javadekar 1 |
Abstract: The last decade has witnessed growing importance of non-bank funding sources for Indian corporate sector. Over the same time, Indian banking industry has been crippled by the ever-rising Non-Performing Assets (NPAs), which has reduced the effective supply of bank credit. The aim of this study is to understand the link between these two developments. In particular, it is shown that the stress in the banking sector has prompted non-financial firms to tap non-bank debt sources. It is found that small and medium-scale firms with good financial health are more likely to substitute bank credit with non-bank credit in response to the banking stress. The evidence also suggests that amongst the firms with poor financial condition, relatively smaller firms are effectively rationed out of the credit markets. Introduction Indian banking sector is facing the problem of growing Non-Performing Assets (NPAs). From 2014 to 2017, the average level of NPA to advances ratio across public-sector banks has almost doubled from 5 per cent to 10 per cent. Rising NPA levels have curtailed the supply of bank credit as banks are rebuilding capital or keeping aside larger share of loanable funds against future possible losses. In parallel, Indian financial markets have witnessed a significant development of non-bank sources of credit such as corporate bonds, External Commercial Borrowings (ECBs) and Commercial Papers (CP). Greenspan (2000) referred to bond market as "Spare Tyre" of the credit market, which keeps the economy running when banking system breaks down. The objective of this research memo is to understand if the Indian non-bank credit market has acted as a “Spare Tyre” for our economy or not. More precisely, this study aims to find whether the Indian corporates have shifted towards non-bank credit sources in response to stress in the banking sector and if they did, then what type of firms were able to access the alternative sources of funding. Growing Importance of Non-Bank Credit Sources In 2005, Indian non-financial firms raised roughly 80% of the new debt funding from banking institutions. But the relative importance of bank credit as a source of funding for non-financial firms has reduced dramatically over the last decade. Chart 1 shows the fresh debt raised by firms from various funding sources. In 2016, non-bank debt through corporate bonds, CPs, and ECBs accounted for more than half of the new debt funding. The share of new non-bank credit to total new debt has risen steadily from around 20% in 2015 to around 53% in 2016. Indian corporates utilized ECBs heavily until 2012. Depreciation of Indian currency against USD in 2013 prompted the Indian corporates to substitute ECBs with domestic corporate bonds. CP issuances now constitute a significant segment and represent roughly 25 per cent of non-bank credit. 2 This implies that in the context of growing financing needs in the economy, the importance of non-bank credit is also rising. Methodology and Data The firm-level balance sheet data for the financial years 2005-06 to 2015-16 is sourced from Prowess database of the Centre of Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE). The database contains information on sources of funds, size of the firms measured by assets, lead bank associated with a firm, profitability ratios, and industry classification amongst other variables. The health of the firm's lead bank is measured by its NPA ratio defined as the ratio of Gross NPAs divided by Total Advances. Large firms can access non-bank funding with relative ease. At the same time, large firms tend to have stronger banking relationships. To test if small and large firms are affected differently due to banking stress, we include the interaction term between NPA and firm size. The results are presented in Table 1. Columns 1 and 2 cover the entire sample, while columns 3 and 4 pertain to the split sample, based on the interest coverage ratio (ICR) which proxies the financial health of the firm. Interestingly, poor financial health can curtail non-bank funding access for smaller firms much more severely than the large firms. Hence, I include the NPA and firm’s size interaction even when I split the sample based on ICR. To account for the fact that overall funding needs in the economy are time-varying, time-fixed effects in regression are included. Table 1: Impact of Banking Stress on Firms With Varying Financial Health The table presents the results from probit estimation of equation 2. The estimation is carried using Pooled OLS methodology and all the models include year and industry fixed effects. The standard errors are clustered at firm level. ***, ** and * indicates significance at 10%, 5% and 1% level respectively.
Conclusion and Policy Implications The results indicate that corporate bond, ECB and CP market have allowed at least a subset of firms to diversify their funding sources. The ability to substitute the sources of financing is important to shield the economy from adverse real effects of a financial crisis (Uhlig, 2015). Small and medium-scale firms in India with sound financial health have indeed shifted to non-bank funding through bonds and CP market more aggressively in response to the banking stress. Results also indicate that larger firms have the ability to access the market in spite of having poor financial conditions. This leaves the subset of small firms with poor financials in a vulnerable situation. Current policy is focussed on debt recoveries from larger borrowers. The results indicate that bolstering the funding sources for efficient but liquidity crunched small and medium-scale enterprises is also likely to be important in arresting the next wave of NPAs. 1 Dr. Apoorva Javadekar is a Research Director at CAFRAL (Centre for Advanced Financial Research and Learning). The findings and views in this paper are entirely those of the authors and should not necessarily be interpreted as the official views of Reserve Bank of India. Author is thankful to Dr. Anand Srinivasan for valuable comments and to Khushboo Khandelwal, Sumedha Rai, Anushka Mitra, Visha Vishe and Sudipta Ghosh for research support. 2 The calculations for non-bank credit (see figure 1) are based upon Prowess database provided by Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) 3 In the sample, only 8.8 per cent of the firms access non-bank sources in a given year. Hence, 2.2 per cent increase is economically significant suggesting that almost 25 per cent more firms would access the non-bank market for funding if their lead bank’s NPA ratio increases by 1% point. References 1. Businessworld (2017). How NPA of banks increased over last five years. BW Businessworld. 2. Greenspan, A. (2000). Global challenges. Remarks at the Financial Crisis Conference, Council on Foreign Relations, New York, 12 July. 3. Uhlig, H. and De Fiore, F. (2015). Corporate debt structure and the financial crisis. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 47(8). |