Return on Computerisation - Merger of Technological Upgradation Report with the Biannual Report - RBI - Reserve Bank of India
Return on Computerisation - Merger of Technological Upgradation Report with the Biannual Report
DIT. Circular No. 12/2004
DIT (KK) H 2049 to 2073 /03324305/2004-05
31 December 2004
The Chairman and Managing Directors
27 Public Sector bank
Dear Sir
Return on Computerisation - Merger of Technological Upgradation Report with the Biannual Report
Please refer to our circulars DIT(GH)676/03.24.05/99-2000 dated September 10, 1999 requesting banks to furnish information on technological upgradation and MSD.3463/25.03 (i)/89-90 dated February 8,1990 requesting information on the computerisation of PSBs in the Biannual Report.
2. It has been decided to merge the two reports as per the simplified revised proforma enclosed. Henceforth the information will have to be furnished in the revised format. The report will continue to be a half yearly report for March and September to be furnished by April 15th and October 15th respectively.
3. A copy of the revised format in ` as a 'template'. Banks are advised to submit the next report due in April 2005 in the modified format electronically.
Please acknowledge receipt.
Yours faithfully
(S. Ganesh Kumar
General Manager
Enclosed: 6 as above