RBI Bulletin – March 2025 - RBI - Reserve Bank of India
RBI Bulletin – March 2025
Today, the Reserve Bank released the March 2025 issue of its monthly Bulletin. The Bulletin includes four speeches, five articles and current statistics. The five articles are: I. State of the Economy; II. Spatial Distribution of Monsoon and Agricultural Production; III. Changing Dynamics of India’s Remittances – Insights from the Sixth Round of India’s Remittances Survey; IV. Decoupling Economic Growth from Emissions: A LMDI Decomposition Analysis; and V. Market Access and IMF Arrangements: Evidence from Across the Globe. I. State of the Economy The resilience of the global economy is being tested by escalating trade tensions and a heightened wave of uncertainty around the scope, timing, and intensity of tariffs. While engendering heightened volatility in global financial markets, these have also caused apprehensions about the slowdown in global growth. Amidst these challenges, the Indian economy continues to demonstrate resilience as evident in the robust performance of the agriculture sector and improving consumption. The reverberations of a tumultuous external environment, however, are being reflected in sustained foreign portfolio outflows. India’s macroeconomic strength to face these challenges is bolstered by a decline in headline CPI inflation to a seven-month low of 3.6 per cent in February 2025 on account of a further correction in food prices. II. Spatial Distribution of Monsoon and Agricultural Production By Abhinav Narayanan and Harendra Kumar Behera This article analyses the impact of spatial variation of rainfall across districts on production of Kharif crops. It also examines how deficient or excess rainfall during specific periods impact the production of specific crops. Highlights:
III. Changing Dynamics of India’s Remittances – Insights from the Sixth Round of India’s Remittances Survey By Dhirendra Gajbhiye, Sujata Kundu, Alisha George, Omkar Vinherkar, Yusra Anees, Jithin Baby This article analyses the results of the sixth round of India’s remittances survey conducted for 2023-24. It captures various dimensions of inward remittances to India – country-wise source of remittances, state-wise destination of remittances, transaction-wise size of remittances, prevalent mode of transmission, cost of sending remittances and share of remittances transmitted through the digital modes vis-à-vis cash. Highlights:
IV. Decoupling Economic Growth from Emissions: A LMDI Decomposition Analysis By Madhuresh Kumar, Shobhit Goel, Manu Sharma, Muskan Garg This article examines the drivers behind India's CO₂ emissions growth from 2012 to 2022 using the Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) decomposition method. It breaks down total emissions into key contributing factors, including the impact of GDP growth (activity effect), improvements in energy efficiency (energy intensity effect), shifts in the economic structure (structural effect), changes in the composition of fuel (fuel mix effect), and the growing share of renewable energy in electricity generation, which reduces the carbon intensity of electricity (emission factor effect). Highlights:
V. Market Access and IMF Arrangements: Evidence from Across the Globe By Shruti Joshi and PSS Vidyasagar The article analyses loans availed by various countries from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) during 2000-2023 and finds a negative relation between market access and dependence on IMF’s loan for those countries which resorted to IMF loans. Highlights:
The views expressed in the Bulletin articles are of the authors and do not represent the views of the Reserve Bank of India. (Puneet Pancholy) Press Release: 2024-2025/2418 |