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40. Standard Presentation of BoP in India as per BPM6 (US $ Million)

(US$ Million)
Item Jan-Mar 2022 Jan-Mar 2023 (P)
Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Current Account (1.A+1.B+1.C) 218822 232225 -13404 238010 239346 -1336
1.A Goods and Services (1.A.a+1.A.b) 187896 214060 -26164 201654 215166 -13512
1.A.a Goods (1.A.a.1 to 1.A.a.3) 118020 172503 -54483 115821 168408 -52587
1.A.a.1 General merchandise on a BOP basis 118046 164299 -46253 115268 161779 -46511
1.A.a.2 Net exports of goods under merchanting -26 0 -26 553 0 553
1.A.a.3 Nonmonetary gold   8204 -8204 0 6629 -6629
1.A.b Services (1.A.b.1 to 1.A.b.13) 69876 41557 28319 85833 46758 39075
1.A.b.1 Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others 214 24 190 327 52 275
1.A.b.2 Maintenance and repair services n.i.e. 44 440 -397 56 644 -587
1.A.b.3 Transport 9398 11002 -1604 7956 8091 -135
1.A.b.4 Travel 2757 5133 -2376 8445 7698 747
1.A.b.5 Construction 596 720 -124 1099 705 394
1.A.b.6 Insurance and pension services 904 428 476 824 455 369
1.A.b.7 Financial services 1615 1504 111 2093 1303 790
1.A.b.8 Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. 193 2518 -2325 290 2729 -2438
1.A.b.9 Telecommunications, computer, and information services 33629 4009 29620 41116 6606 34509
1.A.b.10 Other business services 16835 13867 2968 22260 16314 5945
1.A.b.11 Personal, cultural, and recreational services 970 1224 -253 1045 1390 -346
1.A.b.12 Government goods and services n.i.e. 160 271 -111 144 307 -163
1.A.b.13 Others n.i.e. 2560 416 2145 178 464 -286
1.B Primary Income (1.B.1 to 1.B.3) 7204 15596 -8392 7706 20312 -12606
1.B.1 Compensation of employees 1614 804 810 1695 917 778
1.B.2 Investment income 4303 13417 -9113 4839 18772 -13934
1.B.2.1 Direct investment 3206 8193 -4987 2156 10609 -8453
1.B.2.2 Portfolio investment 80 1591 -1511 78 2755 -2676
1.B.2.3 Other investment 96 3629 -3533 210 5246 -5035
1.B.2.4 Reserve assets 922 4 918 2393 163 2231
1.B.3 Other primary income 1286 1375 -89 1172 623 549
1.C Secondary Income (1.C.1+1.C.2) 23722 2570 21153 28650 3868 24782
1.C.1 Financial corporations, nonfinancial corporations, households, and NPISHs 23702 2353 21350 28627 3547 25080
1.C.1.1 Personal transfers (Current transfers between resident and/non-resident households) 22943 1677 21267 27984 2631 25352
1.C.1.2 Other current transfers 759 676 83 643 915 -272
1.C.2 General government 20 217 -197 23 321 -298
2 Capital Account (2.1+2.2) 244 173 71 272 260 12
2.1 Gross acquisitions (DR.)/disposals (CR.) of non-produced nonfinancial assets 117 29 88 120 35 85
2.2 Capital transfers 127 144 -17 152 225 -73
3 Financial Account (3.1 to 3.5) 181861 167636 14226 153151 152222 929
3.1 Direct Investment (3.1A+3.1B) 24396 10620 13777 17084 10730 6355
3.1.A Direct Investment in India 23281 6028 17253 15858 6538 9319
3.1.A.1 Equity and investment fund shares 21074 5177 15897 14684 6254 8430
3.1.A.1.1 Equity other than reinvestment of earnings 15845 5177 10669 9708 6254 3454
3.1.A.1.2 Reinvestment of earnings 5229   5229 4976 0 4976
3.1.A.2 Debt instruments 2207 851 1356 1173 284 889
3.1.A.2.1 Direct investor in direct investment enterprises 2207 851 1356 1173 284 889
3.1.B Direct Investment by India 1115 4592 -3477 1227 4191 -2964
3.1.B.1 Equity and investment fund shares 1115 2977 -1862 1227 3226 -1999
3.1.B.1.1 Equity other than reinvestment of earnings 1115 2132 -1017 1227 2123 -896
3.1.B.1.2 Reinvestment of earnings   845 -845 0 1103 -1103
3.1.B.2 Debt instruments 0 1615 -1615 0 965 -965
3.1.B.2.1 Direct investor in direct investment enterprises   1615 -1615 0 965 -965
3.2 Portfolio Investment 70715 85930 -15215 66697 68361 -1664
3.2.A Portfolio Investment in India 70254 84543 -14289 66117 67704 -1588
3.2.1 Equity and investment fund shares 62553 75636 -13083 57476 59959 -2483
3.2.2 Debt securities 7701 8907 -1206 8640 7745 895
3.2.B Portfolio Investment by India 461 1387 -926 580 657 -77
3.3 Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options 4629 7403 -2774 3661 6332 -2671
3.4 Other investment 66098 63683 2415 65708 61219 4489
3.4.1 Other equity (ADRs/GDRs) 0 0 0 0 0 0
3.4.2 Currency and deposits 13514 13909 -395 21141 17485 3656 Central bank (Rupee Debt Movements; NRG) 46 600 -554 75 0 75 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank (NRI Deposits) 13468 13309 159 21066 17485 3581 General government 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other sectors 0 0 0 0 0 0
3.4.3 Loans (External Assistance, ECBs and Banking Capital) 29061 28537 524 17418 21782 -4364
3.4.3.A Loans to India 28534 28148 386 17139 21378 -4239
3.4.3.B Loans by India 527 389 138 280 404 -125
3.4.4 Insurance, pension, and standardized guarantee schemes 40 17 22 41 30 11
3.4.5 Trade credit and advances 18403 11582 6821 15950 16237 -287
3.4.6 Other accounts receivable/payable - other 5080 9637 -4557 11157 5685 5472
3.4.7 Special drawing rights 0 0 0 0 0 0
3.5 Reserve assets 16024 0 16024 0 5579 -5579
3.5.1 Monetary gold 0 0 0 0 0 0
3.5.2 Special drawing rights n.a. 0 0 0 0 0 0
3.5.3 Reserve position in the IMF n.a. 0 0 0 0 0 0
3.5.4 Other reserve assets (Foreign Currency Assets) 16024 0 16024 0 5579 -5579
4 Total assets/liabilities 181861 167636 14226 153151 152222 929
4.1 Equity and investment fund shares 89872 92596 -2725 77670 76458 1212
4.2 Debt instruments 70886 65402 5484 64323 64499 -176
4.3 Other financial assets and liabilities 21104 9637 11466 11157 11265 -107
5 Net errors and omissions   893 -893 395 0 395
Note: P: Preliminary.
Explanatory notes on these tables are available in December issue of RBI Bulletin, 2012.



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