New FAQ Page 2 - RBI - Reserve Bank of India
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) for Large Value Transactions in Centralised Payment Systems
Ans. The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a 20-character alpha-numeric code used to uniquely identify parties to financial transactions worldwide. It has been implemented to improve the quality and accuracy of financial data reporting systems for better risk management. It is used to create a global reference data system that uniquely identifies every legal entity in any jurisdiction that is party to a financial transaction. It can be obtained from any of the Local Operating Units (LOUs) accredited by the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF), the body tasked to support the implementation and use of LEI. In India, LEI can be obtained from Legal Entity Identifier India Ltd. (LEIL) (, which is also recognised as an issuer of LEI by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
Ans. All single payment transactions of ₹50 crore and above undertaken by entities (non-individuals) should include remitter and beneficiary LEI information. This is applicable to transactions undertaken through the NEFT and RTGS payment systems.
In case of RTGS, both customer payment and inter-bank transactions meeting the above criterion should include LEI information.
i. In NEFT payment messages, the field 7495 is a free format optional field consisting of 6 lines with 35 characters each with alphanumeric options. The first two lines of this field hall be used for capturing sender and beneficiary customer LEI information, in that order, where applicable and available. When LEI information is captured, narration, remarks, etc., shall be part of last 4 lines of the field. The sender and beneficiary information shall be captured in following format:
7495: line 1 -> SL/20 digit sender LEI/
line 2 -> BL/20 digit beneficiary LEI/
ii. In RTGS customer payment and inter-bank messages, the optional field “<-RmtInf->” has 4 repeat tags with each having 140 characters. The first two loops of this field shall be used for capturing sender and beneficiary customer LEI information, in that order, where applicable and available. When LEI information is captured, narration, remarks, etc., shall be part of last two repeating loops of the field. The sender and beneficiary information shall be captured in following format:
<-RmtInf-> loop 1 -> /SL/20 digit sender LEI/
loop 2 -> /BL/20 digit beneficiary LEI/
Ans. LEI shall be recorded for all non-individual NEFT / RTGS messages / transactions. An indicative list of entity types is given by LEIL at
Page Last Updated on: December 11, 2022