New FAQ Page 2 - RBI - Reserve Bank of India
Swap Window for attracting FCNR (B) Dollar funds
Disclaimer : In case of any inconsistency(ies) between FAQ and FEMA notification(s)/Master Directions(s)/AP DIR Circular(s) latter shall prevail.
Only fresh FCNR (B) deposits mobilized in any of the permitted currencies after September 6, 2013 with a minimum three years maturity and having a lock in period of one year are permissible deposits under the swap window.
Banks are free to mobilise other types of permitted FCNR (B) deposits as specified in the RBI Master Circular on Interest Rates on FCNR (B) Deposits dated July 1, 2013 read with Circular DBOD.Dir.BC. 38/13.03.00/2013-14 dated August 14, 2013. However, such deposits will not qualify as eligible deposit for the purpose of swap with RBI. Banks are advised to maintain separate ledgers for FCNR (B) deposits mobilised under both the schemes along with proper audit trail of transactions.
The re-pricing of the swap would be done as given in the illustration at the end of the FAQ.
Page Last Updated on: December 11, 2022