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Nov 16, 2006
Withdrawn w.e.f. 21/05/2024
Compliance function in banks

RBI/2006-07/177 November 16, 2006 DBS.PP.BC1/11/01.005/2006-07 The Chairman / CEO All Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding RRBs) Madam / Dear Sir, Compliance function in banks A system of 'Compliance Officer' in banks was introduced by Reserve Bank of India in August 1992, based on the recommendations of the Committee on Frauds and Malpractices in Banks (Ghosh Committee). Further guidelines in this regard, and more specifically on the role of the Compliance Officers

RBI/2006-07/177 November 16, 2006 DBS.PP.BC1/11/01.005/2006-07 The Chairman / CEO All Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding RRBs) Madam / Dear Sir, Compliance function in banks A system of 'Compliance Officer' in banks was introduced by Reserve Bank of India in August 1992, based on the recommendations of the Committee on Frauds and Malpractices in Banks (Ghosh Committee). Further guidelines in this regard, and more specifically on the role of the Compliance Officers

Oct 20, 2006
Withdrawn w.e.f. 13/05/2022
Rupee Export Credit Interest Rates
RBI/2006-07/149 DBOD.Dir.(Exp).BC.No.37/04.02.01/2006-07 October 20, 2006 All Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding RRBs) Dear Sir, Rupee Export Credit Interest Rates Please refer to our circular DBOD.Dir.(Exp.)No.83/04.02.01/2006-07 dated April 28, 2006 on the captioned subject. The validity of the interest rates on rupee export credit indicated in the above circular would now remain in force upto April 30, 2007. In this connection, you may please refer to RBI circul
RBI/2006-07/149 DBOD.Dir.(Exp).BC.No.37/04.02.01/2006-07 October 20, 2006 All Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding RRBs) Dear Sir, Rupee Export Credit Interest Rates Please refer to our circular DBOD.Dir.(Exp.)No.83/04.02.01/2006-07 dated April 28, 2006 on the captioned subject. The validity of the interest rates on rupee export credit indicated in the above circular would now remain in force upto April 30, 2007. In this connection, you may please refer to RBI circul
Aug 25, 2005
Withdrawn w.e.f. 13/05/2022
List of Reserved Items for Exclusive Manufacture by SSIs amended
RBI/2005-06/141 RPCD.PLNFS.BC.NO. 36 /06.02.31/2005-06 August 25, 2005 The Chairman/Managing Director All Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) Dear Sir, Notification No.S.O.420(E) dated March 28, 2005 regarding changes in the list of reserved items for exclusive manufacture in the Small Scale Sector Please refer to our circular RPCD.PLNFS.BC.No. 73/06.02.31/2004-05 dated January 15, 2005 on the captioned subject. 2. We advise that Government of India, Ministry
RBI/2005-06/141 RPCD.PLNFS.BC.NO. 36 /06.02.31/2005-06 August 25, 2005 The Chairman/Managing Director All Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs) Dear Sir, Notification No.S.O.420(E) dated March 28, 2005 regarding changes in the list of reserved items for exclusive manufacture in the Small Scale Sector Please refer to our circular RPCD.PLNFS.BC.No. 73/06.02.31/2004-05 dated January 15, 2005 on the captioned subject. 2. We advise that Government of India, Ministry
Feb 01, 2005
Withdrawn w.e.f. 21/05/2024
Implementation of Risk-based internal audit (RBIA) in banks

Ref. RBI 2004-05 /356 DBS.CO.PP.BC. 17/11.01.005/2004-05 February 1, 2005 All Scheduled Commercial Banks (Except Regional Rural Banks) Dear Sirs, Implementation of Risk-based internal audit (RBIA) in banks As you would recall the guidelines relating to risk-based internal audit were issued by us on December 27, 2002 vide our letter DBS.CO.PP.BC.10 /11.01.005/2002-03. A review of the implementation of the risk-based internal audit in various banks has revealed that the

Ref. RBI 2004-05 /356 DBS.CO.PP.BC. 17/11.01.005/2004-05 February 1, 2005 All Scheduled Commercial Banks (Except Regional Rural Banks) Dear Sirs, Implementation of Risk-based internal audit (RBIA) in banks As you would recall the guidelines relating to risk-based internal audit were issued by us on December 27, 2002 vide our letter DBS.CO.PP.BC.10 /11.01.005/2002-03. A review of the implementation of the risk-based internal audit in various banks has revealed that the

Jan 15, 2005
Withdrawn w.e.f. 13/05/2022
Changes in the list of reserved items for exclusive manufacture in the Small Scale Sector
RBI/2004-05/346 RPCD/PLNFS/BC. No. 73 /06.02.31/2004-05 January 15, 2005The Chairman/Managing Director All Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs )Dear Sir, Notification No.S.O.1169 (E) dated 20.10.2004 regarding-changes in the list of reserved items for exclusive manufacture in the Small Scale Sector. Please refer to our circular RPCD/PLNFS/BC.No.23/06.02.31/2003-04 dated 15 September 2003 on the captioned subject.2.We advise that Government of India, Ministry of
RBI/2004-05/346 RPCD/PLNFS/BC. No. 73 /06.02.31/2004-05 January 15, 2005The Chairman/Managing Director All Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs )Dear Sir, Notification No.S.O.1169 (E) dated 20.10.2004 regarding-changes in the list of reserved items for exclusive manufacture in the Small Scale Sector. Please refer to our circular RPCD/PLNFS/BC.No.23/06.02.31/2003-04 dated 15 September 2003 on the captioned subject.2.We advise that Government of India, Ministry of
Jan 12, 2005
Withdrawn w.e.f. 13/05/2022
Enhancement in SSI Investment Limit in respect of Sports Goods

RBI/2004-05/343 RPCD/PLNFS/BC. No. 72 /06.02.31/2004-05 January 12, 2005 The Chairman/Managing Director All Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs)Dear Sir,Enhancement in SSI Investment Limit in respect of Sports Goods Please refer to our circular RPCD/PLNFS/BC.No.7/06.02.31/2003-04 dated 14 July 2003 regarding enhancement in the ceiling limit on investment in plant and machinery from Rs.1 crore to Rs.5 crore in respect of certain items on Stationery and Drugs and

RBI/2004-05/343 RPCD/PLNFS/BC. No. 72 /06.02.31/2004-05 January 12, 2005 The Chairman/Managing Director All Scheduled Commercial Banks (including RRBs)Dear Sir,Enhancement in SSI Investment Limit in respect of Sports Goods Please refer to our circular RPCD/PLNFS/BC.No.7/06.02.31/2003-04 dated 14 July 2003 regarding enhancement in the ceiling limit on investment in plant and machinery from Rs.1 crore to Rs.5 crore in respect of certain items on Stationery and Drugs and

Oct 26, 2004
Withdrawn w.e.f. 13/05/2022
Private Banks advised to formulate Special Agricultural Credit Plans
RBI/ 2004-2005/239 RPCD.PLFS.BC.No. 46 /05.05.14/2004-05 October 26,2004 The Chief Executive Officer (All Indian Private Sector Banks) Dear Sir, Special Agricultural Credit Plans (SACP) At present, public sector banks are formulating Special Agricultural Credit Plans (SACP) under which they fix for themselves targets for disbursement of agricultural credit during a year. The banks have been advised to fix targets at about 20 to 25 per cent higher than the disbursement
RBI/ 2004-2005/239 RPCD.PLFS.BC.No. 46 /05.05.14/2004-05 October 26,2004 The Chief Executive Officer (All Indian Private Sector Banks) Dear Sir, Special Agricultural Credit Plans (SACP) At present, public sector banks are formulating Special Agricultural Credit Plans (SACP) under which they fix for themselves targets for disbursement of agricultural credit during a year. The banks have been advised to fix targets at about 20 to 25 per cent higher than the disbursement
Oct 26, 2004
Withdrawn w.e.f. 13/05/2022
Limits on Lending to Agriculture and Distribution of Inputs Enhanced
RBI/ 2004-2005/241 RPCD. PLFS. BC. No. 48 /05.02.02/2004-05 October 26,2004@@NBSP@@The Chairman and Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer(All Scheduled Commercial Banks)(Excluding Regional Rural Banks)Dear Sir,Lending to dealers in agricultural machinery and distributors of inputs for allied activitiesPlease refer to paragraph Nos. 1.2.1 (ii) and 1.2.7 (ix) of the Master Circular on Lending to Priority Sector forwarded with our circular RPCD No. PLAN.BC. 7 /04.09.
RBI/ 2004-2005/241 RPCD. PLFS. BC. No. 48 /05.02.02/2004-05 October 26,2004@@NBSP@@The Chairman and Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer(All Scheduled Commercial Banks)(Excluding Regional Rural Banks)Dear Sir,Lending to dealers in agricultural machinery and distributors of inputs for allied activitiesPlease refer to paragraph Nos. 1.2.1 (ii) and 1.2.7 (ix) of the Master Circular on Lending to Priority Sector forwarded with our circular RPCD No. PLAN.BC. 7 /04.09.
Oct 16, 2004
Withdrawn w.e.f. 13/05/2022
Progress Report Format under SGSY Modified
Circular No. RBI/2004-05 /220 RPCD.SP. BC.No. 41 /09.01.01/2004-05 October 16, 2004 Chairman/ Managing Director All Scheduled Commercial Banks, (excluding RRBs) Dear Sir, Submission of progress reports under Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)-certain modifications Please refer to our circular RBI/2004-05/125,Ref RPCD.SP.BC.18/09.01.01/2004-05 dated 17th August 2004. 2. In view of certain difficulties faced by the banks in compiling/reporting of the data correct
Circular No. RBI/2004-05 /220 RPCD.SP. BC.No. 41 /09.01.01/2004-05 October 16, 2004 Chairman/ Managing Director All Scheduled Commercial Banks, (excluding RRBs) Dear Sir, Submission of progress reports under Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)-certain modifications Please refer to our circular RBI/2004-05/125,Ref RPCD.SP.BC.18/09.01.01/2004-05 dated 17th August 2004. 2. In view of certain difficulties faced by the banks in compiling/reporting of the data correct
Aug 17, 2004
Withdrawn w.e.f. 13/05/2022
Submission of progress reports and change in the periodicity of returns under Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)
Circular No. RBI/2004-05/125 Ref: RPCD.SP.BC.No 18/09.01.01/2004-05 August 17, 2004Chairman/ Managing DirectorAll Scheduled Commercial Banks,(excluding RRBs)Submission of progress reports and change in the periodicity of returns under Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)Please refer to our Circular No. RBI/2004/ 116, Ref: RPCD.SP.BC.No. 72 /09.01.01/2003-04 dated 25th March, 2004 wherein banks have been advised to furnish us the data under SGSY on monthly basis.2
Circular No. RBI/2004-05/125 Ref: RPCD.SP.BC.No 18/09.01.01/2004-05 August 17, 2004Chairman/ Managing DirectorAll Scheduled Commercial Banks,(excluding RRBs)Submission of progress reports and change in the periodicity of returns under Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)Please refer to our Circular No. RBI/2004/ 116, Ref: RPCD.SP.BC.No. 72 /09.01.01/2003-04 dated 25th March, 2004 wherein banks have been advised to furnish us the data under SGSY on monthly basis.2


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