No. 36 : India's Overall Balance of Payments in US Dollars - আৰবিআই - Reserve Bank of India
প্ৰকাশ কৰা তাৰিখ ছেপ্তেম্বৰ 30, 1997
No. 36 : India's Overall Balance of Payments in US Dollars
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A.CURRENT ACCOUNT I. MERCHANDISE 18477 27915 -9438 18266 21064 -2798 18869 24316 -5447 22683 26739 -4056 26855 35904 -9049 II.INVISIBLES (a+b+c) 7464 7706 -242 9502 7882 1620 9334 7413 1921 11319 8421 2898 15554 9874 5680 a) Services 4551 3571 980 5022 3815 1207 4730 3601 1129 5264 4729 535 6135 5533 602 i) Travel 1456 392 1064 1977 465 1512 2098 385 1713 2222 497 1725 2365 818 1547 ii) Transportation 983 1093 -110 939 1289 -350 982 1485 -503 1433 1765 -332 1696 1863 -167 iii) Insurance 111 88 23 108 126 -18 158 146 12 124 195 -71 152 181 -29 iv) G.n.i.e. 15 173 -158 17 119 -102 75 100 -25 30 153 -123 10 165 -155 v) Miscellaneous 1986 1825 161 1981 1816 165 1417 1485 -68 1455 2119 -664 1912 2506 -594 b) Transfers 2545 15 2530 4259 16 4243 4228 13 4215 5660 27 5633 8533 24 8509 vi) Official 462 1 461 461 1 460 364 1 363 373 5 368 421 5 416 vii) Private 2083 14 2069 3798 15 3783 3864 12 3852 5287 22 5265 8112 19 8093 c) Investment Income 368 4120 -3752 221 4051 -3830 376 3799 -3423 395 3665 -3270 886 4317 -3431 Total Current Account 25941 35621 -9680 27768 28946 -1178 28203 31729 -3526 34002 35160 -1158 42409 45778 -3369 (I+II) B. CAPITAL ACCOUNT 1. Foreign Investment 113 10 103 151 18 133 589 32 557 4611 376 4235 5763 956 4807 (a+b) a) In India 113 10 103 151 18 133 589 32 557 4611 376 4235 5753 831 4922 i. Direct 107 10 97 147 18 129 345 30 315 651 65 586 1351 8 1343 ii. Portfolio 6 0 6 4 - 4 244 2 242 3960 311 3649 4402 823 3579 b) Abroad - - - - - - - - - - 10 125 -115 2.Loans 9431 3898 5533 9416 5437 3979 8671 8260 411 9971 8159 1812 10930 7895 3035 (a+b+c) a) External Assistance 3397 1193 2204 4366 1335 3031 3302 1446 1856 3476 1580 1896 3193 1675 1518 i) By India - 6 -6 - 6 -6 - 3 -3 - 5 -5 2 10 -8 ii) To India 3397 1187 2210 4366 1329 3037 3302 1443 1859 3476 1575 1901 3191 1665 1526 b) Commercial Borrowings 4282 2028 2254 3152 1689 1463 1179 1545 -366 3015 2330 685 4249 3125 1124 (MT & LT) i) By India 30 24 6 19 12 7 12 20 -8 102 24 78 97 3 94 ii) To India 4252 2004 2248 3133 1677 1456 1167 1525 -358 2913 2306 607 4152 3122 1030 c) Short Term To India 1752 677 1075 1898 2413 -515 4190 5269 -1079 3480 4249 -769 3488 3095 393 3. Banking Capital 10105 9423 682 10958 10394 564 11998 8172 3826 11500 9237 2263 7020 7354 -334 (a+b) a) Commercial Banks 7959 7055 904 9065 8929 136 10653 7723 2930 10614 8956 1658 6449 7075 -626 i) Assets 426 789 -363 1335 1107 228 1234 161 1073 276 1120 -844 241 1203 -962 ii) Liabilities 186 455 -269 35 417 -382 231 375 -144 1488 191 1297 403 239 164 iii) Non-Resident Deposit 7347 5811 1536 7695 7405 290 9188 7187 2001 8850 7645 1205 5805 5633 172 b) Others 2146 2368 -222 1893 1465 428 1345 449 896 886 281 605 571 279 292 4. Rupee Debt Service - 1193 -1193 - 1240 -1240 - 878 -878 - 1053 -1053 - 983 -983 5. Other Capital 3117 1186 1931 2809 2335 474 1359 1399 -40 2873 1235 1638 2201 224 1977 Total Capital Account 22766 15710 7056 23334 19424 3910 22617 18741 3876 28955 20060 8895 25914 17412 8502 (1 to 5) C. Errors & Omissions 132 - 132 - 133 -133 - 940 -940 800 - 800 654 - 654 D. Overall Balance 48839 51331 -2492 51102 48503 2599 50820 51410 -590 63757 55220 8537 68977 63190 5787 (Total Capital Account, Current Account and Errors & Omissions (A+B+C) E. Monetary Movements 3136 644 2492 1245 3844 -2599 1623 1033 590 321 8858 -8537 0 5787 -5787 (i+ii+iii) i) I.M.F. 1858 644 1214 1245 459 786 1623 335 1288 321 134 187 - 1143 -1143 iii) Foreign Exchange Reserves 1278 - 1278 - 3385 -3385 - 698 -698 - 8724 -8724 - 4644 -4644 ( Increase - / Decrease +) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items 1995-96 July-Sept.1995 Oct.-Dec.1995 Jan-March 1996 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 18 19 17 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A.CURRENT ACCOUNT I. MERCHANDISE 32311 43670 -11359 32311 10216 -2767 7631 10411 -2780 8286 10946 -2660 8945 12097 -3152 II.INVISIBLES (a+b+c) 17676 12216 5460 17676 2444 1416 3973 3301 672 4782 3081 1701 5061 3390 1671 a) Services 7357 7543 -186 7357 1453 47 1639 1736 -97 2159 2085 74 2059 2269 -210 i) Travel 2713 1167 1546 2713 299 244 583 285 298 836 251 585 751 332 419 ii) Transportation 2011 2169 -158 2011 486 -71 497 521 -24 498 604 -106 601 558 43 iii) Insurance 179 143 36 179 34 6 43 33 10 46 50 -4 50 26 24 iv) G.n.i.e. 13 218 -205 13 62 -61 3 56 -53 4 54 -50 5 46 -41 v) Miscellaneous 2441 3846 -1405 2441 572 -71 513 841 -328 775 1126 -351 652 1307 -655 b) Transfers 8890 39 8851 8890 8 1823 2023 12 2011 2334 2 2332 2702 17 2685 vi) Official 351 6 345 351 1 59 71 2 69 49 2 47 171 1 170 vii) Private 8539 33 8506 8539 7 1764 1952 10 1942 2285 0 2285 2531 16 2515 c) Investment Income 1429 4634 -3205 1429 983 -454 311 1553 -1242 289 994 -705 300 1104 -804 Total Current Account 49987 55886 -5899 49987 12660 -1351 11604 13712 -2108 13068 14027 -959 14006 15487 -1481 (I+II) B.CAPITAL ACCOUNT 1. Foreign Investment 5632 1028 4604 5632 328 767 1268 239 1029 1161 239 922 2108 222 1886 (a+b) a) In India 5618 824 4794 5618 299 796 1254 210 1044 1161 197 964 2108 118 1990 i. Direct 2162 29 2133 2162 1 471 464 15 449 668 4 664 558 9 549 ii. Portfolio 3456 795 2661 3456 298 325 790 195 595 493 193 300 1550 109 1441 b) Abroad 14 204 -190 14 29 -29 14 29 -15 - 42 -42 - 104 -104 2. Loans 11332 9131 2201 11332 2098 -719 3202 2939 263 2623 1917 706 4128 2177 1951 (a+b+c) a) External Assistance 2933 2066 867 2933 465 -133 365 936 -571 817 348 469 1419 317 1102 i) By India 0 16 -16 0 5 -5 - 8 -8 - 3 -3 - - - ii) To India 2933 2050 883 2933 460 -128 365 928 -563 817 345 472 1419 317 1102 b) Commercial Borrowings 4262 2977 1285 4262 658 -489 1517 1006 511 1022 852 170 1554 461 1093 (MT & LT) i) By India 10 0 10 10 - 2 1 - 1 1 - 1 6 - 6 ii) To India 4252 2977 1275 4252 658 -491 1516 1006 510 1021 852 169 1548 461 1087 c) Short Term To India 4137 4088 49 4137 975 -97 1320 997 323 784 717 67 1155 1399 -244 3. Banking Capital 6453 5691 762 6453 1144 334 1527 1120 407 1375 1547 -172 2073 1880 193 (a+b) a) Commercial Banks 6172 5235 937 6172 1048 208 1522 1075 447 1357 1273 84 2037 1839 198 i) Assets 867 1251 -384 867 181 14 386 133 253 268 146 122 18 791 -773 ii) Liabilities 376 158 218 376 31 64 70 18 52 10 91 -81 201 18 183 iii) Non-Resident Deposit 4929 3826 1103 4929 836 130 1066 924 142 1079 1036 43 1818 1030 788 b) Others 281 456 -175 281 96 126 5 45 -40 18 274 -256 36 41 -5 4. Rupee Debt Service - 952 -952 - 672 -672 - 3 -3 - 1 -1 - 276 -276 5. Other Capital 748 3285 -2537 748 288 -76 248 1030 -782 135 775 -640 153 1192 -1039 Total Capital Account 24165 20087 4078 24165 4530 -366 6245 5331 914 5294 4479 815 8462 5747 2715 (1 to 5) C. Errors & Omissions 600 600 600 0 849 1597 - 1597 - 775 -775 0 1071 -1071 D. Overall Balance 74752 75973 -1221 74752 17190 -868 19446 19043 403 18362 19281 -919 22468 22305 163 (Total Capital Account, Current Account and Errors & Omissions (A+B+C) E. Monetary Movements 2936 1715 1221 2936 391 868 45 448 -403 1297 378 919 335 498 -163 (i+ii+iii) i) I.M.F. - 1715 -1715 - 391 -391 448 -448 - 378 -378 - 498 -498 iii) Foreign Exchange Reserves 2936 - 2936 2936 - 1259 45 - 45 1297 - 1297 335 - 335 ( Increase - / Decrease +) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In accordance with the recommendations of Report of the Technical Group in Reconciling of Balance of Payments and DGCI & S Data on Merchandise Trade. data on gold and silver brought in by the Indians returning from abroad have been included under import payments with contra entry under Private Transfer Receipts. Data has, therefore, been revised from 1992-93 i.e. since the inception of the scheme.
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