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জুন 06, 2018
বিকাশাত্মক আৰু নিয়ামক নীতি সম্পৰ্কীয় বিবৃতি
৬ জুন, ২০১৮ বিকাশাত্মক আৰু নিয়ামক নীতি সম্পৰ্কীয় বিবৃতি এই বিবৃতিয়ে, নিয়মন তথা তদাৰকীকৰণ সবলীকৰণ, বিত্তীয় বজাৰবোৰৰ পৃষ্ঠবৰ্ধন আৰু গভীৰতাবৰ্ধন, মুদ্ৰা তথা ঋণ ব্যৱস্থাপনাৰ উন্নতি সাধন, প্ৰদান আৰু বন্দোবস্তি প্ৰণালীত উদ্ভাৱনশীলতাৰ সঞ্চাৰণ, আৰু ডেটা ব্যৱস্থাপনা সূচলীকৰণৰ বাবে বিভিন্ন বিকাশাত্মক আৰু নিয়ামক নীতি ব্যৱস্থাবোৰ নিৰ্ধাৰণ কৰিছে। ১. নিয়মন আৰু তদাৰকীকৰণ ১. বিধিগত চলনিধি অনুপাত (এছএলআৰ)ৰ পৰা কাটি অনা চলনিধি আচ্ছাদন অনুপাত (এলচিআৰ)ত বৃদ্ধি বৰ্তমানৰ পথ মানচিত্ৰ অনুযা
৬ জুন, ২০১৮ বিকাশাত্মক আৰু নিয়ামক নীতি সম্পৰ্কীয় বিবৃতি এই বিবৃতিয়ে, নিয়মন তথা তদাৰকীকৰণ সবলীকৰণ, বিত্তীয় বজাৰবোৰৰ পৃষ্ঠবৰ্ধন আৰু গভীৰতাবৰ্ধন, মুদ্ৰা তথা ঋণ ব্যৱস্থাপনাৰ উন্নতি সাধন, প্ৰদান আৰু বন্দোবস্তি প্ৰণালীত উদ্ভাৱনশীলতাৰ সঞ্চাৰণ, আৰু ডেটা ব্যৱস্থাপনা সূচলীকৰণৰ বাবে বিভিন্ন বিকাশাত্মক আৰু নিয়ামক নীতি ব্যৱস্থাবোৰ নিৰ্ধাৰণ কৰিছে। ১. নিয়মন আৰু তদাৰকীকৰণ ১. বিধিগত চলনিধি অনুপাত (এছএলআৰ)ৰ পৰা কাটি অনা চলনিধি আচ্ছাদন অনুপাত (এলচিআৰ)ত বৃদ্ধি বৰ্তমানৰ পথ মানচিত্ৰ অনুযা
জুন 06, 2018
দ্বিতীয় দ্বিমাসিক মৌদ্ৰিক নীতি প্ৰবিৱৰণ,২০১৮-১৯
মৌদ্ৰিক নীতি কমিটী (এমপিচি)ৰ প্ৰস্তাৱ
ভাৰতীয় ৰিজাৰ্ভ বেংক
৬ জুন,২০১৮ দ্বিতীয় দ্বিমাসিক মৌদ্ৰিক নীতি প্ৰবিৱৰণ,২০১৮-১৯ মৌদ্ৰিক নীতি কমিটী (এমপিচি)ৰ প্ৰস্তাৱ ভাৰতীয় ৰিজাৰ্ভ বেংক আজিৰ বৈঠকত চলিত আৰু উদীয়মান স্থূল অৰ্থনৈতিক পৰিস্থিতিৰ মূল্যায়নৰ ভিত্তিত মৌদ্ৰিক নীতি কমিটী (এমপিচি)য়ে এইমৰ্মে সিদ্ধান্ত লয়- চলনিধি সমাযোজন সুবিধা অন্তৰ্গত নীতিগত ৰেপো হাৰ ২৫ বেছিচ পইণ্ট বৃদ্ধিৰে ৬.২৫ শতাংশ কৰা হওক। পৰিণামস্বৰূপে, এলএএফ অন্তৰ্গত ৰিভাৰ্জ ৰেপ হাৰ ৬.০ শতাংশত আৰু উপান্ত স্থায়ী সুবিধা হাৰ তথা বেংক হাৰ ৬.৫০ শতাংশত সমাযোজিত হয়। এম পি চিৰ সি
৬ জুন,২০১৮ দ্বিতীয় দ্বিমাসিক মৌদ্ৰিক নীতি প্ৰবিৱৰণ,২০১৮-১৯ মৌদ্ৰিক নীতি কমিটী (এমপিচি)ৰ প্ৰস্তাৱ ভাৰতীয় ৰিজাৰ্ভ বেংক আজিৰ বৈঠকত চলিত আৰু উদীয়মান স্থূল অৰ্থনৈতিক পৰিস্থিতিৰ মূল্যায়নৰ ভিত্তিত মৌদ্ৰিক নীতি কমিটী (এমপিচি)য়ে এইমৰ্মে সিদ্ধান্ত লয়- চলনিধি সমাযোজন সুবিধা অন্তৰ্গত নীতিগত ৰেপো হাৰ ২৫ বেছিচ পইণ্ট বৃদ্ধিৰে ৬.২৫ শতাংশ কৰা হওক। পৰিণামস্বৰূপে, এলএএফ অন্তৰ্গত ৰিভাৰ্জ ৰেপ হাৰ ৬.০ শতাংশত আৰু উপান্ত স্থায়ী সুবিধা হাৰ তথা বেংক হাৰ ৬.৫০ শতাংশত সমাযোজিত হয়। এম পি চিৰ সি
জুন 06, 2018
The Kuppam Co-operative Town Bank Ltd., Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh – Penalised
The Reserve Bank of India has imposed a monetary penalty of ₹ 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand only) on The Kuppam Co-operative Town Bank Ltd., Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh, in exercise of the powers vested in it under the provisions of Section 47A (1) (c) read with Section 46 (4) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (As Applicable to Co-operative Societies), for violation of provision of Section 27(2) of the Act ibid. The Reserve Bank of India had issued a show cause notice
The Reserve Bank of India has imposed a monetary penalty of ₹ 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand only) on The Kuppam Co-operative Town Bank Ltd., Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh, in exercise of the powers vested in it under the provisions of Section 47A (1) (c) read with Section 46 (4) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (As Applicable to Co-operative Societies), for violation of provision of Section 27(2) of the Act ibid. The Reserve Bank of India had issued a show cause notice
জুন 06, 2018
RBI imposed penalty on 510 Army Base Workshop Credit Co-operative Primary Bank Ltd. Meerut Cantt.
The Reserve Bank of India has imposed a monetary penalty of ₹ 5,00,000/- (five lakh rupees only) on 510 Army Base Workshop Credit Co-operative Primary Bank Ltd., Meerut Cantt. in exercise of powers vested in it under the provisions of Section 47A(1)(c) read with Section 46(4) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (As Applicable to Co-operative Societies), for violation of RBI Instructions/Guidelines on Submission of Proper Compliance on Time, Prudential Norms on Inter-b
The Reserve Bank of India has imposed a monetary penalty of ₹ 5,00,000/- (five lakh rupees only) on 510 Army Base Workshop Credit Co-operative Primary Bank Ltd., Meerut Cantt. in exercise of powers vested in it under the provisions of Section 47A(1)(c) read with Section 46(4) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (As Applicable to Co-operative Societies), for violation of RBI Instructions/Guidelines on Submission of Proper Compliance on Time, Prudential Norms on Inter-b
জুন 05, 2018
Abhyudaya Mahila Urban Co-operative Bank Ltd., Channapatna, Karnataka – Penalised
The Reserve Bank of India has imposed a monetary penalty of ₹ 1.00 lakh (Rupees one lakh only) on Abhyudaya Mahila Urban Co-operative Bank Ltd., Channapatna, in exercise of the powers vested in it under the provisions of Section 47 A (1) (c) read with Section 46 (4) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (As applicable to Co-operative Societies) for violating directives contained in para 3 of Reserve Bank of India Circular No. BPD Cir.50/13.05.00/2002-03 dated April 29,
The Reserve Bank of India has imposed a monetary penalty of ₹ 1.00 lakh (Rupees one lakh only) on Abhyudaya Mahila Urban Co-operative Bank Ltd., Channapatna, in exercise of the powers vested in it under the provisions of Section 47 A (1) (c) read with Section 46 (4) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (As applicable to Co-operative Societies) for violating directives contained in para 3 of Reserve Bank of India Circular No. BPD Cir.50/13.05.00/2002-03 dated April 29,
মে’ 29, 2018
4 NBFCs surrender their Certificate of Registration to RBI
The following NBFCs have surrendered the Certificate of Registration granted to them by the Reserve Bank of India. The Reserve Bank of India, in exercise of powers conferred on it under Section 45-IA (6) of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, has therefore cancelled their Certificate of Registration. Sr. No. Name of the Company Office Address CoR No. Issued On Cancellation Order Date 1. M/s Silver Trading and Services Limited 20, R.N. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata-700 001
The following NBFCs have surrendered the Certificate of Registration granted to them by the Reserve Bank of India. The Reserve Bank of India, in exercise of powers conferred on it under Section 45-IA (6) of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, has therefore cancelled their Certificate of Registration. Sr. No. Name of the Company Office Address CoR No. Issued On Cancellation Order Date 1. M/s Silver Trading and Services Limited 20, R.N. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata-700 001
মে’ 28, 2018
RBI extends Directions issued to Rupee Co-operative Bank Ltd., Pune
The Reserve Bank of India (vide directive DCBR.CO.AID/D-42/12.22.218/2017-18 dated May 23, 2018) has extended directions issued to Rupee Co-operative Bank Ltd., Pune, Maharashtra for a further period of three months from June 01, 2018 to August 31, 2018 subject to review. The directions were originally imposed from February 22, 2013 to August 21, 2013 and were extended on eight occasions for a period of six months each and four occasions for a period of three months e
The Reserve Bank of India (vide directive DCBR.CO.AID/D-42/12.22.218/2017-18 dated May 23, 2018) has extended directions issued to Rupee Co-operative Bank Ltd., Pune, Maharashtra for a further period of three months from June 01, 2018 to August 31, 2018 subject to review. The directions were originally imposed from February 22, 2013 to August 21, 2013 and were extended on eight occasions for a period of six months each and four occasions for a period of three months e
মে’ 25, 2018
RBI cancels Certificate of Registration of 2 NBFCs
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has cancelled the certificate of registration of the following two Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) in exercise of the powers conferred on it under Section 45-IA (6) of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. Sr. No. Company's Name Address of Registered Office Certificate of Registration No. Issued On Date of cancellation 1. M/s Jay Kay Transporters and Financiers (P) Limited Gurduwara Building, Amira Kadal, Srinagar-190 001 B-11000
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has cancelled the certificate of registration of the following two Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) in exercise of the powers conferred on it under Section 45-IA (6) of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. Sr. No. Company's Name Address of Registered Office Certificate of Registration No. Issued On Date of cancellation 1. M/s Jay Kay Transporters and Financiers (P) Limited Gurduwara Building, Amira Kadal, Srinagar-190 001 B-11000
মে’ 25, 2018
9 NBFCs surrender their Certificate of Registration to RBI
The following NBFCs have surrendered the Certificate of Registration granted to them by the Reserve Bank of India. The Reserve Bank of India, in exercise of powers conferred on it under Section 45-IA (6) of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, has therefore cancelled their Certificate of Registration. Sr. No. Name of the Company Office Address CoR No. Issued On Cancellation Order Date 1 M/s Premium Exports Limited 25, Ground Floor, World Trade Centre, Barakhamba Lane,
The following NBFCs have surrendered the Certificate of Registration granted to them by the Reserve Bank of India. The Reserve Bank of India, in exercise of powers conferred on it under Section 45-IA (6) of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, has therefore cancelled their Certificate of Registration. Sr. No. Name of the Company Office Address CoR No. Issued On Cancellation Order Date 1 M/s Premium Exports Limited 25, Ground Floor, World Trade Centre, Barakhamba Lane,
মে’ 21, 2018
RBI cancels Certificate of Registration of 2 NBFCs
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has cancelled the certificate of registration of the following two Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) in exercise of the powers conferred on it under Section 45-IA (6) of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. Sr. No. Company's Name Address of Registered Office Certificate of Registration No. Issued On Date of cancellation 1. M/s Growell Auto Leasing Private Limited Inside Gali PNB, G.T. Road, Batala, Gurdaspur-143505, Punjab B-06.00
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has cancelled the certificate of registration of the following two Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) in exercise of the powers conferred on it under Section 45-IA (6) of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. Sr. No. Company's Name Address of Registered Office Certificate of Registration No. Issued On Date of cancellation 1. M/s Growell Auto Leasing Private Limited Inside Gali PNB, G.T. Road, Batala, Gurdaspur-143505, Punjab B-06.00


ভাৰতীয় ৰিজাৰ্ভ বেংক মোবাইল এপ্পলিকেষ্যন ইনষ্টল কৰক আৰু নৱীনতম বাতৰিৰ প্ৰৱেশাধিকাৰ পাওক!

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পৃষ্ঠাটো শেহতীয়া আপডেট কৰা তাৰিখ: ছেপ্তেম্বৰ 06, 2024